

May 21, 2004
Reaction score
ok, that might be a bit too much laughing on my end, i apologize. but i think this is hilarious. to all the people that didn't want to purchase HL2 over steam, because you wanted the tangible retail copy... this is my official thread of laughter focused in your general direction.

is it just me, or does anyone find it hilarious that these retail copies of HL2 simply install the GCF files that the pre-loaders have had for weeks now? just think, you could've been playing CS:S for the last 2 or 3 weeks! bahahaha!
What exactly did you expect?

The files aren't actually the tangible part they were after. The tangible part is the CD/DVD and box...
Isn't this information about CS:Source being able to be played immediantly 4+ weeks old?
Im really confused, what point is he making Chris? and is that screenshot real. and is it in german?
oh man i thought the retail version came with free copies of DNF and Halo 2 PC...and all this time it was only HL2...
That's a screenshot of Half-Life 2 retail installing. Retailers have started selling the retail copies early - but it's still unplayable until Tuesday.

The point he's trying to make though is that installation is just copying over a series of GCF cache files that all Steam pre-loaders have had downloaded for months. He's laughing at them for wanting a tangible copy and trying to make a point that the retail buyers have no more than a normal Steam buyer. Which is wrong because the retail buyers actually have a tangible CD/DVD and the box.
Hectic Glenn said:
and is it in german?
yes it is
hl2 setup
updating the system

the choosen features are now installed

copy of new data
file: half-life 2 german.gfc
folder: d:\steam\steamapps
size: 7823 ....
Eh... if I got this right... you think 6CD:s or 1 DVD contains 1 little .gfc?
Thats b.s. And wouldnt that be fun for the 56k dudes to preload all the data when they thought that they would only need to spend their precios internet time to register. I think VALVe would be bombed to the ground. Would that require the box to say "OH, CUSTOMERS BEWARE: downloads 4 gigs of junk from teh internet"
Personally I dont care, a day wait more wouldnt be bad.
WOwow people need to stop about this early release stuff.!
Someone is using my Steam CD Key which is BS because I actually bought counter-strike.
Well, I have to buy the retail version, as I've only got the ol' 56k connection (which never really gets that speed) and it's on an annoying 4-hour connection limit. And we can only afford one phone line...

Should be getting broadband sooner or later, though...
Cukel said:
Eh... if I got this right... you think 6CD:s or 1 DVD contains 1 little .gfc?
Thats b.s. And wouldnt that be fun for the 56k dudes to preload all the data when they thought that they would only need to spend their precios internet time to register. I think VALVe would be bombed to the ground. Would that require the box to say "OH, CUSTOMERS BEWARE: downloads 4 gigs of junk from teh internet"
Personally I dont care, a day wait more wouldnt be bad.

remove your head from your ass.

the 5 cd's or 1 dvd contains multiple gigs of GCF files, not one small gcf file, dumbass.
othello said:
is it just me, or does anyone find it hilarious that these retail copies of HL2 simply install the GCF files that the pre-loaders have had for weeks now? just think, you could've been playing CS:S for the last 2 or 3 weeks! bahahaha!

Yeah saw that earlier, guess i was wrong when i thought they were not encrypted and are just files that installs instead of gcf. Anyways, good on valve. :cheers:
i think he is saying "the people that wanted the box because they say "i will have hl2 in 10 years and you wont" wont have it any longer then us, when steam dies, we all die...
othello said:
ok, that might be a bit too much laughing on my end, i apologize. but i think this is hilarious. to all the people that didn't want to purchase HL2 over steam, because you wanted the tangible retail copy... this is my official thread of laughter focused in your general direction.

is it just me, or does anyone find it hilarious that these retail copies of HL2 simply install the GCF files that the pre-loaders have had for weeks now? just think, you could've been playing CS:S for the last 2 or 3 weeks! bahahaha!

Um.. right? That's what I was hoping it would have.. the files of the game. What else would it be.. pancakes?
othello said:
ok, that might be a bit too much laughing on my end, i apologize. but i think this is hilarious. to all the people that didn't want to purchase HL2 over steam, because you wanted the tangible retail copy... this is my official thread of laughter focused in your general direction.

is it just me, or does anyone find it hilarious that these retail copies of HL2 simply install the GCF files that the pre-loaders have had for weeks now? just think, you could've been playing CS:S for the last 2 or 3 weeks! bahahaha!


Oh wait. That's not funny.

Like Chris pointed out people want retail copies so they can have the physical items of a box and discs.
I love how he had to actually use a camera to take a picture of his monitor....

Ever hear of a thing called Print Screen?
I didn't buy it retail because I wanted a box and cd/dvd's. I bought it because im stuck on 56k and im not spending the next 6 years downloading it when I could just go out to the shop and buy it.

I dunno what you thought was gonna be on the cd's? I think i'd be annoyed if it wasn't the halflife2 install files lol
Chris_D said:
That's a screenshot of Half-Life 2 retail installing. Retailers have started selling the retail copies early - but it's still unplayable until Tuesday.

The point he's trying to make though is that installation is just copying over a series of GCF cache files that all Steam pre-loaders have had downloaded for months. He's laughing at them for wanting a tangible copy and trying to make a point that the retail buyers have no more than a normal Steam buyer. Which is wrong because the retail buyers actually have a tangible CD/DVD and the box.

yes, a tangible cardboard folded box with gordon's, alyx's, or g-man's face on it. oh and 5 paper cd sleeves. just use the steam backup utility and burn your GCF's to CDs/DVDs and viola'! you have HL2 retail! :)
I am so going to go out and buy hl2 in box because then I can install it and wait until the 16th like everyone else, cool!
Cukel said:
Eh... if I got this right... you think 6CD:s or 1 DVD contains 1 little .gfc?
Thats b.s. And wouldnt that be fun for the 56k dudes to preload all the data when they thought that they would only need to spend their precios internet time to register. I think VALVe would be bombed to the ground. Would that require the box to say "OH, CUSTOMERS BEWARE: downloads 4 gigs of junk from teh internet"
Personally I dont care, a day wait more wouldnt be bad.

what? that makes no sense... even if it was just one GCF file, thats still very plausible. considering the preload is like what, 3 gigs or so? that perfect for 5 cds and/or 1 dvd. btw, if you buy the retail, you don't preload anything. you just authenticate with the steam servers...
Your better off buying it from steam. All the steam users will be able to play the game at 1201 am monday/tuesday morning. PST where those who bought retail have to wait until stores open on tuesday morning or ups/fed ex shows up.

Plus once patches come out for hl2/css, gcf files will get bigger which means even if you install from a disk, you will have to dl more content.

You are better off just buying it off steam, printing your own cover and putting it on dvd using steams new backup feature. So yeah I am laughing at all the people that bought it retail. HAHAHAHAHA[SARCASM]hahahahahahahaa[/SARCASM]