Ban time.

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
I haven't banned anyone in ages. Post in here to tell me who you want banned and why, and I'll pick the best suggestion and ban them.
Bots, because bots.
Not me, because I made that gif. Well, and Raziaar edited your head on it. So not Raziaar either. Even though he doesn't come here anymore.
That guy who made a G-Man Theory thread.
roll a dice to get the month and day of the registration of someone to ban
Ban Pi Mu Rho, he's a sadist who wants to ban somebody on a whim.
You smooth talker, you.
Ban anyone who hasn't banned anyone in ages.
We need more Russian Roulette bans a la Christmas a few years ago.
Ban the next person to post in this thread.
i havn't made a shitty thread in a while, so i think it should be me.