Band name suggestions? Anyone?

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I'm wondering if any of you would like to give me suggestions on a band name for a progressive/power/thrash metal band similiar to Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, Evergrey, etc.

Ex: Chains of Sanity, Tainted Sanity (pretty sure it'll be one of these, but you never know if there'll be better stuff.)

Has to be dark. Obviously. You aren't a metal band if you're emo though. So there has to be a balance.

Here is the band myspace page if you want more info to help you choose a name to submit:

And the website (or at least genres and bands that inspired me):

Also, if anyone knows anyone who plays guitar, drums, bass, or sings in a metal style around Tampa, specifically Apollo Beach, tell me. My band is kinda slow getting on it's feet... Especially since my dad's in the Army.

Also, if you are just a metalhead like me, tell me. I love meeting new metalheads... There's hardly any at my school and around here...

So thanks. Hopefully.
Mutilation Colony

Hopefully you won't get sued.
It'd help if we heard some of your stuff, if you made anything.
I would love to put some music out, but half the band is in Kentucky and I'm in Florida... Certainly doesn't help.

Mutilation Colony is a bit too death/black metalish... I have death/black metal influences, like Opeth and Dimmu Borgir, but I don't really intend to go in that direction that much.

Except for a few parts in songs with harsh in-your-face vocals... But hey ya know.


At least it isn't cheesy. I find it nice.
Rancid Hate Scheme Abomination Death Pit-tron 5000 Mega.

Just off the top of my head :cool:
Don't give your band a name consistent with your genre. That's just stupid.
Nihilistic Existence!'
something i thought of a couple of years back. :(
Call it:
Fliko's Deamons
Or: The Pillow Fluffers
"Having Sex While Your Penis is Damaged with Acid Burns" sounds pretty hardcore. It wouldn't even feel good.
God, metal band names are so damn awful. Chains of Sanity? Tainted Sanity? Ugh. I know a dude whose completely generic metal band is called Our Lady of Bloodshed. Embarassingly terrible. Try not being so typical
How about "Groupies Queue Here". And then make band t-shirts and have the name with an arrow pointing towards your genitals.

Man, I'm just picking this stuff out of thin air. No joke.
Take your names and make a word out of them and add something cool to the end?
Look up medieval machinery, weapons etc. some true metal names to be had from that era :D

Academy of Pain
Hell On Earth
Bleeding Dagger
How about "Groupies Queue Here". And then make band t-shirts and have the name with an arrow pointing towards your genitals.

Man, I'm just picking this stuff out of thin air. No joke.

Do IT!
You could call it Violent Mob Hysteria. But that would be thiefing from me. So... Lecherous Cancer!
what about skulls?
since probably skull are relationed to heavy metal

and the logo will be a bunch of skulls

just call it something stupid like "angels of hell"
Hell Angel Skull**** Semen Mutilation Sodomization of Vomit Death Daggers of Satan's Asshole Fiery ****forge
or what about flying spacecats from hell?
wow... great responses... filled this thread up!

Chains of Sanity (or Tainted Sanity) I like because it reflects how even though we are sane, we can still be insane. If you know what i mean.
It's a progressive kind of thing... I just want a band name that'll stick in people's heads.
A silly one will, but... idk, I've always been much more serious bout this kinda thing than most other people.

Although it would be funny if there was a band called Having Sex While Your Penis is Damaged with Acid Burns... not to mention people would listen to you just because of your name. But then it wouldn't be about the music.
Yes it would. I can fully imagine the music of Having Sex While Your Penis is Damaged with Acid Burns. It would be... Horrible. But legendary.
The first album: OMFG IT HURTS!!!
That'd be great...

Last song on that album: Skin Replacement
ugh....worry about playing good music and being decent musicians - people aren't going to like your band just because you have a sweet name.....

I'm so tired of people starting bands and all they worry about it logos and names when the musicianship is the equivalent of a yelling drunkard. bah.....
Ishmael and The Whale

Oh, and I better get credit if you use this shit, or else I'll sure you til you die from it.
Your band name should be "We Stick Out", or the "Sticker of Outers".
How about Listening Noises for your Earface.

Hmm... no, that's more of an album title.
Corpse Field
Intestinal Carnage
Inhumane Doings
If I released an album, I'd name it "Finding Shens". No idea what I'd call the band, though.

-Angry Lawyer
Yellow Syntax
Eighty-One Inch Finger Extensions
The Clipper
Visit to the Dentist
Ultra Idealistic Emo Crap
Stabbo Munies
Burpelly or Burperry
New Age Morans (spelled intentionally)
Blow-uppity Fame
Touche for Men
Eau de Toilette
bigburpco (I demand monies if this becomes the band name :D)
Caught Pants Down
The Half-assed Effort
Ze Danish Headbutt
Dover Straught
Kill People Music
Ewe the Pirate
Explosions on a Regular Basis
Rapid Van (to the) Moon
Magic on the 60s Train (lol)
Master Bait (:laugh:)
Puker Melody
Toilet Trap
Baby Infant Razor
Silent Ninja Assassination of Prime Ministers and Such
Ivan Mikahov

That's all I can think of now.

And AL super mod? Woo yay! :D

EDIT: Added lots! :D