Banjo Kazooie 3 First Trailer


Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
It's officialy comin to the xbox 360 for thoes of you who don't already know. It was one of my favorites for the N64. \o/

Thats not Banjo or Kazooie. They look more like badly-made imposers.

I hope they look better in-game.
I hated those kinds of games. >_<

I guess I was too into the whole, "Shoot people in the face" games... \=
Oh my god i love you!

Finally another Banjo-Kazooie game :D

I'm loving my 360 more and more everyday now!
Now only if Microsoft made Conker: Live and Reloaded work on my 360.
I only hope this doesn't turn into another Perfect Dark Zero. I'd hate to see another awesome Rare franchise turn to next-gen crap.
The only good thing about that video was the sound effects.
I only hope this doesn't turn into another Perfect Dark Zero. I'd hate to see another awesome Rare franchise turn to next-gen crap.

Well, their remake of Conkers Bad Fur Day was one of the best games for the Xbox imo. That said it was a remake so they couldnt really screw up the story :P

I'm sure they'll make it good. I like the way it looks :)
I don't like the change in art style, and the humour seems a lot less subtle than in the earlier games. I'll keep an eye on this, but I don't think it's part of the same series in spirit.

It's still early days.

It's just got me all excited again though. I remember being all hyped for Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie for the N64 as a kid. Just brought back some fond memories of the series to me.
If they change the noise Mumbo makes I swear I will skull-**** them with my N64 controller.


It will be interesting to see how it turns out. Hopefully it'll be good.

one of my favorite games ever.

too bad its on the 360 and not the wii.
I loved the first game.
But those new character designs look... wrong. :|

Hopefully the game will be as good as the original. And I hope it bears no resemblance at all to DK64.
Gah, Banjo looks horrid.

That said both Banjo Kazooie and Tooie were great and if this is good I'll probably get a 360 for it.
I'm with most here, I don't really like the new look, but if it's anywhere near as good as the originals, then shizzam! look is horrible. The view of Spiral Mountain at the end sure brought back memories...but...I don't know.

Oh, and microsoft + Banjo-Kazooie just doesn't work D:
good god.....! Rare hasn't been the same lately though :(, it wont be the same BK that I played on my n64 so forget it.
Ive allways wanted to play Banjo Kazooie, so I went to australia and stole BK and BT from a friend (true story) but the game keeps on crashing :( last time was after a long marathon sitting and it didnt save, havent touched it since that...


and as others have said, Im dissapointed with the new style...
Donkey Kong 64 was an incredible game, and a perfect midway point between Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie. Granted, the game did end up sort of turning into a collect-a-thon, but it was so damn huge and there was so much to do that it didn't really matter. My only complaint, really, is in the ease with which some Golden Bananas were collected... but I digress. Suffice is to say, I don't think Threeie will be able to recapture the feel, fun factor or replayability of the first two Banjo games, which I think are some of the best games made, ever. A merely "good" game won't be enough to satisfy me.

Hmmm... DK64 was "ok" I suppose. I did bother to complete it in the end.
But compared to Banjo Kazooie, or the amazing Donkey Kong Country series, it was a soulless exercise. The game was huge, but felt sparse and repetitive.
And I felt that there was hardly any real platforming in the game - the player was practically glued to the ground compared to, say, Super Mario 64.
The whole game seemed like an exercise in wandering across flat spaces, collecting things. Meh. :sleep:

I'm hoping that Rare will recapture the spark of the original Banjo in this new game.
(I can't speak for Banjo Tooie, I never got to play it)
Rare is not Rare anymore, sad to see such a brilliant developement studio be bought out by a huge corporation only to milk franchises with mediocre titles with very little flavor and more triangles. RIP Rare, I miss your old games and wish the best to those that departed (some are working on time splitters team).
I can't really think of a developer any more where every release gets me hyped. Nintendo to some extent. But they really have bum notes like Mario Party which I just can't get excited about.

I used to get really excited about Rare.
I quite liked the Banjo Kazooie games. I hope if the art style is different it will grow on me.
I played PDZ around my friends house a while ago and I thought it was pretty "meh" and very generic.

Tis a shame really :(
I loved the BK games on the N64, that along with Perfect Dark, Goldeneye and Super Mario 64 were my favourites. But to be honest, they should let them RIP as the legendry games they were, they have already ****ed up the Perfect Dark Zero, so they will do the same to BK most likely. They just leave them along as the classics they are >.<
I loved the BK games on the N64, that along with Perfect Dark, Goldeneye and Super Mario 64 were my favourites. But to be honest, they should let them RIP as the legendry games they were
Virtual Consooooole~~~ :smoking:
There won't be BK on VC. Microsoft won't let Rare transfer any games over.
... You mean... no Golden Eye? No Perfect Dark? :|
I really wish MS hadn't bought Rare, they sent them straight to the shitter. The only decent game they've made while under MS is a remake of one of their N64 games ... and it even had sections cut from the campaign. That speaks volumes of what has become of what used to be the greatest development teams around. Donkey Kong Country 1-3, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie, DK64 ... all great games, some of them are a few of the best games ever made. Too bad.

The ideal situation would have been for Rare to go third party and be completely independent, but an MS takeover is about the worst thing that could happen. For platformers they have now been replaced and improved upon by Naughty Dog, and Free Radical are the only ones that come close to the same greatness in the console FPS department.
The thing is, Rare was already on the downhill slide when Microsoft bought them. I think that's why Nintendo was ok with letting them go. Their last hurrah with Nintendo, Star Fox Adventures, was pretty much a beautiful, but really uninspired, Zelda clone.
... You mean... no Golden Eye? No Perfect Dark? :|

Rare (eg Microsoft) own the rights to Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie, Conker, Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corps.
No way is MS going to donate those games to Nintendo's online library.

And I think Acitivision or some other gits are cavorting around with the Bond license, so that probably rules out Goldeneye as well. :(

It kinda sucks that Rare were the #1 developer keeping the N64 afloat, and now their entire library is not going to be included in the record.
Arrrrgh, that sucks. Was looking forward to having those games especially... :(
The thing is, Rare was already on the downhill slide when Microsoft bought them. I think that's why Nintendo was ok with letting them go. Their last hurrah with Nintendo, Star Fox Adventures, was pretty much a beautiful, but really uninspired, Zelda clone.

Starfox Adventures was YUCK :( , def the decline of Rare. It had some great art and great concepts but failed to deliver any kind of genuine progression or sense of accomplishment aka fun