Banned from hl2!

The Dark Elf said:
"but I didn't know it was wrong officer, I just wanted to steal this car/break into this house, take drugs, rape this girl. To see what it was like"

It's no excuse, you can't tell us you didn't know cheating was wrong, nobody cares if you cheat on a SP game, but when you cheat on a MP game you spoil it for others, and to say you only did it to see what it was like is not good enough.

Oh and don't assume they don't know your IP.. for you to connect to steam and have data sent back and forth, it requires knowing your IP, otherwise it doesn't know where to send the data packets.

So thats your bonfire well and truly pissed on :p

geeze Fenric, I mean I agree with you 99.9% of the time...but you just compared cheating to stealing a car, breaking into a house, taking drugs, and raping a girl.

I mean to me they arn't in the same ballpark. I hate cheating as much as you do but I would never make such a comparison
Icarus said:
geeze Fenric, I mean I agree with you 99.9% of the time...but you just compared cheating to stealing a car, breaking into a house, taking drugs, and raping a girl.

I mean to me they arn't in the same ballpark. I hate cheating as much as you do but I would never make such a comparison

Yeah, those examples were a little over the top.

Better example would be a professional sports athlete taking steroids I think.
Valve can rot in hell (once theve released hl2) i wasnt liek being annoying to other people with it or anything i just wanted to see what it was like, just running around watching people through walls i think my score was 3 to 20 or sumthin!
yadalogo said:
Valve can rot in hell (once theve released hl2) i wasnt liek being annoying to other people with it or anything i just wanted to see what it was like, just running around watching people through walls i think my score was 3 to 20 or sumthin!

Dude... like, learn to type.

And stop taking drugs and raping girls. :p
yadalogo said:
Valve can rot in hell (once theve released hl2) i wasnt liek being annoying to other people with it or anything i just wanted to see what it was like, just running around watching people through walls i think my score was 3 to 20 or sumthin!

don't expect sympathy from anyone. regardless of what your intentions were, the bottom line is you supported the hacking community, which doesn't go over too well with any game developers or the general multiplayer community, not just valve.
ACLeroK212 said:
Yeah, those examples were a little over the top.

Better example would be a professional sports athlete taking steroids I think.

pretty good comparison, although PEDs(Performance Enhancing Drugs) don't just help you at the moment, they let you "cheat" when building muscle.

I would compare it more like white-collar crimes, like insider trading. Although it doesn't hurt people, per se, it's an unfair advantage.
Icarus is forcing me to reply to this thread! Aaahhh!

My thoughts on the matter:

You "tested" cheats on a VAC secure server. It's your fault. You shouldn't have connected to a VAC secure server. You deserved to be banned.

That said, I think testing cheats (if that's REALLY what you're doing) is perfectly acceptable. A game or two with them running can really show you..
1) How they work
2) How you can spot them
3) How pathetic people are who use them all the time

Anyhow. I'm all for people testing cheats. As long as it stops after the test. Prolonged use sucks. You deserved to be banned for being a moron and testing them on a secure server. Try it with a friend on a private server, don't ruin the game for others.
Shuzer said:
Icarus is forcing me to reply to this thread! Aaahhh!

My thoughts on the matter:

You "tested" cheats on a VAC secure server. It's your fault. You shouldn't have connected to a VAC secure server. You deserved to be banned.

That said, I think testing cheats (if that's REALLY what you're doing) is perfectly acceptable. A game or two with them running can really show you..
1) How they work
2) How you can spot them
3) How pathetic people are who use them all the time

Anyhow. I'm all for people testing cheats. As long as it stops after the test. Prolonged use sucks. You deserved to be banned for being a moron and testing them on a secure server. Try it with a friend on a private server, don't ruin the game for others.

testing or not, downloading hacks is still supporting the hack community. testing to become able to recognize hacks isn't as effective of a method to get rid of them as is boycotting them altogether.
ACLeroK212 said:
testing or not, downloading hacks is still supporting the hack community. testing to become able to recognize hacks isn't as effective of a method to get rid of them as is boycotting them altogether.

Never said otherwise. Getting rid of them all together is fine with me.
But, if you're going to test it, as I said, either A) do it with a friend one on one, where it doesn't matter or B) suffer the consequences
ACLeroK212 said:
testing or not, downloading hacks is still supporting the hack community. testing to become able to recognize hacks isn't as effective of a method to get rid of them as is boycotting them altogether.

you are never gonna get rid of be able to recongize the signs of hacks is much more bennifical...
Icarus said:
you are never gonna get rid of be able to recongize the signs of hacks is much more bennifical...

Yep. Agreed. If more dimwit admins could discern between hacks and skills, CS would be a much happier place.
Shuzer said:
Never said otherwise. Getting rid of them all together is fine with me.
But, if you're going to test it, as I said, either A) do it with a friend one on one, where it doesn't matter or B) suffer the consequences

I understand what your trying to say. And in theory, yes, testing them to familiarize yourself with them is good, but it still requires downloading them, which is the source of the problem to begin with. Hackers could care less, and don't always know what your intentions are with their hacks. All they know is if people continue to download and support them, they're gonna keep creating them.
I don't think cheat developers really look at download figures to think "hey, x amount of people DLed CheatBotv9 today.. guess it's time to update it! Has alot of support!"

No, I doubt it. There's a huge community of cheaters which keeps the fire fueled.
ACLeroK212 said:
I understand what your trying to say. And in theory, yes, testing them to familiarize yourself with them is good, but it still requires downloading them, which is the source of the problem to begin with. Hackers could care less, and don't always know what your intentions are with their hacks. All they know is if people continue to download and support them, they're gonna keep creating them.

but you will never get people to stop downloading them...there will always be 14 year olds wanting a better kil:death ratio
Icarus said:
geeze Fenric, I mean I agree with you 99.9% of the time...but you just compared cheating to stealing a car, breaking into a house, taking drugs, and raping a girl.

I mean to me they arn't in the same ballpark. I hate cheating as much as you do but I would never make such a comparison

Read his post properly. He is not comparing drugs, B&E and rape to cheating as comparable crimes, he is just pointing out that saying "I didn't know it was wrong and wanted to see what it was like" in these cases is obviously not going to get you forgiven or let off, so why would it for cheating?

He was showing what happened if you take it to the "N"th degree.
yadalogo said:
How was i spoiling it for others? i wasnt like abusiing it or anything just seing what a wall hack and aimbot and all that other crap were, like i wasnt really playing i think i might have gotten like 6 kills to 21 deaths not really making it unfair for others!

You are one wack kid, on a guilt trip.
I'm sure Valve is oh so upset that you hacked and now want them to rot in hell. Be a man and own up to your mistakes.
yadalogo said:
i just wanted to see what it was like, just running around watching people through walls i think my score was 3 to 20 or sumthin!

I sorta feel for you. It can be fun, and even benifical, to make/use hacks. It helps you understand how the game works. If you make em it can really help your programming skillz. The problem comes when you're playing with peeps who just want a fair game. You're not the type of person valve's after, BUT due to the inabality for valve to differ from you, the experimenter, and the jackass that wants to tick everyone off / admire his 101 kills to 0 deaths, you were banned.

That's not saying you didn't make any mistakes. First off, you may not of known valve's stance on cheating, but you HAD to know pepole didn't like it. There are servers out there where pepole who hack play, and may even be a few that are just unprotected (thought I'd still perfer you not to play on those). You knew it was wrong, and got a rude awakening. Everyone has done something like this at LEAST (probably more than) once. Just relax, Halflife isn't everything. Wheither or not you realize it. right now you're probably REALLY ticked at the fact that you really really wanted to play again and had to pay money to do it before one year was up. Play Unreal Tournet 2004 or Operation Flashpoint (or in a few days DOOM 3 :D ) for a while. They all get boring after 4-5 years, for most pepole anyways.

Life goes on, move past this event. You have no clue how many times I look back and think this is what I should have done, and if everyone else is honest, they'll have to admit it too (no, not hacking, other random dumbarse things they did). OMG this is a long post.
Karis said:
Halflife isn't everything. Wheither or not you realize it, right now you're probably REALLY ticked

Just want to clarify, that "Wheither or not you realize it" was ment to go with the "Right now you're..." sentence, not with the "Halflife isn't everything" sentence. Would have edited to clarify (would make the 6th edit I beleive), but the button's gone. That coulda made a nasty misunderstanding.