

Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
In Korea anyway.

*Splinter Cell: Chaos theory

REASON: Scenario has US attacking N.Korea and has Seoul destroyed in a sea of fire.

*Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction

REASON: Much like above

*Ghost Recon 2

REASON: Like above


REASON: Brutal murdering of law enforcement personel

I <3 Censorship! Its keeping the nation in one :p

So, any games bant in your region/country? I heard that GTA was banned in Austrailia.
In Australia:
GTA III was banned, edited (removed hookers) and re-released. Vice city was edited before it was released, and San Andreas seems to have gotten away unedited (I think)

Also, duke nukem 3D was censored (they covered up the strippers tits, but 3D realms (or whoever it was who made it) snuck an unlocking patch onto the CD)
Qonfused said:
Saudi Arabia banned Pokemon.

What? I mean Pikachu is annoying but, to ban it altogether....

Must be good for the yound children's souls.

bliink said:
In Australia:
GTA III was banned, edited (removed hookers) and re-released. Vice city was edited before it was released, and San Andreas seems to have gotten away unedited (I think)

Also, duke nukem 3D was censored (they covered up the strippers tits, but 3D realms (or whoever it was who made it) snuck an unlocking patch onto the CD)

Ohh... Wait, whys San Andreas unedited? I would think that it would be the most edited one. Or whatever.
man hunt was banned in new zealand awhile back and there's been plenty of other bans around the world.
15357 said:
Ohh... Wait, whys San Andreas unedited? I would think that it would be the most edited one. Or whatever.

Well, I know it was banned during the hot coffee fiasco (only because of a rule that said the developers are required to bring anything that would rate a game M15 or greater to the attention of the review board- and they didnt with the sex content) but it was re-released after that was edited out.
Y'know, I don't know about games being banned here in Belgium. Will have to check that out.
EDIT: Nope; afaik nothing banned. Although a political party here (Vlaams belang) is trying to get violent games banned.
every US original game is banned here in germay :D
ok not realy banned ... but they are on the index. Every non-proofed game are (without the label wich says for what age it is) - that includes every game that was released before the law enures. Even '90s child games :D

and recently after our goverment changes they now want to ban ever "killerspiel"

most games are cut, on the index or not even released here in germany.
GTA is always banned and I get it before it's edited/banned.
Sweden is depriving its people of the social integrity and morality and censorship that their people need! :frown:

bliink said:
In Australia:
GTA III was banned, edited (removed hookers) and re-released. Vice city was edited before it was released, and San Andreas seems to have gotten away unedited (I think)

Also, duke nukem 3D was censored (they covered up the strippers tits, but 3D realms (or whoever it was who made it) snuck an unlocking patch onto the CD)
I love that with this, and with Hot Coffee, what people are pissed off about is sexual content. I'm not advocating censorship or banning of the GTA series, 'cause I wub 'em, but if I did, then hookers wouldn't really be the first gripe on my list.

But maybe they've got a point. After all, sex is a disgusting, sordid and sinful act, punishable by damnation. Repent now, sinners. Hell just isn't good enough for those junkies of carnal depravity.
Every country is so stupid. I always thought USA went too far taking GTA san andreas off the shelves. I mean it has a rating of mature. Ive seen people having sex in rated R movies, and suggestion of it in PG-13 movies... so wtf

your guys countries are ****ing stupid. no offense? Lol

What are you going to start censoring animals that walk by in the wilderness? put some clothes on your pets?

god forbid there would be a nude creature! That insect was naked!!

BANNED! now for what i say in some countries people would go "omg! he must want to die!" so what happens when countries start banning internet access becuase they want to filter everything you see!?

this could get ugly..

EDIT: actually i guess i can understand some of it. Like if there was some Ghi Had terrorist game where you kill americans ... that would likely be banned in USA
Yup, but luckily, I thus don't live in a ****ing stupid country, seeing as we never ban any games, or such.:)
Pokemon is no good, its not good for children, if ya dont believe me,

Then, I shall flash back the incidents happened at Japan on December 16 1997,

(From Wikipedia about Banned episodes of Pokemon.

"This episode was aired in Japan on December 16, 1997 and became infamous for causing a number of epileptic seizures in young viewers.

About 20 minutes into the episode "Dennou Senshi Porygon", occasionally translated as "Computer Soldier Porygon", there was a scene of a rocket explosion that flashed red and blue lights at a rate of about 12 Hz. At this point, viewers started to complain of blurred vision, headaches, dizziness and nausea. A few people even had seizures, convulsions and lost consciousness. Japan's Fire Defense Agency reported that a total of 685 children (310 boys, 375 girls) were taken to hospitals by ambulances. Although many children recovered during the ambulance trip, more than 150 of them were admitted to hospitals. Only two people stayed in the hospital for over 2 weeks.

Scientists believe that the flashing lights triggered "photosensitive seizures" in which visual stimuli such as flashing lights can cause altered consciousness. Although scientists know that approximately 1 in 4000 people (0.5 - 0.8% of children between 4-14 years old) are susceptible to these types of seizures, the number of people affected by this Pokémon episode was unprecedented.

A Pokémon website, Pokémon Press Battle, made the following observation: " induced epileptic attacks can be caused by exhaustion, stress, and sitting too close to the television. All of the above are facts in most Japanese schoolchildren's lives, who live under constant academic and social pressure in small homes. Experts have speculated that the children were intensely focused and involved with the show, literally 'glued to the set' when the scene went off like a bomb in their faces."

An article in the Skeptical Enquirer, a publication devoted to debunking claims of the paranormal and junk science, made an interesting explanation for the phenomenon, however. It notes that in the first hours after the program aired, only 600-700 children sought medical attention and that most of the other reports of illness came days after the original incident, when clips from the show had been re-broadcast on the news and children had had time to hear about it from friends and classmates. Most of the less severe symptoms reported (headaches, vomiting and blurry vision) had a lot more in common with the psychological phenomenon of mass hysteria than they do with epileptic seizures, and the magazine points out that mass hysteria usually breaks out in schools or public institutions in which people are under a great deal of stress."

This article is not over yet, click the words that had linked on above to find out.

Anyway back to the post, yes, South Korean is very strict against violent games, they dont welcome violent games. But thankfully though, Half life 2 exists in South Korea.

i wonder if bush would allow a game where Washington DC was turned into a ball of fire out on general release?
VirusType2 said:
Every country is so stupid. I always thought USA went too far taking GTA san andreas off the shelves. I mean it has a rating of mature. Ive seen people having sex in rated R movies, and suggestion of it in PG-13 movies... so wtf

your guys countries are ****ing stupid. no offense? Lol

What are you going to start censoring animals that walk by in the wilderness? put some clothes on your pets?

god forbid there would be a nude creature! That insect was naked!!

BANNED! now for what i say in some countries people would go "omg! he must want to die!" so what happens when countries start banning internet access becuase they want to filter everything you see!?

this could get ugly..

EDIT: actually i guess i can understand some of it. Like if there was some Ghi Had terrorist game where you kill americans ... that would likely be banned in USA

Our censors try their hardest to protect us from communism and the evil foreign powers. (Mind you, the evil ones, not all of them. N. Korea doesn't count)

Human nudity is considered immoral and indecent in many cultures. Thus the ban.

USA is so ****ing stupid too.

Thank you.
"Pokemon Blue was banned in Saudi Arabia for containing alleged subliminal Jewish symbols."

WTF do they this is going to happen? Their children suddenly become Jewish after a long session of Pokemon catching. ****ing biggoted idiots. Organised religion FTL.
Our censors try their hardest to protect us from communism and the evil foreign powers. (Mind you, the evil ones, not all of them. N. Korea doesn't count)

No they don't. Your country tries the hardest to make sure nobody is ever exposed to any kind of influence or opinion that differs in the slightest to the official government line, or that might maybe possible be construed as anti-government, or anything that might be considered 'subversive', as far as I can see. o_O
I feel bad for people who live in places that ban games. Sucks but just import them in. Few extra bucks.
Sulkdodds said:
No they don't. Your country tries the hardest to make sure nobody is ever exposed to any kind of influence or opinion that differs in the slightest to the official government line, or that might maybe possible be construed as anti-government, or anything that might be considered 'subversive', as far as I can see. o_O

No, no, no. Korea is a very democratic country. even our goverment-issued ethics textbook says so. :p

Mercenaries > Every other freeform world game that tries and fails to ape GTA

I'm trying my best here not to pirate and dl it.
Yeah. Hear that everyone?

Fuck censorship!
You heard it from the king himself, folks.

But Mercs is really that good? Damn! I'll have to czech it out...
Think of it this way: describing it as 'GTA, but in a warzone' isn't some twee, easy, cheap, stupid buzzphrase. It's actually entirely true. It really is like Grand Theft Auto, but in the middle of a war - and all that entails. :eek:
Oh god, I think I just soiled myself. And I think I like it.

EDIT: It's only for PS2 and the 'Box, right? That's another PS2 game I'll have to get!
Pokemon Blue was banned in Saudi Arabia for containing alleged subliminal Jewish symbols.

From Wiki -- told you.

15357 said:
In Korea anyway.
So, any games bant in your region/country? I heard that GTA was banned in Austrailia.

yeah you can count on 2 things in austrailia one their all inmates and two they will ban every violent game in order not to rile them up
Boogymanx said:
Y'know, I don't know about games being banned here in Belgium. Will have to check that out.
EDIT: Nope; afaik nothing banned. Although a political party here (HEIL DER FUHRER-party) is trying to get violent games banned.
K fixed :p

(The party calls itself 'Islamophobic' :|)
Despite living right next to Saudi Arabia(if anyone describes that country as a hellhole...they're right) and having a state religion, I don't think my country has ever actually banned a game, although we were hit by the same "WHOAMG Pokemon = Zionist" scares that caused Saudi to ban it.

Thankfully, we had better things to do than try to fish out subtle Jewish propaganda out of Japanese children franchises, so the issue was quickly dismissed.

Oh, and I remember reading an article in the news about how "certain videogames(such as the popular Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) are corrupting our youth and exposing them to harmful influences", but I never heard anything about that since, so it's most likely a non-factor.
But Splinter Cell only applies to North Koreans, and they don't even have enough electricity for lighting, needless to say computers...