
Apocalypse89 said:
Despite living right next to Saudi Arabia(if anyone describes that country as a hellhole...they're right) and having a state religion, I don't think my country has ever actually banned a game, although we were hit by the same "WHOAMG Pokemon = Zionist" scares that caused Saudi to ban it.

Thankfully, we had better things to do than try to fish out subtle Jewish propaganda out of Japanese children franchises, so the issue was quickly dismissed.

Oh, and I remember reading an article in the news about how "certain videogames(such as the popular Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) are corrupting our youth and exposing them to harmful influences", but I never heard anything about that since, so it's most likely a non-factor.

What propaganda was in it? Cause I certainly didn't see any when I played...

Also, out of curiosity I looked up Bahrain, and it isn't a half-bad country. Cool.
My country banned Huckleberry Finn for pervasive usage of the 'N word'. :(

[SARCASM]They should make a game out of Huck Finn, that would be sweet! Rafting with your 'negro' friend, sneaking around dressed like a girl and throwing lead pipes at rats, stealing pies... Oh man that would be sweet![/SARCASM]

But really, I don't think any real games are banned here. USA FTW!
Wow. Banning games is one thing, but books? Restricting freedom of speach ftl.

EDIT: wait up, your country is the USA? Huck Finn isn't banned here! I'm reading it in English as we speak!

EDIT EL NUMERO DOS: My post count is 911. Conspiracy theories woo.
Ireland has banned loads of things(Life of Brian, Losing My Religion-REM video, Relax(song) but they are now pretty much all unbanned but no games as far as I know.
I have a book called teh housekeepers diaries or something.

Its the diary of a miad who worked for Princess di.
Thats banned(in UK), and I have it, woo go me.
JNightshade said:
EDIT: wait up, your country is the USA? Huck Finn isn't banned here! I'm reading it in English as we speak!

Far as I know, we did ban it for a time, as well as a few other classics. I don't know when, and I may be mistaken. Ask your English teacher.
San And got banned for a while in Aus, then they brought it back after the hot coffee thingy unedited.

Censorship is weird.

Whoever made that convict comment, I'll get you for this. *shakes fist*
I can't imagine living somewhere where any media can be banned.

houndeye said:
My country banned Huckleberry Finn for pervasive usage of the 'N word'. :(

Um, no it didn't. (assuming you're in the USA)
A twelve year old can walk into a Walmart and buy a game where he has sex with a hooke, blugeons her with a golf club, sells cocain from an icecream truck, and takes over a porn studio.

God bless the U.S.A.

It truly is the greatest country in the world.
Apocalypse89 said:
Oh, and I remember reading an article in the news about how "certain videogames(such as the popular Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) are corrupting our youth and exposing them to harmful influences", but I never heard anything about that since, so it's most likely a non-factor.


I've been playing video games for 23 years.

I have played them for more than 14 hours in one day at least one hundred times. Almost exclusively VIOLENT games with guns.. and so far so good. no criminal record

I have Bi-polar2 disorder and ADHD disorder and never take medication.

I'm sorry but if you can't tell the difference between real life and a video game.. well either those are some pretty fancy graphics ;) or you are just INSANE or something.

You can't get insane from playing a video game (unless its SUPER TURBO TURKEY PUNCHER 3 or NRA's VARMINT HUNTER) so video games can't be blamed any more than any other entertainment source.

Im sorry but if you are learning how to shoot guns (or other mature acts) from a video game than you have lead a very sheltered life and must have never seen an R-rated Movie becuase they are loaded with them too. In which case I would blame the parents for over-protecting their child, and screwing up your child, and its their fault!

see my point? >

Of course you have to be 17 to play Mature rated games! If you let your child play them before-hand then you have no one to blame but yourself. Its a paid commodity like cable or satellite TV.

Yes entertainment can be extremely influencial. And humans can be easily influenced. They are called emotions. Thats life.

You can't just erase all the music, movies, and games on earth. If you did all hell would break lose and you would see that These things are good! They can also soothe, relax, and make people happy more often than not.

Diablo 2 was bant from my house for a long time. Fanatasists that are christians. You're goal is to DEFEAT Diablo and his minions...why is that so bad?
CyberPitz said:
Diablo 2 was bant from my house for a long time. Fanatasists that are christians. You're goal is to DEFEAT Diablo and his minions...why is that so bad?

Perhaps its the necromancer. :p
Xune said:
"Pokemon Blue was banned in Saudi Arabia for containing alleged subliminal Jewish symbols."

WTF do they this is going to happen? Their children suddenly become Jewish after a long session of Pokemon catching. ****ing biggoted idiots. Organised religion FTL.

Yes. Saudi Arabia banned Pokemon.

That is good. If they dont ban it, DO YOU expect to have another seizure incident again like the last time Japan had! I hope u dont.

Anyway according to christians, the tagline for pokemon "Gotta Catch Em All" means "I Love You, Satan", no kidding! Im a christian and I also wont watch pokemon and I would not happen that me myself have seizure after watching pokemon.

And anyway, please, show some respect for religions.
Well thats their problem though.

Because what they didnt know is, most religions are almost the same!
Puzzlemaker said:
What propaganda was in it? Cause I certainly didn't see any when I played...

Also, out of curiosity I looked up Bahrain, and it isn't a half-bad country. Cool.

It was supposedly small subtle hints, such as certain names being pro-Israel slogans in hebrew, or pokemon that vaguely resemble Jewish symbols, etc...

Yeah, it was stupid.
just import it or get it off ebay
simple as

unless they check your post too :O
RakuraiTenjin said:
Um, no it didn't. (assuming you're in the USA)

In Mark Twain's lifetime, his books Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn were excluded from the juvenile sections of the Brooklyn Public library (among other libraries), and banned from the library in Concord, MA, home of Henry Thoreau. In recent years, some high schools have dropped Huckleberry Finn from their reading lists, or have been sued by parents who want the book dropped. In Tempe, Arizona, a parent's lawsuit that attempted to get the local high school to remove the book from a required reading list went as far as a federal appeals court in 1998. (The court's decision in the case, which affirmed Tempe High's right to teach the book, has some interesting comments about education and racial tensions.) The Tempe suit, and other recent incidents, have often been concerned with the use of the word "******", a word that also got Uncle Tom's Cabin challenged in Waukegan, Illinois. For a comprehensive web site describing attempts to ban Huckleberry Finn and other Twain works, see the site Huckleberry Finn Debated, by Jim Zwick.


I was slightly mistaken. It wasn't banned anywhere but a couple schools, apparently.

Now I like to think that we (the US) would have sense enough to not undermind our own beloved doctrine of freedom of speech, but GTA:SA did get pulled from shelves last I heard, even if it wasn't the government's doing, and there's no reason it couldn't happen to any other game. I only hope that the people of this country still have the same 'I'll-decide-what-I-want-for-myself-bollocks-to-the-man' attitude we had back in 1776. :(
Wait, why were Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn removed from some libraries? Those are wonderful books.
Ennui said:
Wait, why were Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn removed from some libraries? Those are wonderful books.

Read the link at the end of the quote, it goes into a little more detail. Pretty much people thought they were trash. :(
Oh right, missed that link.

Good article. I love those books though.
Somebody explain the US's gun control laws to me, so i don't look ignorant when refering to them.
I dont know too much about them, but it sorta goes like this:

You get a gun license
You can buy a gun

Or something.
They're very lax, compared to places like the UK. Basically, if you're eighteen and not a felon, you can buy just about anything.
You do have to get a license, though. It takes a few days.

But after that you can just about buy anything.

And sometimes you can buy stuff without a license, but we dont like to talk about that.
Well, if it's like that anywhere, it's here in Massachusetts. Maybe I'm thinking of the Wisconsin laws... (moved here from there eight years ago).
15357 said:
In Korea anyway.

*Splinter Cell: Chaos theory

REASON: Scenario has US attacking N.Korea and has Seoul destroyed in a sea of fire.

*Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction

REASON: Much like above

*Ghost Recon 2

REASON: Like above


REASON: Brutal murdering of law enforcement personel

I <3 Censorship! Its keeping the nation in one :p

So, any games bant in your region/country? I heard that GTA was banned in Austrailia.

in mercenaries the scenario is in north korea and I think the only "damage" you can inflict to S.korea is by killing the south korean soldiers that are in the place,but you can be a ally of them so I dont see so big deal

and gosht recoon 2 isnt in north korea only,so why is banned? your country suport N.korea?
<RJMC> said:
in mercenaries the scenario is in north korea and I think the only "damage" you can inflict to S.korea is by killing the south korean soldiers that are in the place,but you can be a ally of them so I dont see so big deal

and gosht recoon 2 isnt in north korea only,so why is banned? your country suport N.korea?

"We don't want young people to get the wrong idea of north korea, they are our people."
Actually, S. Korea does take some damage during Mercenaries. There is one mission in the game where you have to destroy some giant N. Korean artillery guns that are shelling Seoul while a 'casualty meter' counts up on the right of the screen. The meter can reach thousands within minutes.
Very few games are actually outright banned in the US, but if a game is rated AO (like San Andreas was for a while) most major stores won't carry it, and I don't believe I've even actually seen them. Games really pull for lower ratings in the US so that they sell better.

And yeah, gun control laws in the States tend to be fairly lax, though it varies state by state. And if you even talk about tightening gun laws, the NRA (National Rifle Association, for all you foreigners) pitches a fit about their 2nd amendment rights. How the hell did gun laws come up in this topic anyway?