Barclays online banking


Apr 28, 2004
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Does anyone else who has it find Barclays online banking to be intolerably slow? I've used it for a coulpe of years, and its always been this way. Other online banking I have used has been far supirior to it.

Anyway, just me?
Have you tried changing the proxy server that you use, in your internet options (if applicable)?
Its not my connection, its always been bad for the 2-3 years I've used it, on various connections, from dail up, through adsl to office LANs. The problem is page generation at thier end*. Basically, its to do with thier servers not being able to keep up with demand.

*I know this because the site does nothing for a while, then once it starts loading, it loads at normal page speeds.
I guess I don't understand what this place is? Is it just a bank..but only online?
Barclays is a standard british bank. Its just that thier online facility is useless
Much like the rest of their services. Barclays = the cock of banks, and not in a good way.
I use it. No problems here. And yeah, Barclays is a load of crap. Suggestions to change?
Let you into an interesting fact about Barclays. You pronounce it 'Bark-Lees' but within the banking industry when talking about a Barclay's bank it's pronounced as 'Barc-LAYS' with accentuation on the the end of the word. I don't know why that is the case. Same with Nike/ Nike-e & Nokia / Noe-kia.
It's because they lay waste to your money through dubious practices and unreasonable charging. ;)
I have used First Direct for many many years. I can tell you their online system is very good indeedy.

And they're open 24/7, and always answer extremely quickly.
Let you into an interesting fact about Barclays. You pronounce it 'Bark-Lees' but within the banking industry when talking about a Barclay's bank it's pronounced as 'Barc-LAYS' with accentuation on the the end of the word. I don't know why that is the case. Same with Nike/ Nike-e & Nokia / Noe-kia.
I say Barclays.