Barebones Multiplayer Mod

Jul 18, 2003
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When you create a new mod in the SDK, you have the choice between modifying HL2 and creating a barebones multiplayer mod. Has anybody tried messing around with the barebones, I've been searching through it and nothing is really logical about them, I can't even figure out where the MP5 model filename is inputted. Seems to me like the SDK code wouldnt work at all.
all weapon models are now called in the scripts/weapon_name.txt
for example the mp5 model path is defined in modname/scripts/weapon_mp5.txt
hello again MadMechWarrior!

I've been working with the bare-bones sdk a bit, it's a good base to start building your mod with. many of the the weapon properties are set in the .txt script file, however i found this to be useless for in-game tweaking (console vars are much better). one bug you'll eventually find is the player models don't animate. This is because the GetWeaponSuffix() isn't reading the info the script file for some reason.

good luck with your spaceships :)
Yeah, it compiles and runs just fine....but its definately a long way off from being an MP mod. Hopeing that we'll get some tuts up for getting menus and gamerules and such in soon.
It also would be nice if valve would release the sourcecode to HL2DM :D and not make everyone reinvent the wheel