Barnacles....WHAT THE F***!?!!!!!!!!


Antlion Hunter

Has Anyone Wondered About Barnacle Lifecycles + Exactly How They Attach To Ceilings?just A Question Id Like 2 Have Answered
For all we know barnacles could have a multistage life cycle. As a larava they eat leaves and such and eventualy climb a wall onto a celling,m form a pupae, and then mature into a full barnacle.
I always figured they distributed themselves via spores. Cough up a couple spores that float around, and when one attaches to a ceiling it sticks and begins to grow into a barnacle.
^Yeah, that was my first awnser, but i changed it becasue then we'd have barnacles growing on every wich surface, and spores just dont seem right for an animal.
FireCrack said:
^Yeah, that was my first awnser, but i changed it becasue then we'd have barnacles growing on every wich surface, and spores just dont seem right for an animal.

Think of it as like a mushroom. A mushroom uses spores to spread itself. Since each mushroom is basically a clone of another a genetic disease could easily kill the species off. I believe the same princible could apply to barnacles. One genetic disease and boom, they're all dead. But...then there are the genetic mutations which would allow them to evolve immunity to it....
If barnacle's supposedly 'grow,' how come we only see them fully developed? Then again, we see so few stages of anything... although we see many stages of headcrabs, mating houndeyes, and we know its mating season for the antlions, but we never see any offspring for any of them... not even baby vortigaunts or bullsquids.

It looks to me like there is more to a barnacle than just what you see... I don't see how it could fit so much material into that little mouth-on-a-ceiling. I get the feeling that there is a lot more barnacle mass up in the ceiling... in HL2, it looks as though they are 'breaking through' the ceiling.

Hell, maybe all of the xen animals are one thing. Like They hatch as snarks, grow into houndeyes, then bullsquids. They find a place to gestate, break their snout through the floor and become barnacles. Notice with each successive stage they lose a leg and become more solitary creatures. Remember how bullsquids like to hide in the walls and pull their prey in? Maybe I'm losing it, but you gotta give me credit... I made some points.

And I wonder what barnacle tastes like... probably very muscular. I bet Barnacle tounge is a delicacy in Xen.

Okay, now I've lost it. Someone just hit me with one of these.
Yeah. Did ye not think how a real barnacle gets around?
Pai-Mei said:
If barnacle's supposedly 'grow,' how come we only see them fully developed? Then again, we see so few stages of anything... although we see many stages of headcrabs, mating houndeyes, and we know its mating season for the antlions, but we never see any offspring for any of them... not even baby vortigaunts or bullsquids.

It looks to me like there is more to a barnacle than just what you see... I don't see how it could fit so much material into that little mouth-on-a-ceiling. I get the feeling that there is a lot more barnacle mass up in the ceiling... in HL2, it looks as though they are 'breaking through' the ceiling.

Hell, maybe all of the xen animals are one thing. Like They hatch as snarks, grow into houndeyes, then bullsquids. They find a place to gestate, break their snout through the floor and become barnacles. Notice with each successive stage they lose a leg and become more solitary creatures. Remember how bullsquids like to hide in the walls and pull their prey in? Maybe I'm losing it, but you gotta give me credit... I made some points.

And I wonder what barnacle tastes like... probably very muscular. I bet Barnacle tounge is a delicacy in Xen.

Okay, now I've lost it. Someone just hit me with one of these.

You mean like the creatures in "Aliens"? From egg to facehugger to baby xenomorph to fully grown xenomorph (in a few hours) to an Alien Queen (if she's lucky)...
Did you ever hear that story about the guy who fell asleep at the beach and woke up with a barnacle on his wang?
MarcoPollo said:
ok the thing is on some heavy crack lol

No, I just need sleep. need sleep. need sleep.

MuToiD_MaN said:
Did you ever hear that story about the guy who fell asleep at the beach and woke up with a barnacle on his wang?

Was it you? :D
I think the spore idea is the only way they could spread.
i KINDA like the crack and alien idea. And about the barnacle on the wang story dude?
Also:I will be making another thread it is called Yeah about that cat?Where u can talk about what barney meant about a cat at the beginning......
The spores idea seems to be the most practical unless they move there in a younger stage of life. Although the evoloution theory could work too, I think.

Jenga said:
You mean like the creatures in "Aliens"? From egg to facehugger to baby xenomorph to fully grown xenomorph (in a few hours) to an Alien Queen (if she's lucky)...

Sorry, I just have to say this, I love Aliens...
Goes from egg to FaceHugger to ChestBurster to Drone/Warrior to Praetorian to I think an Empress, a Queen is born differently and won't go through the Drone/Warrior stages, their created from a Queen FaceHugger which turns into a Queen ChestBurster. must really like the Alien franchise..........
It's all in AvP2 the game, and in Alien 3 Ripley says she knows its a Queen when it's still in her chest so it must be different. And yeah I do quite like it lol.
Yeah aliens are as i usually put most things......MUTHA F***ING SWEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reaper-X said:
Sorry, I just have to say this, I love Aliens...
Goes from egg to FaceHugger to ChestBurster to Drone/Warrior to Praetorian to I think an Empress, a Queen is born differently and won't go through the Drone/Warrior stages, their created from a Queen FaceHugger which turns into a Queen ChestBurster.

Yeah? Cool! Where'd you get your info? A serial novel or something? What's the title? :bounce: Gotta get me one...

Barnacle theory

Well in HL2 the barnalces mouths are attached to some sort of 'growth' on he ceiling. So my theory is that parts of this growth can split off from another and shift a short distance across the ceiling, then the 'mouth' of the barnacle grows from it. Also explaining why barnacles seem to grow in clusters.

The barnacle sitting on the table on OpFor was pretty much immobile because it's lower half was not attached to anything, allowing good old Adrian to nab it.

Also don't forget the ground dwelling 'sand barnacles' that were cut from HL2, they don't spend their whole life on the ceiling, they spend it encased in sand, weird.
I want to know why the barncle gun fires? Does Adrian just pinch its arse and the toungue comes out?
Sand barnacles IIRC had a moel that was only a poorly made, unanimated, tower of sand, we can only speculate.

Barnacle gun fires probably for similar reasons as the hivehand and such, it's symbyotic mutualist and it connects to the users nervous system.
I don't think its symbiotic at all, since it only fires when it is in direct line with it's food, i'm sure it's just instinctive and Adrian has done nothing but wait until it decides it's hungry.
I don't think its symbiotic at all, since it only fires when it is in direct line with it's food

You can FIRE it whenever you wish... but it won't latch onto anything inorganic.
it'll only latch on to something if it tastes good. I don't think steel and dirt have a pleasant flavor.
I doubt it was a symboiite (however it's spelled). Probably more like the concept of squeezing it causes it to roll out its tongue. Like in cartoons, when someone gets throttled.

-Angry Lawyer
Wilsonator said:
The barnacle sitting on the table on OpFor was pretty much immobile because it's lower half was not attached to anything, allowing good old Adrian to nab it..
if you played the hologram, you will learn that the scientists were doing tests and finally managed to remove a barnacle from the ceiling.
FireCrack said:
^actualy, it is.
Story-line wise, it isn't. So the black ops never attacked the millitary and headcrab genomes and race-X don't exist.

It would be worth it just to get shepard and the nuke into the ensuring storyline.

(worth it for Valve to pay gearbox, i think)
Jenga said:
Yeah? Cool! Where'd you get your info? A serial novel or something? What's the title? :bounce: Gotta get me one...


Sorry I forgot about this topic. It's mostly in the AvP2 game, tonnes of datapads lying about with different information. It even tells you that when the Drones start to molt into Praetorians they release a strong phermone that all the other Aliens in the hive hate and so the molting Praetorian has to leave the hive or else be killed. Wow, I'm sad!
And in Alien 3 when Ripley gets the guy to help her do the scan of her chest she sees the chestburster on the screen and already knows its a Queen, even before its left her chest.