Barnacles....WHAT THE F***!?!!!!!!!!

Reaper-X said:
And in Alien 3 when Ripley gets the guy to help her do the scan of her chest she sees the chestburster on the screen and already knows its a Queen, even before its left her chest.

Oh.... mustve missed that part....

Cool, gotta get me a copy of that game. Do they have similar insights into the Predator race?
opfor did happen, but is not part of the overarching storyline.
Jenga said:
Cool, gotta get me a copy of that game. Do they have similar insights into the Predator race?

Some, but less so. The expansion pack (Primal Hunt) is mainly about the Predators. They know so much about the aliens because their supposed to be studying them, the Predators are still somewhat unknown.
I think AvP2's only like a 5er (my pound sign doesn't work) nowadays so it's it's pretty good. And you get to play as a FaceHugger hehe...
lol time to give some marines the "kiss of death"
Those things kinda remind me of those sea anemone things in the ocean.Know watti mean?
Antlion Hunter said:
Those things kinda remind me of those sea anemone things in the ocean.Know watti mean?

Sort of... Except they don't have a huge toungue that pulls up food. :LOL:
Antlion Hunter said:
Has Anyone Wondered About Barnacle Lifecycles + Exactly How They Attach To Ceilings?just A Question Id Like 2 Have Answered

I take it you were typinh in caps. Raising the bar might help with your... *ahem* 'dillem0r'
If one attached itself to the wall it'd be so lame.

Its tongue would have to fight the force of gravity.
but it's tounge could be nearly invisible totaly sprawled across the floor.
Ever think that there might be some organism out there that serves as a "spreader" for the barnacle spore (or whatever it is) ? Maybe they are like diseases that got carried along with some particular creatures (i.e. headcrabs) or something like that. Would be cool if you have a barnacle queen! :LOL:
Shitttt!If a queen was around we'd be screwed having to look up every few secs!
Shitttt!If a queen was around we'd be screwed having to look up every few secs!

Hmmmm... the barnacles... the most overlooked, yet most powerful threat in Half-Life.

Forget the Combine, forget Nihilanth, forget the G-Man, the Barnacle Queen is the REAL enemy here... no one could have predicted it.

Seriously, I think the Barnacle Queen would be a really cool enemy... maybe she can move around on the ceiling and shoot out tounges at you... laying barnacles on the ceiling behind her as she moves.
Wow...........It's hard to say but thats actually one of the few good ideas iv'e gotten so far.Ididn't think of that!
I think it's a terrible idea. Here's my terrible idea, when you finish HL2 there should be a gallery of all the photos scanners took.
That would be pretty gay.Theyd probably been taken pics. of hot girls changin clothes................Or would it be a good idea?
I wish I was a scanner.

And n the topic of barnacle quuens i realy wish we had the sand barnacles as well as other types of barancles.

Mature barnaacles covered in impervious armour plates for example.

I also wish the barnacles gulped gordon in one hit like they do to NPC's

I also wish when they ate stuff it didnt stick out the sides and that theyre spit animation was fixed.
Or a barnacle with more than one tongues.That would be pretty cool
This is my theroy of the barnacle life...

Theres like a queen barnacle and it eats everything, it produces babys in a odd manner... They spew there blood and urine ( or whatever they have) onto everything. Soon cattipiller things start growing they eat any kind of meat or plant it finds. There like snarks almost, so anyways once they found all the food theyr'e fat and cant move. They must find a wall before they lay stuck on the ground. Once they found the wall it loses its legs. It soon grows a long sticky tounge. When it matures at 18 it grows sharp teeth and it is now rooted in to the wall. It cannot be removed because of its sticky larva blood they puke on the wall this blood is also on theyre tounge. If you didnt notice the barnacle has an odd colored tounge. When they grow to 20 or so they have razor sharp teeth and they will eat almost any living thing. Once it dies it pukes out it's own blood and almost everything they ate in the last few days. I know all this because i did re-search at night cafully studying the possibilites and what they eat. They will somtimes eat rocks if they get to hungry. This study lasted 2 months before my comp broke.
3 words:HOLY ****ING SHIT.........You spent 2 months on your computer just studying frickin' barnacles!?! You seriously need a medal for your dedication to a virtual creature...
Dude I studied them for a looong time! The hardest part was how they get on the walls and lose there legs, and the momma part :dozey:
MuToiD_MaN said:
Did you ever hear that story about the guy who fell asleep at the beach and woke up with a barnacle on his wang?

CLASSIC... I love that. I never heard that, but it certainly made me laugh though. Are we just speculating as to how barnacles get on the ceilings, or are we looking for evidence in the game? If we are just speculating, the sky's the limit. If we are looking for evidence in the game, I don't believe I saw any other than they seemed to cluster in HL2 more than they did in HL1. We also know that they don't attach to non-organic things (from Dr. Kleiner's speech in HL1). We also know they are attached to the surface of the ceiling (or whatever) and don't penetrate too much. Remember the barnacle you pick up in Opposing Force? Flat bottom. If we are using earth biology as a model for Xen biology to guess how they get from place to place, I would speculate that they are borne on the wind somehow. Spores/eggs/seeds, transported and germinating a la spanish moss (for example). They'll only grow in the right conditions (hanging from something with enough room for potential food to walk or move below.
Well Ive been doing research, the portal storms had to happen during the breeding season so, like they wouldnt get much of a cluster of them.
specialmax said:
Well Ive been doing research, the portal storms had to happen during the breeding season so, like they wouldnt get much of a cluster of them.
Maybe they mate like slugs? Those long tounges do resemble slug sexual organs.
Chances are, Barnacles reproduce all year round, based on how much food they get.

But, yeah, Rimmer, you're probably right. Which means that a Barnacle is sticking its...urgh...around your throat when it attacks.

-Angry Lawyer
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!Thats nasty i was eaten by a barnacle with his ..uhhhhhhhhhh........c***.Never heard of the WANGY BARNACLE story you gotta post the story one day.
So wait, that means that when they "swallow" a combine they're actually...

...oh... my... god...
I always like to use barnacles as weapons. I lure enemys to them ,lol! It was quit hilarious when I lured a zombie to it and the barnacle just spitted it out, didnt eat it. But the zombie died..
You tard the tounges arent freakin sexual organs! There long toungs!!!! The fe-male dont need to get-it-on its like an ant queen! They spit out the babies and voila! So lol its like this queen->:sleep:
and then heres the babies she spits out-> :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork: :dork:
Calm down, they're just joking arounnd. Now that they mention it, I wonder what makes a Barnacle's tongue sticky
wow..killing the comp for knowledge of barnacles...I salute your dedication!!
Agent G-Man said:
Calm down, they're just joking arounnd. Now that they mention it, I wonder what makes a Barnacle's tongue sticky
Probably the same was as most guy's.. erm... "tounges" get sticky...
Ok.That was nasty.But Barnacles probably develop a sticky adhesive-like substance within a sac in its main body.Ihave also decided to make up my own scientific name for it.I call it Saccelius Xenus Sporatius
Hm, I always figured they must have some early stage of development where they have legs, or at least tails that can propell them in a fashion similar to snakes. Anyway, they probably climb on the ceiling and undergo some kind of metamorphosis - shed their legs/tail and develop a sticky back surface. And I bet that they don't get a lot of sucess in catching prey, I mean, those tongues are thick enough to be easily visible. Of course once they do catch something, it can probably last them for months seeing as they are pretty small in size. It's also interesting that these things don't crap, otherwise the crap would've accumulated beneath them over months and years (what kind of lifespan they have anyway?). Super-efficient metabolism?
how about they all arrived during the portal storms and don't mate or get around.
Like the portal storms were like a wave that carries a normal barnacle.
(if a barnacle was human size its penis *s******* would be 1 mile long)
barnacles have penises that are 11 times as long as their body or something.
This is just getting pathetically silly. Please stop it now. I think they manage to move around like most Gastropods. Using the "foot" like a muscle they shift around slowly. The reason they all hang upside down from overhanging areas is that they are extremely sensitive to sunlight and would possibly damage themselves easily. It would probably be real easy to miss one of those tongues in a dark cave on Xen. Apart from that there are many species of life that settle down to ambush prey with a quick strike. This is just one possible aspect of that.

Now enough silliness people, lets have some constructive answers.
I think mold grows on the wall then it turns into barnacles later. :naughty:
them things are jus freaky. and i shot a combine into 1 of their tongue things and i wached him get eaten. he jus dissapears into a tiny thing that hagns on a cieling