
Dark Auro

Jul 31, 2003
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Well, we all know that the barnacles are returning in HL2 but theres something I've been wondering. In HL, when some poor NPC was caught in a barnacle, they were lifted up, and eventually gibbed into little pieces. Since HL2 is supposed to be more realistic and all, what do you think will happen to the victims of a barnacle? Will their head be eaten and the rest of their body fall to the ground or will the whole body slowly be eaten by the barnacle? Give your suggestions.
I wouldnt be supprised if they used the same idea for the victims (blowing up into peices) Its part of half life
I just hope there's gibs for humans PERIOD in half life 2.
Where does it say barnacles will be coming back?
Six Three said:
Where does it say barnacles will be coming back?
Over at Planet Half Life in the enemies section, the barnacle is in there. "You know those annoying things that hung from the ceiling in the first game? Well, they're back too, only this time they have "eerily pulsating sacs around their base." Oooh, sexy." I also think that theres an e-mail somewhere from Valve that have confirmed it but I'm not sure.
Yea. . . they were kinda useless. . . .easily avoided
There was some concept art from valve showing Gordon being strangled by a barnicle. It appeared in a few mags, though never on the internet.
I hope barnacle victims are gibbed as well. I can't wait to see a barney get chewed up :p
SnowBall said:
There was some concept art from valve showing Gordon being strangled by a barnicle. It appeared in a few mags, though never on the internet.

Something that wasn't on the internet! GASP!

Really, though, i back them up in there claims that the barnacles will be returning. I can't remember where i read it, but i know i read somewhere that they will be making a comeback. along with bullsquids, too.
I whish that they will explode too. The best one is (I think) the first one you see through the locked door. The scientist runs right into it and then a little bit later bursts into red guts. :)

However, I think what will really happen is the person will just remain there with his/her head stuck inside the barnacle. Darn.
Hazar Dakiri said:
However, I think what will really happen is the person will just remain there with his/her head stuck inside the barnacle. Darn.

I wouldn't really have a problem with this, as long as the ragdoll dangles from it
I would actually like to see the NPC's fighting back with a barnacle - too many times have I saved a scientists arses from a barnicle probe.
Since we see Gordon shoot a zombie in half with the manipulator in the E32k4 video, I'd guess the NPCs who are sucked in by the barnacle, will just lose their heads, and not get blown to pieces.
Barnacles are the most useless enemy ever. I was picked up by them maybe once, and one crowbar hit kills them. they're weak, stupid, pointless, and just waste my time progressing in the game.
But they're coming back, and I don't doubt they'll be stronger and hidden in more areas.
I don't think they were useless. If they were positioned correctly in a map, they could be pretty effective. Sure, the only time I ever got caught by one was when I was careless but I think that was the point. They were supposed to keep you on your toes.

It'll be interesting to see how they implement barnacles in HL2. Gibbing in a game like HL2 would be too strange. Death shouldn't be instant either. Maybe they could have some sort of a blur/disorientation effect (similar to being choked by those hand things in Blood) when you get sucked up into the barnacles mouth (?). The effect would worsen and your health would decrease until you separated yourself some how (maybe by swinging back and forth or something) at which point you could kill it by normal means.
Awwww, poo, I thought this was going to have something to do with Sponge Bob. ;(

they could try to make the baracle more interesting by having their probe/tongue thing do other things than hang straight down. it'd be a little harder to spot if it weren't always perfectly verticle. It could lay across the floor and grab you leg or something. Also it could actually go after you and try to grab you before you tecnically touch it, so they could hang out of view and swing in at you or something and when you've got a bunch of them hanging on the ceiling blocking a small coridor you get in the middle of them and they would all go at you! Also if more than one grabs you they could fight over you and in the proces tear you apart! (o.k. well probably not till HL3/4 but I can dream can't I?)

As for gibbing they might have larger tenticles that could more reasonably enclose an entire human then wait longer than in HL1 and just have the thing belch out bones and organs randomly along with a steady stream of blood.
This discussion makes me wonder what amount of the game will be spent outside, and how much time will be spent inside. Recently, a lot of the videos we have seen have been outside, which would limit the amount of barnacles that could be implemented.
Hazar Dakiri said:
However, I think what will really happen is the person will just remain there with his/her head stuck inside the barnacle.

That would be hilarious.

Barnacles are one of my favorite enemies. They do a good job of making you pay attention. I've played too many games where I could get away with running, shooting and not paying attention to my surroundings. Barnacles changed that. :O
The very first mag previews mentioned that the barnacles were back, even said that the models had gross sack features.

The barnacles could be avoided if you were careful, but that was the point: they made you be careful, and added new elements to gameplay. Plus, tell me that you did not enjoy luring marines into barnacle traps. That was freaking awesome.

I also expect that our friend the barnacle will have a few new tricks this time around: perhaps more actively trying to grab you, or only lashing out and down with its toungue instead of letting it hang and being obvious about it.
Mybe they will just hang on the roof until it senses movement below then shoots the tenticle thing down.
I noticed that one dude in the time attack kinda video used one to get somewhere. :)
Good for getting to those high places.
Evil^Milk said:
I hope barnacle victims are gibbed as well. I can't wait to see a barney get chewed up :p
There's only one barney in HL². So i hope he won't die.
booogerhead said:
Why doesn't someone try and email gabe about gibbing with humans?

I emailed Yahn about it...he's answered my 3 emails so far! Let's hope! :cool:
Apos said:
The barnacles could be avoided if you were careful, but that was the point: they made you be careful, and added new elements to gameplay. Plus, tell me that you did not enjoy luring marines into barnacle traps. That was freaking awesome.

I know for a fact I read that Gabe put barnacles in there to make fast players slow down and look around :D

I hope they'll have gibbing.

You hope they'll have "a castrated tomcat"? ;)
It would also be awsome for them to act as tripwires sort of. There tounges could be attached to something that would break off when you hit them.
Those barnacles did come in handy once in the original half life for me. there was a section of the game with to bridges one below the other in a + shape with a load of barnacles hanging down

I intentionally grabbed one let it hoist me up above the bridge and then killed it and skipped an entire room of enemies in one fell swoop ! YAY ME!
Hey...same thing I tried to do...only it didn't work.. :(
ahh u had to pick the right barnicle but it was ACE skip a room wit about 10 marines in! wooo
I for one hope the tongues will be physical.

I believe they grab you because the tongues are very sticky, so you could like push or throw an object at the tongue, it sticks, and the barnacle pulls it up, only to realize it's a chair.

I have a good feeling Valve will do something cool with the barnacles.
That would be cool, exept,

remember in opposing force when the scientist said they would only attach to organic things?

maybe you could throw a headcrab or something into it.
I think that the barnacle would stretch and engulf your entire body and it would conform to what ever was inside it. Like when a cartoon character gets eaten by a snake lol :frog: