Barney as a concept rather than an individual

yeah, I know what you mean. "you better go check it out calhoun", "looks like its gonna be one looong shift"
Viking Kitty said:
yeah, I know what you mean. "you better go check it out calhoun", "looks like its gonna be one looong shift"
I'm looking forward for more non-combat parts in HL2 like anamoulous materials and insecurity, it really sets the mood. It always bugged me in the beginning of blue shift that you couldn't holster your weapon but you ran around with your gun out in the middle of the security personnel area.
i loved blue shift, given it took me 3 hours to beat but it was alotta fun, but OP4 has to have the best opening sequence.
Impulse147 said:
i loved blue shift, given it took me 3 hours to beat but it was alotta fun, but OP4 has to have the best opening sequence.
Now that I can agree with.
Me too, those were the best parts. It would be great if you could just wander parts of City-17, like a train station. you could just walk around and wach people go about, wach them go thro combine checkpoints(and see some of them taken away) and stuff like that.
I reinstalled BS, and it is by far the best expansion of all, I liked it more than the actual HL, going underground to the old BM facility is just, amazing.
it was awesome ur sitting there listening to ur squad mates b**ch about the mission and all of the sudden ur under attack by aliens, then u hit the ground and u can do nothing but watch ur squadmates die, theres actually a moment of helplessness for a moment there. funniest part was when the zombie arose from the brain scan machine and threw the scientist through the glass.
Dalamari said:
I reinstalled BS, and it is by far the best expansion of all, I liked it more than the actual HL, going underground to the old BM facility is just, amazing.
Yeah. They could have added maybe an hour of gameplay though but I loved finding "Freight station security" on a sign and found a bunch of shotguns a dead barney and a kevlar in there. And the room with lots and lots of blood but no bodies in total darkness- Very moody.
Too bad HL: Decay was never released for the pc... playing as gina and collete is awesome :(
never have played decay, guess i found better ps2 games to buy(mostly gta).
Sandler said:
Too bad HL: Decay was never released for the pc... playing as gina and collete is awesome :(

whats the story like? and, on a side note, in opfor, I found one of them dead at the bottom of a pool.
Kinda off topic, but does anyone else think Barney looks like a stoner in the 'Barricade' video? His face is messed up... It's the eyes.
barney is cool, and his character development in the 2nd game is looking promising. of course we'll have to wait to see how it is, but i think ill trust valves decision to build his character.
According to that Lambda Incident, I gather that the G-Man is the Administrator.
SubKamran said:
According to that Lambda Incident, I gather that the G-Man is the Administrator.

Well, that site is actually fan-fiction that uses the facts from HL to hold it together. I'd be judicious with what they say. The Admin is still Breen.
Barney is a main character now. Not to fret though, there will be plenty of expendable freedom fighters and NPC's to shoot at! Barney has kind of been immortalized, I guess.
I still dont know how npc like Barney can be killed. They cant be. I think the only time that your gun will be lowered will be when they are on pivital characters like Alx and Barney, but not on expendable friendlys who youll be able to shoot.

I mean honestly, ok the first time you meet allyx, you blow her brains out. Then later on you get to the lab in the E3 video, and instead of saying "theres nothing Gorden cant handle except you," hell say "MY DAUGHTER IS DEAD! ILL KILL YOU!"

I dont think so. You wont be able to kill pivital characters. Either your gun will be lowered, or they will have the armour of tanks so they will always kill you before you can kill them. Otherwise all the Scripting and Voices to be used later with that character will be wasted.
If you kill a main character (or if it is killed by the enemy), the screen will probably fade to black like in HL1...
DeltaBlast said:
If you kill a main character (or if it is killed by the enemy), the screen will probably fade to black like in HL1...

Maybe...or maybe you will be transported to the G-man, and executed.
The_Monkey said:
Maybe...or maybe you will be transported to the G-man, and executed.
"It looks like shalln't be working together. No regrets Mr Freeman.
DeltaBlast said:
If you kill a main character (or if it is killed by the enemy), the screen will probably fade to black like in HL1...

Yeah, what was the wording in HL1? Something along the lines of "Subject failed to use human resources"
I loved barney for who he was, just a plain guy who was at work when the mother of all battles erupts down the hall.

He wasnt over complicated but then neither was gordon which is nice cos if 'we' are 'them' then i dont want him to have an amazingly colourful life! People say he is dimwitted (ie Planet HalfLife) but he is as smart as Gordon if a) he survives the catastrophe and b) is YOU (according to Valve).

From the gameplay side looks like there will be tons of expendable troops to send off to amusing deaths (despite what they say about the AI i am KING of npc slaying ;)) so i wont miss that side of Barnet/Security guards.

all in all i like barneys more centralised role in HL2, i mean who would want that nobhead Shepard close to the story? he was a total n00b compared to t'old Gordon F and Barney '1337' Calhoun :) lol

anyboy here ever play marathon 1 or 2 for the mac? barney reminds me of the 'bobs'.
Its kinda off topic. But I find it very cool if Valve made a Prequel Expansion, where you played as perhaps Barney.. Kinda giving some info what happened after BMRF and up to Gordons arrival in City17.

Something along the line why he joined the Resistance, and why the world is in such a shape it is in, in HL2.

Heh.. A Blue shift 2 Kinda thing :p
It would work as a Blue Shift sequal that melds into a HL2 Prequel. I like it.
urseus said:
It would work as a Blue Shift sequal that melds into a HL2 Prequel. I like it.
They could to a total sequel to Blue Shift which begins by you exciting the SUV in Santa Fe.
Eternity said:
Point is, I really enjoyed him the first one, and I think that they perhaps should have stayed a little more close to their roots when it came to Barney so I really feel he crossed over from the first game -- the way I see him right now, he's a totally different person. Although quips like 'I thought Black Mesa was as bad as it would get' do help.

I somehow think that a group of identical looking Barneys running around in HL2 would not enhance the atmosphere.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Yeah, what was the wording in HL1? Something along the lines of "Subject failed to use human resources"

Subject failed to effectively utilize human assets in achievement of goal. Quoted from memory.
Neither would one single, very low-pixel model in a ten years onld Black Mesa Security Uniform and Helmet.
I think the idea of having a prequel from Barney's point of view would be perfect! It would be great to get the story of the combine's invasion first hand.
Rupertvdb said:
I think the idea of having a prequel from Barney's point of view would be perfect! It would be great to get the story of the combine's invasion first hand.

That would be awesome...but maybe they explain it. A good mod to make.
Valve are trying to make the characters with emotion, so you don't want them to die. What you are thinking of is the exact opposite, there are no expendable characters in this game, once they die they are gone. Valve is also trying to make you want them to live. I think Barney is a good character for that, who would want Barney to die?