Barney... Combine?

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[ edit by rec: First and last warning. Post a spoiler like this again and I'll happily ban you. ]
Originally posted by dot|hack, edited by rec
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Thanks a lot. I had thought about that, once, but didn't know it was true.
That's another part of the game you people have ruined for me. I swear, why don't you just make a long list of what happened in the pre-release and speculate how the story ends. Uggh! I so didn't need to know that. And by the way, you shouldn't jump on him for having not played the demo. We should be jumping on you for playing it, ass.

their is nuthing in the beta that gives much of the story away. what he said about barnye being dressed up is prolly 1 not very important fact in the whole story.
well i never noticed but ITS TRUE!
i dont know, maybe the combine aren't so bad?

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Is it just me or do anyone else think those uniforms look pretty cool, and that UK cops should wear those instead of the stuff they have now. I'm sure the gangs of kids on the street would respect the cops authority more if they looked like that :D
Please continue discussion without posting spoilers thanks to the illegal pre-release content you are using. Next time there will not be a warning.
IMHO, no one can prove what possibly barney and the combine could have in common. To be honest, for me at least, it makes it more fun....analyzing the story and breaking it down is part of the game. So he just gave us one more thing to think about. Neither side of the situation was confirmed.
i still think he just stole the suit, probably to infiltrate a combine HQ or bunker.:sniper:
That idea makes sense. Human or humanoid alien/human-alien hybrid (as I believe the combine to be), everyone would look the same wearing one of those masks. Glad I got to this post after the spoilers were deleted:E.
Originally posted by chimpmunk
i still think he just stole the suit, probably to infiltrate a combine HQ or bunker.:sniper:
trying to cover something ;) ?
Originally posted by dot|hack
trying to cover something ;) ?

like his waistline, he looks to have put on a bit of weight since BM, maybe the old uniform doesn't fit anymore :)
I could probably confirm some information, but than i'd have to kill you. ...and than the admins would have to kill me.... get it? got it? good.
Originally posted by DeNniS
I could probably confirm some information, but than i'd have to kill you. ...and than the admins would have to kill me.... get it? got it? good.

And the point of saying that was what, exactly?

Are you trying to brag about downloading the beta, or telling us not to speak about it?

Originally posted by Brian Damage
And the point of saying that was what, exactly?

Are you trying to brag about downloading the beta, or telling us not to speak about it?


Trying to brag more than likely :(
Combine are police, not aliens, and Barney is a rebel police force, its not hard to figure out.

// Its not as simple as that though, theres lots of dit dotting around universes, you need to play the final version to understand it all Im guessing.
I'd still put my money on some kind of hybrids or mutants.

Not that I'm a betting man, mind you.;)
They arent entirely human, cant really tell because they speak english at points but also speak another language, and that suit covers alot :/
i dont think theyre half alien cuz there is already a half alien in hl2, its the prowler. They are *I THINK* just traitor humans and just speak a different langage (maybe the alien one) , do barney look half alien to you?
The prowler seems to be allied with the combine (possibly a hybrid with more alien DNA). And I think Barney is in a combine uniform as a diguise. I'm sure I said this before, somewhere.

Just guessing...
i think, that maybe u come across a combine soldier and hes like wait, and takes off his mask and its barnizzle! thats usually how shiet goes down when u come across gangstas like him
Originally posted by b0ng
i think, that maybe u come across a combine soldier and hes like wait, and takes off his mask and its barnizzle! thats usually how shiet goes down when u come across gangstas like him

Yeah, and then barney's all like, hey gordon wanna do some lines?

and gordons like "..."

and barney had some shrooms and gordons face turned into a headcrab and hes like "DIE BIIIAAATCHHH!!!!", "Hey, did you see that shot?"