Barney is a Combine Speculation



What is everyone's opinion on this, in a UK PC Gamer a few month's back they have a small article on it, he (Barney) and the combine have similar uniforms, both wear armbands. It's quite feasible IMO, but he may be a "double-agent" either helping Gordon and the Resistance or it may turn out he's assisting the Combine, thoughts?
Barny must have kicked a combines ass and for to get awy from the combine he takes the combines cloths?? :D bearny :p is our hero.
Barney is just undercover for some reasons, nothing special about that.. :\
Sandler said:
Barney is just undercover for some reasons, nothing special about that.. :\

I agree. He just jacked an outfit, nothing more..
Frosty207 said:
I agree also. No need to read into it too much.

I agree with that also. There's nothing else to learn.
well, to support that he's just undercover or jacked a combine suit, why would he be helping you out in those very clothes in that one e3 2003 video? the one where he says "remember when we thought black mesa was as bad as it could get?"

Anyway just reinforcing the idea/theory.
So many people have mentioned this. It's passe daahling.
Anyways, yes he probably stole it, but that does have relevance to the storyline, especially if he was undercover... Oooh the possibilities!
since barney is leading the rebellion i very much doubt that he is a double agent. :angel:
tehoen said:
since barney is leading the rebellion i very much doubt that he is a double agent. :angel:

your in for a surprise
He probably just killed some combine and took his clothes. But maybe, just maybe, the combines saw Barney's clothes, and liked them, so Barney was the first! ;)
i reckon barney was a faker, he joined the combine for the classy suit, however this didn't hold his attention for long and he soon turned his mind to plotting the downfall of the combine, holding onto the suit as a memonto of times passed.
Barney is the first character you'll meet, according to Doug. So I think that the combine who takes Gordon to the red chair (refer to E3 2004 vid) is actually Barney in disguise - and he rips apart his gas mask, saves Gordon and then there is a shoot out in the railway station where Gordon and Barney bust out of. There goes my theory.
lans said:
Barney is the first character you'll meet, according to Doug. So I think that the combine who takes Gordon to the red chair (refer to E3 2004 vid) is actually Barney in disguise - and he rips apart his gas mask, saves Gordon and then there is a shoot out in the railway station where Gordon and Barney bust out of. There goes my theory.

Sounds like it's from the leak or somthing, atleast put a spoiler tag :(
Sandler said:
Sounds like it's from the leak or somthing, atleast put a spoiler tag :(

I'm sepculating:

I haven't played the leak - Doug said Barney is the first guy you meet. Willdo points out that "all hell breaks lose" at the station, and the combine take Gordon in the room. So I put 2 and 2 together and came up to the conclusion. I barely think it can be real - the station is so well guarded Gordon couldn't have run away anyway.

But if someone who has played the leak can confirm that this is true? then I guess it's a good concidence, heh.
lans said:
But if someone who has played the leak can confirm that this is true? then I guess it's a good concidence, heh.

Please, never request anything like that ever again, for the sake of all of us, unless it's a request for someone to PM you and only you with that sort of thing :p . Otherwise, I just know that someone's going to pop up with one spoiler or another from the stolen build, and ruin yet another avenue of speculation. .
Brian Damage said:
Please, never request anything like that ever again, for the sake of all of us, unless it's a request for someone to PM you and only you with that sort of thing :p . Otherwise, I just know that someone's going to pop up with one spoiler or another from the stolen build, and ruin yet another avenue of speculation. .

Ok, I just said that because Sandler thought it looked from the beta, and I just wanted to prove that it isn't as such a beta spoiler, since I haven't even played the darn thing - so wanted who had played it to say "No", not more or less.
That'd still be information from the "beta", and it'd still end an avenue of speculation...

It's the kind of thing that could send a whole forum of Greek philosophers mad, I reckon...
He made some combine run his pockets and decided to take his coat and nike's while he was at it..
I'm probably gonna get banned again for posting stolen content oh well

<snip snip>
Don't read children!

hool10300 said:
I'm probably gonna get banned again for posting stolen content oh well

<snip snip>
Banned again? Was it a temprary ban or did you re-register?
perm banned i guess. It was to end rumours about a creature called the cremator. I just posted a pic of the animal from the stolen build. It was to end some gay rumours going on. Well thats what I saw with dr.kleiner and barney.
I think barney is a big purple dinosaur in a combine suit

I dunno..I never read the article..

Well..anyways he simply stole an outfit so the combine wouldn't slay him?
I believe that Barney killed a combine and took his suit... when Gordan goes through the subway in the E32k4 vid I think that Barney is one of the combine in the interrogation room... then like old times, Barney and Gordan blast their way outta there!
:sniper: :sniper:​
I know the answer to this question, but I don't wanna spoil it for you all....
Yes, I know that some people do. Either they've seen it in the "beta", or they've found it in "beta" info.

To anybody who knows the answer: Please don't damnwell spoil it for us, eh? The spoiler's been posted on these forums about five times already, and it's already getting hard to tell the honest guesses from the beta spoilers...
If you know the answer, don't even post to say you do. You can usually guess what they know, or what's right or wrong by your answer.

Just don't do it.
See this is why I hardly visit this section, it might ruin the fun :)