Barney says the F word


Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
Has anybody else noticed this? Right at the end of "Follow Freeman", where you jump down the hole that Dog has created for you. You can hear Barney say "and tell Dr. Breen I said **** you." But right as he says it dog drops the big steel pillar and you can barely hear it. I thought it finally gave Barney some character.
Yeah I noticed that too. After he said it I looked up and thought "Did he just say what I think he said?"
I always hear him say 'Tell Breen I sent you". I hope I haven't got some kind of censored version or anything ;/
SimonomiS said:
Axyon, turn on captions or listen to the file in the .gcf :)
I'm sure he probably does say f*ck, it's just the times I've heard him say it I'm three-quarters of the way down the hole leading to the citadel, heh.
that was neat, made me wanna go with Barney and :cheers:

and that's why my sig is what it is :E
Yeah, the wall falling blanks it out.
In the actual audio file, he says it all in gruesome detail :P
yeah, barny was awesome in this game. great writing for his character. mde him feel like a true buddy to freeman.
I think he also says the S word in the torture chamber near the start of the game.
oh god...swearing? in a game? i dont think i could live with it!!!11

grow up people.
I like the deadpan way Dr. Breen says "Oh, shit!" when you creep up on him in Dark Energy as he's talking to the combine advisor. It's just so different from his normal speech that it was worth a laugh.
You also hear the "S" word when you first encounter manhacks (that black guy says it)
Zeus said:
You also hear the "S" word when you first encounter manhacks (that black guy says it)
He said that very realistically too. If I was the type to swear, I'd probably have said it like that too.
I like the way breen makes fun of your gravity gun. made me chuckle
I like the way breen makes fun of your gravity gun. made me chuckle

lol yes, he makes fun of you in all sorts of ways...rot in hell breen :)
I am the type to swear, and I thought the swearing fit in PERFECTLY with the rest of the game
I'm sure I also heard Barney swear, RIGHT IN MY FACE. When I heard it I thought I was going mad. I had to check the ESRB rating to see if it said, 'Contains Explicit Language.'

PS: I was at the part when Barney and a squad are following me and we have to face the laser guarding cannon thing which makes people combust. I walked pass a security camera and the alarm went off. He said something about stealth and the said the S word. lol.
"God damn you Breen!" :D

But the best line in the game is a random one from a resistance fighter:
"When this is all over, I'm gonna mate" (with a heavy emphasis on mate) :laugh:
Irrious said:
I like the way breen makes fun of your gravity gun. made me chuckle

"What? Oh, put it over there..."
That made me laugh, cause I knew that in just a few minutes, I'd be pwning him with it! (Sorry for saying pwn, no other way to express it :E )
Irrious said:
I like the way breen makes fun of your gravity gun. made me chuckle
Yeah.. that made me laugh too.

I also laughed when you and Alyx come up to the elevator and Breen is standing there smiling because he knows you can't harm him through the shield. Nice touch.
I think it was kinda weak that VALVe made it so hard to hear. First time I heard nothing at all,. thought it was a joke; "tell breen I said ---", Like in HL1 when Barney tryes to warn you about something but gets killed by the Assassins,. "Be sure not to ---"<kack>.

If you turn on subtitles, it says "tell Breen I said f*** **u!"
If you turn on subtitles, it says "tell Breen I said f*** **u!"
I didn't need subtitles to know what he said.
I heard:
"Oh, and if you see Dr. Breen, tell him I said fu-*wall crashes*-ou!"
In Kleiners lab he also says "what the hell?"

I think i also heard him say "it's that f***ing head humper," when Lemara jumps out an destroys it all.
Keep talking to the resistance fighters wandering around and one of them will eventually say "This is bulls**t!"
IMO there should have been more swearing. I mean if I was in city 17, id swear a lot more then normal...
It's that "freaking" head humper...
He swears alot, but so what. We really don't need to know the exact second where he says every word.
This thread is growing
Oh no Barney swaears.. :|

I think thats been established now, its a great line but i think we should give it a rest...
We need more swearing and profanity in computer games, less it will be as raped by censorship as american TV shows are.
AJ Rimmer said:
We need more swearing and profanity in computer games, less it will be as raped by censorship as american TV shows are.
Only free public broadcast is kept clean via the FCC. Something anyone can watch just by turning on their TV and putting an antannae on it.

Things paid for (Cable TV, Sattelite Radio, newspapers, games, anything) can have all the vulgarity and such that they please, government can not enter that realm.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Only free public broadcast is kept clean via the FCC. Something anyone can watch just by turning on their TV and putting an antannae on it.

Things paid for (Cable TV, Sattelite Radio, newspapers, games, anything) can have all the vulgarity and such that they please, government can not enter that realm.
Ohh, but don't pretend they don't want to...
Thank god I live in Sweden!
AJ Rimmer said:
Ohh, but don't pretend they don't want to...
Thank god I live in Sweden!
Doesn't matter at all what the government wants. Constitution prevents it. :] That's why I'm glad to live where I am.

And actually, for the most part, Congress doesn't want to, not only because of the ethics of it, but the cost.