barney's promise


Jun 14, 2004
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do you think Barney will buy you that beer he promised as you walked into Black Mesa? I mean, I think you've earned it, personally. you did save his life and a few other scientists, after all.
i think he got pretty pissed off when you shot him for the 134th time just to get his ammo.
that would be so cool if when he see's you. you and himself go into a bar *which is all destroyed* and he says with his gun in his hand "well i guess the beer i promised you is out of the question then"
i think Gabe and them probably will reference this at some point early in the game. *hopes so*
Oh suhweetness of that. It would be one of those "holy crap! THAT thing" -moments.

Then he would reload his weapon(shotgun, cos it's cool) like cha-chak and says; "Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer."

In the future that is city 17. . . .

There is no beer.
Orange said:
In the future that is city 17. . . .

There is no beer.

Yeah in those living conditions you think they are going to have beer? Corse if they "laced" the beer.......well then I guess it would be a short game.
Aknot said:
Yeah in those living conditions you think they are going to have beer? Corse if they "laced" the beer.......well then I guess it would be a short game.

Or like when...
[Minor spoiler from E3 2004 Trailer]

the guy at the station says "Don't drink the water... they put something in it... to make you forget... I don't even know how I got here!"
If he tries to give me a beer I will shoot him.
hasan said:
If he tries to give me a beer I will shoot him.
You sick bastard. I would say thanks to him and then shoot him for the bullets.

Nah, I don't think I'll shoot any "teammates" for bullets. Only bad guys.
I could imagine it, you meet Barney in the Apartments

Barney: "Hi Gordon...Man its been a long time, where have you been these past years, it looks like I still owe you that beer after all.

Well city 17 seems to have a lack of the good stuff, so you have a choice between an Expired carton of milk, or this eerie orange gloop that the Combine have conjured up from their own ass! It doesn't take a scientist like Kliener to figure out what its used for."
john121 said:
i think Gabe and them probably will reference this at some point early in the game. *hopes so*

hmm ..

There is something .. but I can't say it .. ;( lol I'm gonna die to say it but I can't
hasan said:
hmm ..

There is something .. but I can't say it .. ;( lol I'm gonna die to say it but I can't
Ditto....but its fun to know..... mwahahahahhahahaha. sorry.
john121 said:
do you think Barney will buy you that beer he promised as you walked into Black Mesa? I mean, I think you've earned it, personally. you did save his life and a few other scientists, after all.

yes but the beer buying shall be delayed many many times.
Actuallt Barney is a recovering alcoholic and former TV star. So he goes balistic and starts beating Gordon with the crowbar say "beer? beer? I ll give you a beer Homer". you then have to get the crowbar away from him by singing the Duffs jingle.
It's going to be all about the beer in City 17 when Barney actually remembers his promise and forgets the fact that Gordon did kill him several times.
Come to think of it, did Barney (Calhoun) actually meet Gordon? I know he saw him being dragged to the trash compactor, but besides that?

Maybe Gordon has to buy Barney a beer...
I'm sorry but I have to do this.

I sovjet russia beer buys yooouuu!
jabberwock95 said:
Come to think of it, did Barney (Calhoun) actually meet Gordon? I know he saw him being dragged to the trash compactor, but besides that?
uh, you mean in HL2? or am I missing something?
If in HL2, ofcourse.
you meet barney he will already be drunk.. cause gordon took too long.. 10 years or somethng like that..
Barney will say "Sorry Gordon, but I gave up drinking." Then he will take a hit off a bong.
I think Barney has been too busy adding all those dead headcrabs to his trophy room. He seemed to enjoy blasting those lil beasties a lot. "There's one for the trophy room!"

Face it guys, Barney has more issues than Reader's Digest!

They only saw each other twice during the Black Mesa incident. It was a security guard with the same model as him that offered, but not the character Barney Calhoun from Blue Shift/Half Life 2
well, all the scientist had numerous copies of themselves scattered all over the place.
All the barnies we saw were probably barny, but Valve will probably choose one of them to be the "real" barney. Just like they choose the eli who said "thanks god for that hazard suit ..." and told you to get to the surface, and opened the security lock for you, to be the "real" eli.
You know, the more I think about it, I'm pretty sure I'd rather buy Barney a beer anyways.

By the time I made it out of the BMRF I had a Glock, MP5, Rocket launcher, grenades, alien weapons, laser claymores, and an HEV suit. I still died a couple times. Barney made it out with a kevlar vest and a Glock... and he's STILL out fighting,lol. If I get the chance I'll buy HIM a beer, lol. He's earned it.
hasan said:
well, all the scientist had numerous copies of themselves scattered all over the place.
All the barnies we saw were probably barny, but Valve will probably choose one of them to be the "real" barney. Just like they choose the eli who said "thanks god for that hazard suit ..." and told you to get to the surface, and opened the security lock for you, to be the "real" eli.
They already havvveeeee X____x

The one who is banging on the door, the FIRST BARNEY you ever see on the tram, that's Barney Calhoun. He's the one you play in Blue Shift.

Eli is the first black scientist you see after the accident. He says "I'm afraid to move him and all our phones are out. You'll need me to activate the retinal scanners, I'm sure the rest of the science team will gladly help you"

Those are the specific people