

Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
Here's a picture of Barny I took from the vid. I took out the HUD so it would look more like a picture. Nice for wallpaper or whatever.....go wild.

{EDIT} Just a screen setting is at 1280 by 1024. If thats important for messing with the pic.:thumbs:


  • barny.jpg
    71.3 KB · Views: 419 spelt barney wrong :p, lol j/k, I wouldnt want that as a wallpaper :(
Yeah i just noticed that.....and why the hell wouldnt you want my kick ass picture? Just because he looks brain dead.........I always knew he wasnt to bright.......I have no problem with it.

Give the man a break!!!!

I'll try getting better ones.....that meet your standards of quality.

Then we shall all rejoice with frothy drink :cheers:

{edit} The look on his face reminds me of Keanu Reeves........."woah"
Keanu Reeves, yuck. Couldn't they have found somebody that could show some decent emotions in The Matrix and just casual acting? Geeze, he is like a wooden plank....

Anyway, I hate how every time I look at a screenshot somebody took from their videos there is no added gamma to it. It makes it dark :(
Originally posted by Marauder
Keanu Reeves, yuck. Couldn't they have found somebody that could show some decent emotions in The Matrix and just casual acting? Geeze, he is like a wooden plank....

Anyway, I hate how every time I look at a screenshot somebody took from their videos there is no added gamma to it. It makes it dark :(

Same thing happens to me. My screen is really dark, so what I do before I watch the videos, look at screenshots or play some games, is I turn up the brightness on my video card. Works like a charm.
What's up with Barney's left arm, it's all thin and stuff..
Originally posted by tewmten
What's up with Barney's left arm, it's all thin and stuff..


The combine extracted minerals from his arm, but im suprised he can hold the gun with that arm.
does anyone else think barney has kind of an angela annaconda feel, like a picture of a someones face pasted onto the model.
This isnt a wall paper, its a screen capture. ign has good, high quality ones, and lots of em from the movies.
How do you guys press print screen so well. It makes me jealous.