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Gmeister said:
Everybody who downloaded the alpha is a bastard because they along with the main hacker caused the year delay.

ROFL!!!!! You do know that Gabe even said that the stolen source code wasn't the reason for the delay at all?

You think they would delay the game an entire year to redo the network code? The game wasn't nearly ready to be finished when Sept. 30th came around.
Gmeister said:
Everybody who downloaded the alpha is a bastard because they along with the main hacker caused the year delay.

:laugh: Yep.. because, as Ded just said, the theft was the absolute cause for the delay..
Where do these people come up with these things? :| Explain how anyone who played the stolen build helped HL2 get delayed further, please.
Gmeister said:
Everybody who downloaded the alpha is a bastard because they along with the main hacker caused the year delay.
Shows how much you know.

Err, don't know.

How the hell would we have anything to do with the delay by dl-ing the beta EVEN IF the thievery had anything to do with the delay?

We only did this becuase of our curiosity, and we are VERY aware that this is not the final game, and it makes us want it even more, and at the same time easing some of the long wait.
Seeing the E3 2004 stuff really made me realise how unfinished and pointless that leak was, so much has changed and been improved that even people who have spent the last 8 months analysing every little thing are still gonna have alot of surprises in the finished product.

As for Gmeisters comment... It was a case of - If i personaly dont get it, will it speed up the release of the game, and the answer was no, so i decided to check it out. :P, i will still be buying the game twice when its released, and i am very sad that the thing was leaked in the first place, but the games gonna rock, and i cant wait for the sdk. :D
YOu guys have the reading skills of 6 year olds. Look at what I wrote carefully. I said the the alpha leak is the reason for a YEAR LONG delay.

It's irrational for you guys to think that the alpha leak played no factor in this extended delay. And if you guys have read the newest interview with Gabe, he reiterates the role in the alpha causing a further delay in the game.
Gmeister said:
YOu guys have the reading skills of 6 year olds. Look at what I wrote carefully. I said the the alpha leak is the reason for a YEAR LONG delay.

It's irrational for you guys to think that the alpha leak played no factor in this extended delay. And if you guys have read the newest interview with Gabe, he reiterates the role in the alpha causing a further delay in the game.

Everybody who downloaded the alpha is a bastard because they along with the main hacker caused the year delay.

You have the grammatical skills of a 6 year old, perhaps. Read your sentence again, please. You said that people who DLed the stolen build caused the year delay as well as the hacker.

And yes, the delay was caused in PART by the theft, but it was not the reason for the delay. The game was simply NOT finished.
Shuzer said:
:laugh: Yep.. because, as Ded just said, the theft was the absolute cause for the delay..
Where do these people come up with these things? :| Explain how anyone who played the stolen build helped HL2 get delayed further, please.

Lets rationalize this, if the hacker downloads the alpha but does not distribute it, I don't think Valve would've made a much more concerted effort to change and tweak the game content regardless of how close the game was to finish. Remember when the game was leaked, it was distributed and so more than 1 person got a hold of the alpha build.
All I can say for the people that don't download the leak: Your loss

It was going to be delayed longer if we had downloaded it or not so why bother wait if it's not going to harm us? Pwnt
Everyone should love everyone else and stop fighting, thanks.
Gmeister said:
Lets rationalize this, if the hacker downloads the alpha but does not distribute it, I don't think Valve would've made a much more concerted effort to change and tweak the game content regardless of how close the game was to finish. Remember when the game was leaked, it was distributed and so more than 1 person got a hold of the alpha build.

A playable "leak" doesn't delay a game. Dozens of games have had early playable build leaks, but it doesn't matter as they don't contain any engine code.
A source code theft is another story. That's the only way the theft caused any sort of delay. I didn't partake in that part of the jacked material, as that is completely wrong IMO.
The beta is nothing but a HUGE gamespoiler. I regret every bit of betascreenshot i've looked at and every bit of code i've been touching.
Gmeister said:
YOu guys have the reading skills of 6 year olds. Look at what I wrote carefully. I said the the alpha leak is the reason for a YEAR LONG delay.

It's irrational for you guys to think that the alpha leak played no factor in this extended delay. And if you guys have read the newest interview with Gabe, he reiterates the role in the alpha causing a further delay in the game.

How long is a year? 7 Months? 8 Months? Thought it was 12, maybe its just me. It doesn't even matter if it was a factor in the "Year Long" Delay, the game was not finished at all and VALVe had to do massive amount of work. Lets put this into figures, Network Source Code Work x 200=Amount of work needed to just finish the singleplayer off.
People getting the beta won't delay the game at all. How would that work hmm?
On top of that, it's not a "YEAR LONG" delay, the game will be out this summer, delayed from September 30th, so thats about 8 months not a year.

Please understand, we don't like threads going no-where.
If the build had leaked alone (without the source code), no one would have noticed, Doom3 Stalker Far Cry all had builds leaked over the past year or two, its a common thing purely because of the untrustability of playtesters etc.

But the source code leak was wierd, I dont understand the "hackers" mentality to release somthing that only serves to damage the future existance of the game, whether through huge delays or constant cheating, and then have the cheek to act like he was serving the customer.
never look at SS's, I almost learned this the hard way. the alpha is a piece of crap anyway...
Who really cares? Is it really that important who's right? Both obviously contributed (as Gabe himself has said) but why does it matter which contributed more? Some people may have read different things to others and interpreted things differently. I don't really see why there's an arguement going on. What's the point?
Someone on AIM just informed me that the screenshot I saw was not a spoiler.

Cylleruion 2012: the spoiler was ***********
Shuz3r: That's really not a spoiler, I know what you saw
Shuz3r: it's a bug in the techdemo map

Whew. Either way, the subject still stands... I don't like all this spoiler stuff going on.
vegeta897 said:
Shows how much you know.

Err, don't know.

How the hell would we have anything to do with the delay by dl-ing the beta EVEN IF the thievery had anything to do with the delay?

We only did this becuase of our curiosity, and we are VERY aware that this is not the final game, and it makes us want it even more, and at the same time easing some of the long wait.

Answer to your first question: If few people d/led the "beta" then Valve would have stuck with the original storyline. Becuase so many people did see what was their, they had to change it. If the "beta" was stolen, but then not released to the public, then not much harm would have been done. And when you say "we" multiple times, I assume that you have tried the leak? Bastard.
[sl@yer] said:
Who really cares? Is it really that important who's right? Both obviously contributed (as Gabe himself has said) but why does it matter which contributed more? Some people may have read different things to others and interpreted things differently. I don't really see why there's an arguement going on. What's the point?

Good question!

Six Three said:
Answer to your first question: If few people d/led the "beta" then Valve would have stuck with the original storyline. Becuase so many people did see what was their, they had to change it. If the "beta" was stolen, but then not released to the public, then not much harm would have been done. And when you say "we" multiple times, I assume that you have tried the leak? Bastard.

I still don't see what's changed from what we saw in the E32K4 presentation, all of that was in the stolen build. I have yet for ANYONE to point out anything that's been changed. People who haven't played it think that stuff has changed, but again, I haven't seen anything drastically different
vegeta897 said:
People getting the beta won't delay the game at all. How would that work hmm?
On top of that, it's not a "YEAR LONG" delay, the game will be out this summer, delayed from September 30th, so thats about 8 months not a year.

Please understand, we don't like threads going no-where.
This thread was bound to go no-where. Don't act like the thread title was a not a precursor for what was to come.

Maybe what I said was partially wrong in teh aspect that the source code theft was a part of the reason that the game was not done on top of the developers being too optimisitic in the release date. I didn't take something completely out of left field though.
Six Three said:
Answer to your first question: If few people d/led the "beta" then Valve would have stuck with the original storyline. Becuase so many people did see what was their, they had to change it. If the "beta" was stolen, but then not released to the public, then not much harm would have been done. And when you say "we" multiple times, I assume that you have tried the leak? Bastard.
Bingo, someone with intelligence.
Gabe himself said they were too optimistic, but the leak is a bigger reason... we might have had it by christmas, but I read that they had to reprogram the networking code and stuff which is very difficult (to stop people from hacking/cheating).
I dont think it was really anyone's fault for dl-ing the beta, Valves moral went down because he stole it, they knew people were going to dl it, so it has no effect.

And thankyou Gmeister.
Put your developers caps on people. If you were a part of the HL2 development team. Would you not be pissed that HL2 source code was stolen? They're not robots who immediately find a alternate solution and hammer away at it.

Yes, the developers were probably pissed and it probably took them some cool off time to get the HL2 development machine rolling again.
Six Three said:
Answer to your first question: If few people d/led the "beta" then Valve would have stuck with the original storyline. Becuase so many people did see what was their, they had to change it. If the "beta" was stolen, but then not released to the public, then not much harm would have been done. And when you say "we" multiple times, I assume that you have tried the leak? Bastard.

Gabe has actually said that the leak had no effect on the storyline. Changes to the story would have occured with or without the leak.
Of course I'd be devastated if the source code to a 5 year project was stolen, but, I don't think it'd be so devastating had just the playable build been stolen.
Shuzer said:
Of course I'd be devastated if the source code to a 5 year project was stolen, but, I don't think it'd be so devastating had just the playable build been stolen.
A lot of the same people who downloaded the alpha build probably got DL some of the stuff the hacker put up for distribution.
well, a lot of people probably just downloaded the source code and were left to compile it themselves.
vegeta897 said:
People getting the beta won't delay the game at all. How would that work hmm? On top of that, it's not a "YEAR LONG" delay, the game will be out this summer, delayed from September 30th, so thats about 8 months not a year.

8 months eh? so the game is coming out in four days? it's coming out this summer. looks like a year to me.

if you d/l'ed the leaked source - you, at the very least, silently supported the action of a moron who stole someone's hard earned work. i would suggest that every person who just d/l'ed the leak stole something that did not belong to them. sure, "i wasn't the one who hacked Gabe's email account!" but you relayed it out of the hacker's hands into your own.
Cylleruion2012 said:
This is just an angry public service announcement: be careful when you look for half-life 2 stuff on the internet... I accidentally saw some screenshots from the "alpha" version (i thought they were new screens or something) and I learned just from a few images about a LOT of the advanced plot stuff.

So don't look at them EVER. Only go to sites like this or the hl2c or gamespy or whatever, because you might see something like I did and have half the story exposed to you.

grrrrr :angry:

I've played the HL2 leak, i tried all the maps in it, NO FRIGGIN BIG SPOILERS DAMNIT, JEEESH...the leak does NOT show more than does.

Please, give it a rest and play the game when it's out.
MindCrafter said:
I've played the HL2 leak, i tried all the maps in it, NO FRIGGIN BIG SPOILERS DAMNIT, JEEESH...the leak does NOT show more than does.

Please, give it a rest and play the game when it's out.

Quite obvious someone didn't read any of the other replies in this thread.
Dedatorv said:
Quite obvious someone didn't read any of the other replies in this thread.

Yes you are right, i didn't bother, he pissed me off.
Adidajs said:
if you d/l'ed the leaked source - you, at the very least, silently supported the action of a moron who stole someone's hard earned work. i would suggest that every person who just d/l'ed the leak stole something that did not belong to them. sure, "i wasn't the one who hacked Gabe's email account!" but you relayed it out of the hacker's hands into your own.

this menality has been wrong and always will be wrong. its a leak. there was no money to be made on it, therefore people downloading it have no effect on valve the company financially. any made up morals people have about it mean nothing in reality.

now its a different story when some people justify downloading a game that is for sale. but i dont need to go into that
Why people refrain from playing the beta and still look at movies and screenshots beyond the fact that the beta's illigal is beyond me.
I mean, the movies spoil, way more then the beta infact, you could say that you watch them to see the engine in action, but the beta's much better for that and by playing that you wouldnt know half the stuff you see in the movies :rolleyes:
True, Unless you're a dumbass (like me) who listened to the Wav files...

I wish I Hadn't...
Adidajs said:
8 months eh? so the game is coming out in four days? it's coming out this summer. looks like a year to me.
Don't even go there. OK it is closer to 9 months, sorry, I wasn't bothering to make sure my estimate was exact.

And 8 is closer to 9 than 12. Definatly not gonna release September 30th of this year man.
guinny said:
How are we bastards for playing the alpha? Oh that's right, because you don't do anything illigal on the net. None of you download music illigally, or pirate games/software....i forgot...only us who have played the alpha are bastards.

Didnt you make a thread a few days back saying you didnt play it? :rolleyes:
chimpmunk said:
True, Unless you're a dumbass (like me) who listened to the Wav files...

I wish I Hadn't...

lol... I listened to all the wav files too... Yea, I know what happens...
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