Batman Tv shows

Everytime I think about that episode, I rage. I rage so hard. Epilogue completely destroys Terry's character by making him fated to become Batman, rather than him having made the choice on his own. Terry becoming Batman to get revenge on Derek Powers, that was a good storyline. It paralleled Bruce's origin and it set up the kind of person Terry was.

And then to say, "He had Bruce's genes because of some bullshit SCIENCE! retcon," and THAT was why he became stupid. Took the choice right out of him, and that's always such a big part of superheroes--that they choose to do what they do because of their convictions, not because they've got the right genes.

The only good part of that episode was the part with Ace. Everything else...rage.

I've just seen that for the first time (since the video was posted here) and I concur. I generally liked the show though.