Battered and bruised

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He once appeared
A harmless threat
A leader wrapped in linen.
United fools, bewitched by words,
In pact with ignorance.

A powermind, dictating thoughts,
that leads toward his dream
To free the world, fanatically
Religious slavery.

Here's a picture of me. Although, I too put on some weight after this photo was taken.
Guys act like you've never seen a girl before. Lmao. My friend in class is a girl and she plays Halo and RPGs... very cute too. I think she digs me ;) I'm basically the only person she could dig, in class (literally, only 9 kids, 8 of them are too young or not interested in girls, only me and my friend and HE has a girlfriend already :p).

Anyways, girl gamers will become (and are) very common... so it shouldn't be SUCH a big surprise. The surprise comes when they're cute AND can frag you. :p

Yah. My $0.02.
Short arsed double jointed guy wltm young hairy women with GSOH and tendancy to throw their own poo......HEY wait a minute....this isn't the very ape dating site, damnit :E

Oh and don't get me started with the steam forums, rzurghzurfuchenmorons, I had a rather torrid relationship with the CS:S beta forum for a few months; and I definitely won't be going back for sloppy seconds :sniper:

As for muscle types, I can't remember much from A-level bio, but I can remember there's quite a few types: striated and and and erm...I also remember that if you put cardiac muscle in someones blazer pocket, they get really mad when they find 2 days later :naughty:
smsKONG said:
I also remember that if you put cardiac muscle in someones blazer pocket, they get really mad when they find 2 days later :naughty:
Lmao. So that's why my friend's pissed at me!
BetaMaster said:
Lmao. So that's why my friend's pissed at me!

hehe, oh how I wish I was back at college now....course these days I'd be kicked out for being perverted. Like a corked wine- I degrade with age :)
SubKamran said:
Guys act like you've never seen a girl before.

Most of them probably never have...

All I want to know is how old you are. If you're a minor, I can no longer enjoy this thread. :(

--Mr. Bildo
wooo i need some babies, they make quite good money on e-bay. thanks for the heads up about the steam forums. i'll stick with posting here.
Female gamers are not common. It's a competitive edge thing. And if they were good enough to talk shit and kill you online then they have biceps and an enlarged clitoris from streroids.

Well...probably not but that's the worse case scenario. Just giving you the ugly gist.
Jeez - females posting on here is akin to dropping blood into a shark tank!! :naughty:
There has't been a post by her at all, not just this thread, but at all, since she said she had homework. Yesterday.
Hi all,
yes i was VERY busy with this damn assignment,and today i had the carpet fitters around to lay my stairs (that almost sounded kinky :eek: )

Kinky maybe but true non the less.Am a bit dissapointed about the hydra tbh,i liked the look of that thing when i watched the movies of it.Nevermind im sure there will be plenty of other evil bastards to kill!

Great poems btw im very impressed,once again kudos to these forums,so much more friendly than others i have frequented (hmm wonder which one i mean...) :dozey:
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