Battle of the cereal characters

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Alright... This is really stupid, but I thought I would give it a try. A bunch of my friends and I got into a debate over what cereal character would win if all of them got into a giant battle royale with each other. The rules that we put down were that it had to be some kind of cartoon character, not a real life person like Michael Jordon on a Wheaties box, and could be a character from one of the commercials, just in case there was a supplimental character that advertised the cereal but never made it on the box.

I said that Capt'n Crunch would be the ultimate winner, because he always had those stupid ghosts chasing after him, and was able to get away from them, and he had the crunch berries for allies.

What does everyone else think about the subject? Who would be the ultimate winner, and how would he (or she) make all of the other cereal character mascots his (or her) bitch?
Oh for sure tony the tiger, yep no doubt. Actually that toucan from the fruit loops box has a good chance too.
the leprechaum from luck charms.... noonce can ever catch him
But I have seen Tony wearing a dress before. How could a crossdressing tiger whoop on a bunch of other characters. My guess is that he would be the first one on the ground crying like a like girl.
Originally posted by XtAkm4p
the leprechaum from luck charms.... noonce can ever catch him

No way, he would get Pwned, totally. Yeah i changed my mind about tony, i got my bet on the bee from honey nut cheerios.
ok then i change mine to the K from special K

pwnage by the K, ull see
that crazy tazmanian devil type thing in the honey comb comercials......
are you crazy? it WOULD be tony, who cares if he's worn a dress, he's buff, he must bench like... 300
Originally posted by symptom
Count Chocula, you fools.

Pffff... Yeah right!!! The honeybee from honey nut cheerios uses that n00blet as a topping in his breakfast!
Hmm. Tony is a definite high stander. But are we forgetting the guys off the Rice Crispies. I'm not sure whats its like in the US, but those three guys on the rice crispies box, are indestructible. I mean, they were even super hero's at one point.
Naww i doubt it FLS. I heard they were driving last week in a remote control car last week. Unfortunately they were run over by an SUV. They were replaced by some look-a-like losers.
I say the demon from Devil loops, those things are good man. yeah they are real too ok!?
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Hmm. Tony is a definite high stander. But are we forgetting the guys off the Rice Crispies. I'm not sure whats its like in the US, but those three guys on the rice crispies box, are indestructible. I mean, they were even super hero's at one point.

True, plus they seem like they play dirty, and they can gang up, so its a tough choice
I don't see why there's so much support for the Honey Nut Cheerios Bee.
His gag is that he's routinely beaten by small children at various sports.

My vote goes to Tony. He kicks the kids around in his commercials. :cool:
No its the rabbit form Trix! Wait, he always gets beaten up doesn't he?
Yeah, but the only thing he has is resiliance, he can just keep goin for the trix because of his drug problem.

after he gets his trix fix he's just a normal weak rabbit
But he can't get a Trix Fix because...
"Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!"
Those greedy bastards.
yes but that still only keeps him reselient so he keeps coming back for more, it doesnt make him strong until after he's on a trix buzz, but he cant get any because of those bastard kids, so tony could take him, it would just take a while
But what about the dog from the old cookie crisp box. He had the partner that was a robber that always got caught by the cop, but the dog always would get the cookie crisps in the end. I think he would be the best because of his overall fortitude, and he always wins in the end.
No way, that guy was on crack. Plus, cookie crisps SUCK. Im telling you the winner would be the honey bee!
I'm suprised nobody here has mentioned Sugar Bear. He was always kicking the crap out of people who tried to take his cereal.
Haha is that the guy from that weird cereal, with the brown-goldish box??? If so, that guy is a reject.
Originally posted by uncle_rudy
But what about the dog from the old cookie crisp box. He had the partner that was a robber that always got caught by the cop, but the dog always would get the cookie crisps in the end. I think he would be the best because of his overall fortitude, and he always wins in the end.

I'm afraid he's right... dogs always go for the throat
yeah but its a cartoon dog, so it can... fly and stuff

shut up
Pffft yeah right, that thing cant fly. Maybe after he takes some hallucinogents(sp? lol) and jumps out of a 6 story window.
it can too! i... i've seen it...

yeeeeah, thats right, and noone can tell me otherwise
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Haha is that the guy from that weird cereal, with the brown-goldish box??? If so, that guy is a reject.

Naw, man. Sugar Bear would tear the Trix rabbit and Cap'N Crunch up. It's like, not only is he a bear, a creature that is strong and can rip you limb from limb, but he knows how to fight too.
so its the tiger and the bear eh?

wheres the lion? oh my....

(yeah I deserve to be shot for that one.. so corny)
How about Count Chocula? I bet he could whoop some ass with those long ass teeth, pointy brown hair, and crazy horse face. He would rule everyone.
Captain Crunch had his own video game where he was shooting people, so there's no contest.
the oatmeal guy. no doubt about it, he is the underdog, but with some training, he could pull it off.