Battle of the Sexes


Jan 25, 2007
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It's an old article but it's an interesting read from the 'New York Times'.

However I would like to bring up the most disturbing point in it.
For example, neuroscientists have shown that women's brains are about 10 percent smaller than men's, on average, even after accounting for women's comparatively smaller body size.
Those silly feminists always had me believing that womens brains were bigger, what else have they lied to us about???
That there is life outside the kitchen reach the bedroom ;)

ultimately the differences are not significant enough to affect gender equality, things work well as they are.

Not 1 on 1 but in terms of a population the difference is quite significant. I'm just sick of insecure women making stupid claims to feel superior.
It's an old article but it's an interesting read from the 'New York Times'.

However I would like to bring up the most disturbing point in it.

Those silly feminists always had me believing that womens brains were bigger, what else have they lied to us about???

Intellect is not relative to brain size, just as it isn't relative to status, success or superiority.
Intellect is not relative to brain size, just as it isn't relative to status, success or superiority.

No but it makes a difference, however small that may be. You can't just rule something out because there are other factors at play.
Another research result I found said that the brain in a woman is more folded than man's. Like size, the number of fold of brain determines the number of brain cells containing as well. This compensate the smaller size of women's brain. So the intelligence of man and woman are of almost no difference, on average.