Battlefield 1942


Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Don't you think Battlefield 1942 is one of the greatest game right now. What do you like the most in the game?

Truly yours,
Ronald McDonald
I have it, but never played it much, didn't suit my taste. I think tribes 2 was better at large-scale vehicle based combat, except infantry is still very useful. it feels more grand than bf1942 I guess :)
No, I hate Battlefield 1942, just like I hate Halo. Only people who like boring games like it. I can't stand it when my friends talked about Battlefield 1942 or Halo. I hate Halo even more, Battlefield wasn't so bad, especially when compared to Halo. At least it's a better PC game and has better multiplayer.
Better multiplayer= Better replay value.
You can also carry more weapons than Halo and the vehicles can actually be destroyed and are better.
It was very cool when it first came out, but the shoot outs (ie. not in a plane/car/tank..) SUCKED!
Havent try any BF yet, played some MOH, COD.

Currently playing JointOps demo while waiting for HL2.

With the likes of HL2, MOHPA, Stalker, etc, coming soon,
any particular reason I should try BF series?
Dont like vinilla battlefield so much as i do the mod Desert Combat. awesome mod.
Love BF1942....especially with Desert Combat mod..
h00dlum said:
Love BF1942....especially with Desert Combat mod..
Me too. My friends and I played Invasion of the Phillipines for 12 hours on a day off of school once...time flies.
The netcode is ridiculous. When i'm 5m away from an enemy, i point my crosshair at their chest then fire and nothing registers it's just stupid. EXIT EXIT EXIT ASAP!!! I did play it for 2 months before things like that drove me away from the game, so it wasn't a complete piece of shit imo!!

Then there's about a million other things i don't like about the game which i can't stuffed going through.

All in all, the game had high ambitions but too many shortcuts were taken in development resulting in a comic book style adaption of WW2.
FH rox

desert combat = the suck (automatic M16? bah!)
Joint ops = also the suck
Reaperman said:
FH rox

desert combat = the suck (automatic M16? bah!)
Joint ops = also the suck
FH is cool, but needs a lot of work. BF1942 isn't for realism, it is for competition.