Battlefield 2 or an MX518?


Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
Hi, I was wondering what to spend my money on. My choices are BF2 (which I really love or an mx518, which i hear is good). I dont have money for both at the moment, so i just have to get one right now. Any suggestions?
BF2 hands down. The new high end mice (Razer Copperhead and Logitech G5) are coming out very soon, so the price of a 518 will drop in a couple of weeks. I'd buy BF2 now and get a new mouse later.
I have both and I'd say BF2, but still get the mouse sometime, it's awesome.
BF2. After all, I assume you've got an alright mouse already. But you haven't got an alright BF2 already. :p
To be honest, I'd go with the mouse if you really really need it... Like me, I really need it. I'm using a $3 ball mouse (the stupid ball comes out when I'm playing games sometimes :( )

I won't buy BF2 until the latest patch, and probably won't buy it until there is a BF2 + Special Forces bundle.
Iced_Eagle said:
I won't buy BF2 until the latest patch, and probably won't buy it until there is a BF2 + Special Forces bundle.

Well that's pretty damn ignorant to wait for a patch on a game you don't even own. The game isn't nearly as buggy as the whiners claim it is.
I have MX518, 100% awsome mouse,

BF2 roks 2.

hmm, I WOULD go with BF2. and you need the mouse to increase your killing
I'd personally buy a new mouse, without one you wouldn't be able to play BF2. I own a Logitech MX1000 Laser Mouse and its leaps and bounds better than any optical mouse i've used and the feel of it is perfect for gaming, never accidently slips out your hand.
Well that's pretty damn ignorant to wait for a patch on a game you don't even own. The game isn't nearly as buggy as the whiners claim it is.

Erm, excuse me. It's true I don't own it. Who says I haven't played it?

I've had more than a fair share of my time playing the demo and retail at people's houses. Oh, and it's not like everyone is singing BF2's praises from the highest mountains here... We all know that there is a ton of things that should be fixed (and is coming in next patch).
A bit off topic here but Ive never had a proper gaming mouse coz i didn't think it would make that much different, i just have a good old Microsoft optical mouse and i still seem to do my share of ownage, would it make a huge amount of difference on my performance getting a gaming mouse.
Ev!lP!e said:
A bit off topic here but Ive never had a proper gaming mouse coz i didn't think it would make that much different, i just have a good old Microsoft optical mouse and i still seem to do my share of ownage, would it make a huge amount of difference on my performance getting a gaming mouse.
Yes. Investing in a good gaming mouse wouldn't be such a bad idea. Trust me.


ennuiedit: fixied joulie's typo because he asked me to.
As long as the mouse doesn't wig out when you move it too fast, it's ok. I have an MX300, 4 buttons including the wheel. Hasn't given me any problems. Don't expect a good mouse to give you magic powers all of a sudden, in fact, it might make you play worse for a while, you'd have to adjust to the new feel/size/weight blah blah.
I bought a MX1000, but i went back to my Logitech Ball 2-button scroll mouse because i like it more. and it's like $70 cheaper.
No Kidding
Just buy a cheapo mouse and get the game too. A mouse is a mouse at the end of the day.
Shadow-warrior said:
Just buy a cheapo mouse and get the game too. A mouse is a mouse at the end of the day.

A mouse isn't just a're telling me that you'd use a 2 button ball mouse over an optical/laser mouse because it's just a 'mouse'?. Thats like saying "A cars a car" when in theory, yeah, a cars a car no differently designed to the next one, except some are better than others, Ferrari > Ford for example. Good mouse > Bad mouse.
I have both right now and I upgraded to the 518 because I had a really bad optical mouse that kept jumping on me.
since i am against giving ea money, id have to say get the mouse.
Don't see why you would need a "gaming" mouse... Personally, it looks VERY uncomfortable to me.
Kitire said:
Don't see why you would need a "gaming" mouse... Personally, it looks VERY uncomfortable to me.

It's actually the most comfortable mouse I've ever used. Not to mention it feels like it just glides over my mousepad and I have much better precision than I did with my old optical/ball mice.
I couldn't get my fingers around it.. And the two+ buttons would take forever to get use to..