Battlefield 2 Patch 1.50 on September 1!


Jun 20, 2004
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As well as bringing one new map, changes, fixes and balance tweaks, Patch 1.50--in public beta since April--will make BF2's previously-$10 booster packs 'Euro Forces' and 'Armored Fury' free, granting their maps, vehicles and weapons to all players.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I purchased Armored Fury because a friend said it was fun (when it really wasn't). So I wasted $10, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :x


* Additional support for Windows Vista.
* Added Highway Tampa as a required map.
* Added a new map called Operation Blue Pearl.
* Added Euro Force and Armored Fury as free to play content for all Battlefield 2 players.
* Added Widescreen support.
* Allowed BF2.exe to use more than 2Gb RAM.
* Added support for the Novint Falcon controller (

Gameplay Tweaks

* Changes made to both the J10 and F35B to make them more balanced.
* AA targeting tweaked to make it more effective.
* Added checks to prevent "runway grieving".
* Various changes made to prevent cheating.
* Tweaked the hit detection, hits will be more accurate to the model.
* Occasional connection drops after being on a server a couple of minutes - Fixed.
* Prevented use of mouse wheel to provide speed boost to vehicles.
* Prevented use of mouse wheel to exploit parachutes.
* Players can now pass claymores by going prone.
* Update the HUD on TV Guided missiles to increase visibility on maps like Dragon Valley.
* Added Battlefield 2142 style prone deviation (going prone will now cause reduced accuracy for a brief period).

Bug Fixes

* Fixed the issue where picking up a players kit would cause CTD.
* Updated BF2OpenAL.dll from version to version
* Updated ch_gas_station collision mesh on Dragon Valley to be consistent with other gas station buildings.
* Fixed the issue where MEC artillery piece on Operation Clean Sweep changes to the USMC's control when they capture the Airfield flag.
* Updated the Challenger2 HUD to show the correct icon instead of the M1A2 HUD icon.
* Changed a PLA FAV to MEC FAV on Road to Jalalabad.
* Tweaked the artillery respawn time on Dragon Valley for to 360 seconds as other artillery uses.
* Included a delay after weapon switch for the Bizon (PP-19) to 0.666.
* Updated the F35B's lock delay to 1 second instead of 1.5 seconds to match other aircraft.
* Changed the Humvee camo on Taraba Quarry to be the correct design.
* Increased the splash damage of the UH-60 (Black Hawk) guns from 0.25 to 1.5.
* Updated the G36E HUD to react the same as other weapons during sprint.
Oh wow, proper vista support and widescreen support. Some of those fixes are great and free content too! Wooo, I never wasted any money on booster packs!

I'm definitely reinstalling this for this momentus occasion. clan reunite!
****ing awesome.
I've been really thinking about buying the booster packs and now I won't have to!

A little disappointed that they're not releasing Special Forces as well though.
Hmmmm trying to get everyone back in the (PC) Battlefield world in preparation for BF3 in the not to distant future perhaps?!?
Free booster packs? Vista support? Widescreen? Can I join in and say **** yea!
I so wish that people still played this. I reinstalled this on the last patch and didn't find any servers :(

Here's hoping this new patch brings new life into it.
I so wish that people still played this. I reinstalled this on the last patch and didn't find any servers :(

Here's hoping this new patch brings new life into it.

That's because no one plays beta patches, the game is very much still alive... once this actually releases I've no doubt that they'll all swiitch.

I mean come on, the booster packs are going to be free content now! A ton of new maps and toys to play with.
I sure hope that EA is feeling ok, this is most unlike them. :p
I hope everyone is still playing by December when I actually get a chance to play myself.
Alright, if this fixes the lag, I will officially have fully restored faith in Dice.

And further, yes, we must all play. Everyone. Entire HL2 server plz.
Oh my god, I was just IMing my buddy about this game out of the blue not ten minutes ago before reading this thread. I shit you: not.
Session Start: Thu Aug 27 17:39:06 2009 -0700
Me: I want to fire up bf2 again. Wonder if servers are still hanging around.
Me: You played with us didn't you?
Buddy: I didn't, but I really liked the game
Me: maybe?
Buddy: I have it somewhere
Me: Yeah, I just watched a video and I got all nostalgic
Then I came here and then I came.
Time to reinstall, hopefully not all servers will run 24/7 karkand nade spam.
Awesome news. DUDE Squad is back to where it all began.
can't wait,

I haven't played bf2 in 3 months now, this patch is a come back.
I guess I'll uninstall/reinstall *Stupid beta patch*
Will I need to patch up till the current version do you think? Or will the 1.50 patch come as one huge separate patch?

If I update now, can anyone link me to a decent mirror?
Hurm, I'm actually pretty tempted to get this. Complete edition is only a tenner and it seems most of the bugs, lack of compatibility are being fixed.
Will I need to patch up till the current version do you think? Or will the 1.50 patch come as one huge separate patch?

If I update now, can anyone link me to a decent mirror?

I've no doubt that it's going to count as a full update.
Will I need to patch up till the current version do you think? Or will the 1.50 patch come as one huge separate patch?

If I update now, can anyone link me to a decent mirror?

If it was anything like what they did with the latest patch, they will only release the full with any version. I wonder if I'd have to remove the beta patch to get it to work, though....

I can't say I've ever witnessed a dolphin diver, plenty of bunnyhoppers though.
Every third player I came across was a dolphin diver. They usually suck though. Take some cover, wait exactly half a second for them to get up to attempt a dolphin dive a second time, pop out and shoot them in the face.
I was a dolphine diver, Sprint Spammer, bunnyhopper and C4 chucker. I guess that's why I've never really had an issue with people doing these things, as I knew how to counter it pretty easily.
I need to get good at doing this.
Sexy. I just keep playing the hit over and over ...
Actually L4D uses the same hit boxes (again with Valve and hit boxes):

That's the reason behind like that initial lag before getting pounced and ALWAYS getting pounced.

Anyways here comes nostalgic moments!

*I cry in laughter at this series though:
Man, I'm getting a huge urge to play some BF2 this weekend.
Also here is a tip to avoid getting kicked by Punkbuster. PB doesn't like when you open BF2 with Steam and views it as cheating program. :rolleyes: So just open BF2 without Steam.
Also here is a tip to avoid getting kicked by Punkbuster. PB doesn't like when you open BF2 with Steam and views it as cheating program. :rolleyes: So just open BF2 without Steam.

Also download pbsetup.exe from the official site and update Punkbuster manually.