Battlefield 2 Patch 1.50 on September 1!

So nice to be able to play the game in widescreen :D And hooray! I can now use Steam overlay with it :D
I remember the stupidest thing about this game now...switching keys. I like shift as crouch and ctrl as sprint, but default is ctrl as crouch and shift as sprint.

You'd think it'd be easy to switch them, but you can't. Every key on the keyboard is mapped to something, so in order to switch them I have to edit the text file they're saved in.

"duplicate key found in land/air/sea"
"key already mapped"
I know it's already mapped, UNMAP IT!
I remember the stupidest thing about this game now...switching keys. I like shift as crouch and ctrl as sprint, but default is ctrl as crouch and shift as sprint.

You'd think it'd be easy to switch them, but you can't. Every key on the keyboard is mapped to something, so in order to switch them I have to edit the text file they're saved in.

"duplicate key found in land/air/sea"
"key already mapped"
I know it's already mapped, UNMAP IT!
Escape I think?
But yeah, that part is frustrating. I don't know why they didn't just give a yes/no would-you-like-to-change-this-binding dialog.
The Z isn't used. Start of with assigning that to 'switch camera views' since that is what the C does by default. Then the C is free so you can assign 'crouch' to it.
X is flares.

I tried just randomly changing keys, but it's just so much easier to go into the text file and switch them. I'm glad to see I can still pilot a heli fairly well.
Infantry combat is still as frustrating as it was a few years ago. Could the weapons be any more inaccurate and ineffective?
I Am much more effective as a Commander but it gets dull in the matter of minutes.
It's still heavily vehicle focused and that annoyed that shit out of me eventually. Spawn, boom, dead. Spawn, boom, dead. Unless you are playing with people you know, squads are only good for spawning.
Most of them are filled with lone wolfs.
Infantry combat is still as frustrating as it was a few years ago. Could the weapons be any more inaccurate and ineffective?
I Am much more effective as a Commander but it gets dull in the matter of minutes.
It's still heavily vehicle focused and that annoyed that shit out of me eventually. Spawn, boom, dead. Spawn, boom, dead. Unless you are playing with people you know, squads are only good for spawning.
Most of them are filled with lone wolfs.

Sounds like you need a good healthy dose of Project Reality. ;)
Infantry combat is still as frustrating as it was a few years ago. Could the weapons be any more inaccurate and ineffective?
I Am much more effective as a Commander but it gets dull in the matter of minutes.
It's still heavily vehicle focused and that annoyed that shit out of me eventually. Spawn, boom, dead. Spawn, boom, dead. Unless you are playing with people you know, squads are only good for spawning.
Most of them are filled with lone wolfs.

There are a few decent servers out there that I join in, and there are 3 squads with 6 players in them. Those are the only servers I play on. Plus, whenever I get on a server, I made a squad called "Teamwork" which is generally always filled to the brim.
I love it personally, but then I think that Battlefield 2 is a terrible game with a terrible community also. Though I would like to jump on a try the new patch and have some games with you guys, I'd be spending the most amount of time in PR.

If I could get BF2 to work in the first place. Stupid buggy garbage.
Hit detection/rifle effectiveness soars when you have a ping of around 50. Also some guns just plain suck.
Best weapon in BF is the AK... 101, is it? Man, that weapon was ridiculously accurate, from what I remember.
Little bird and the MEC counterpart is pure rapage, I wish I bought AF instead of EF.

Terrible mod with a terrible community.

It's a well made mod that just isn't fun to play really, unless you're ex-military.
I have loads of fun playing it and I'm not ex-military.

But let's stray away from that topic...

I wish my BF2 would ****ing work so I could jump into a few games with you guys, if just because I have nothing else to play right now and I want to get to the bottom of this goddamned problem.
Best weapon in BF is the AK... 101, is it? Man, that weapon was ridiculously accurate, from what I remember.
I think so yeah. Not sure about the newfangled unlocks like the SCAR which I haven't tried. I think part of the frustration comes from many of the ironsights being just a bit iffy, like the LA85 for instance, which is a bit lower than it should be. I used to think the LA85 was one of the better ones, until I realised it's terrible at burst shots and does less damage.
I realized yesterday how much I hate Karkand now. Theres never any servers allowing vehicles, so it becomes a grenade fest. Such a shame, especially since this map is so awesome too. Anyone agree?
I enjoy Karkand with vehicles. Easier to go behind lines to get the rear flags, or even just help to push back the first flag if you've lost it as MEC.

IO is only for little babies who don't know/want to use AT if there is a tank around.
I haven't played in two years but I don't remember there being this many:
-grenade spammers
-no vehicle servers

The vehicle combat is really where this game shines, why do so many people want infantry only combat?
Yeah, I'm pretty annoyed by the lack of vehicle servers.
The only vehicles I hate are jets with bombs, if they could just remove bombers from the maps that'd be great.
I enjoy Karkand with vehicles. Easier to go behind lines to get the rear flags
This makes my blood boil. So much. Only because no one besides me seems to care that our main point is being capped by a lone APC that managed to sneak past the lines (everyone else is still grenade-spamming the hills) and I'm left to play "base nanny."

Yes it's not cheating, I know that. But where's the honor? Of course I hide behind "honor" when I can't get more than halfway up the rankings for a round, so take it for what you will.
This makes my blood boil. So much. Only because no one besides me seems to care that our main point is being capped by a lone APC that managed to sneak past the lines (everyone else is still grenade-spamming the hills) and I'm left to play "base nanny."

Yes it's not cheating, I know that. But where's the honor? Of course I hide behind "honor" when I can't get more than halfway up the rankings for a round, so take it for what you will.

That drives me crazy when nobody will help, but usually I form a squad that's sole purpose is playing "Behind the bridge base support". Usually never get very high in the rankings, but we end up winning, and the commander usually gets a VERY nice score.
That drives me crazy when nobody will help, but usually I form a squad that's sole purpose is playing "Behind the bridge base support". Usually never get very high in the rankings, but we end up winning, and the commander usually gets a VERY nice score.
The finest squad I have EVER set eyes on.
That drives me crazy when nobody will help, but usually I form a squad that's sole purpose is playing "Behind the bridge base support". Usually never get very high in the rankings, but we end up winning, and the commander usually gets a VERY nice score.

Nothings more satisfying than killing that ONE guy who got behind enemy lines thinking hes going to single handedly take an unguarded flag. FOILED.
Nothings more satisfying than killing that ONE guy who got behind enemy lines thinking hes going to single handedly take an unguarded flag. FOILED.

Haha, this reminds me of the times when I was playing with jimbo and Shakermaker. I was on the opposing team in Sharqi Peninsula, near the TV Station and I noticed jimbo climbing the ladder to the flag room, yelling "HOW ABOUT SOME HELP OVER HERE!?".

I helped him off the ladder with a few shots to the back - "How about no?".

Good times :D
WHY don't they have a filter for vehicle maps? I went into an i/o jalalabad map and wanted to cry. Nades everyyyyywhere
Yeah, it sucks how they have a filter for IO... bah.
The only good part about BF2 is the vehicle combat, it's just a shame with my new internet connection + how bf2 handles lag it's virtually impossible. It's like BF2 remembers, and keeps pressing, the last keys you press when you lag. At my old place I remember spending nearly entire matches in aircraft, but now I'm lucky to get 3 minutes out of it. Oh you were mid-dive bomb in the jet? lag -> fiery death.

I wish vehicles would lag with their pilot.
I agree.
Lag handling in this game is murderous.

If you think you're running to cover, the game ends up making you backtrack and getting shot in the face.
I had an issue on ONE map, can't remember what it was, but around a specific flag....The game would act like I'm holding whatever button down the entire time. So I'd go to run and stop and shoot, but I'm still walking towards them....drove me BATSHIT insane.