Battlefield 2: Project Reality (MOD)


Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score

It's just so awesome on so many levels. This mod actually adds and encourages teamplay in BF2, what little is left of it anyway. I'm pretty sure we had a thread on it some time ago, but there's no way I'm going to let this mod be overlooked just like that, because it will and does beat Battlefield Bad Company. It's essentially Battlefield the way it was supposed to be - Weapons do not fire BB bullets anymore, AT weapons do damage now, the list goes on and on and on. I never once played the original BF2 after I tried this mod. I lent BF2 from my brother just because I needed something to waste some time with, and knowing that BF2 sucks, I looked for some mods, and boy did I find the perfect one. Generally, it makes the game worth playing. More specifically, it's impossible for idiots.
Why did you even bother comparing this to Bad Company? I mean, I know you like to be as angsty as you can when it comes to console games but c'mon. :P There is no way this game would stand alone on it's own if the original Battlefield didn't exist - it appeals only to a very hardcore crowd of gamers which we all know is a small niche these days. People will like Battlefield, people will like Project Reality.

Anyway, yes, Project Reality is awesome. If I still had boot camp installed I'd play it to hell. One my exams finish I'll start again.
It's okay.

It's a little too realistic in some aspects(trekking across the map for 20 minutes to get to the action, being unable to get into atleast a humvee)

Really, I'd be completely fine with regular BF2 if all they did was up the damage dealt by weapons to the point where you die in one burst from your M16.
It is awesome. I only touch vBF2 when clanmates are playing since I started playing PRM.