BattleField 2 vs Counter-Strike: source

CSS and if you disagree I'll eat your spleen.
I play the most CS:S hands down. But BF2 can be really fun too when I have someone else I know playing. But I have far more fun times with Source games.
BF2. Its got PRMM. Thus it is superior to CS:S.

Mind you, GE:S > All.
CS: S.. but thats because I lag in BF2, and not in CS: S...
I like both.
They offer different experiences.

If i had to choose it would probably be BF2.
BF2 get's my vote, it's hard to go back to CS:S with no vehicles :(

edit: No poll?
I wouldn't call either of them my favorites, but CS:S certainly entertained me longer than BF2 did. BF2 is just ridiculously overrated.
BF2 over here, CSS is slightly boring on servers with greater than 40 pings.

so hmmm BF2 wins.
BF2 cause I dislike AWP n00bs...Nothing's like C4'ing your vodnik & ramming it into a Tank.

Also AH-1z pwns :bounce: I like to use its Guided Missle against tanks.

I first Play BF2 then I play CS:S & then i don't find whats so addictive about CS:S...De_Dust vs. Strike at Karkand, who will win ;)

USMC: "Enemy boat spotted!!!!!"
I play CSS more, but eh, I'd say BF2 is a better game overall.
I played CS Since Beta 1 *5+years? I forget the amount of time* and stopped a couple months before BF2 was released..I played Natural-Selection before.

I find BF2 more entertaining, and has a greater teamwork score. CSS is all about who can get the most headshots. It's an ok game, but...I guess I got so burnt out on it, bleh.

Now when Natural Selection : Source is released...oh god yes.
Counterstrike is a child's game compared to BF2 - simple, repetitive and unchallenging
BF2 is not without its problems but it is far superior to CSS

I enjoy a game of CS:S from time to time, though. I've played it a lot before BF2 came out.
I played CS Since Beta 1 *5+years? I forget the amount of time* and stopped a couple months before BF2 was released..I played Natural-Selection before.

I find BF2 more entertaining, and has a greater teamwork score. CSS is all about who can get the most headshots. It's an ok game, but...I guess I got so burnt out on it, bleh.

Now when Natural Selection : Source is released...oh god yes.
God, that was the best HL1 mod ever made imo. Crawling on ceilings then dropping down and biting a guys face off was such fun. Good times. I would have to go with CS:S. I play BF2 every now and then, but I easily get tired of being killed with artillery constantly.
CS:S is a much more pure experience, it's got fewer bugs that ruin your day. It doesn't have global stats so you don't have as many stat whores. The maps are smaller and much more balanced. You can easily do well as a single unit, in BF2 you need a working team or the gameplay sucks.

If BF2 didn't have the bugs it has it would be a close call since BF2 has a lot more stuff to do in it. Even still I much prefer cs:s.
CS:S. I've only played the BF2 demo.

I don't consider them the same genre however.
I think they're very different. Same genre, probably, but at the extreme ends of it. Consider it, CS (and CS:S, same deal, really) has fast gunning action on small to medium sized maps, with rounds lasting 2-3 minutes being the norm. Most rounds end in elimination of a team, not objective completion. BF2 has significantly longer rounds, a respawn system, and bigger maps (though it's got nothing on, say, BF1942 in that regard). Just the fact that BF2 has control points and vehicles makes it plenty different.

BF2, I think, is actually a weird game in the sense that most of the time, your gaming experience with it will be considerably less fun than it can potentially be. In CS:S, you go onto a server, and get into some action. Competitive and pub play are different, but if it's a bunch of strangers on a pub, it doesn't matter THAT much. So unlike you happen to be on a server full of AWP whores or that's ridicilously unbalanced, you pretty much can have a good time, if you enjoy the game.

BF2, most of the time, is far from what it can offer. Most of the time, you have just one or no squads that actually work as a squad, incompetent or barely competent commanders are common, and there are other problems with people who play - those who teamkill for vehicles, those who spend the entire round waiting for a chopper... BF2 is supposed to be a teamplay game, but in practice, teamwork is rare.

In the earlier versions, BF2 also had some balance issues. I remember it when ground AA could do nothing vs. jets, and one team had a good pilot, while the other did not. Then, the good pilot would go something like 40-1 in a round, and I believe the best I've seen was about 60-2. That's a clear case of one person owning the whole opposing team. That's no longer the case now, but there's another problem, global stats. I can understand the fun of them. They can be good for enhancing the game's lifespan, it can be interesting to watch your stat progress. But with it, you get too many people who care for their stats excessively, and employ various sorts of stat padding. That just spoils the game for everyone.

Just couldn't help posting it, I guess. I really feel that BF2 has much more to offer than it usually does, and the problem of a few misbehaving players being able to spoil it for the entire server is quite... prevalent.

its bigger, its got vehicles and its got a more interesting gameplay style.

CSS is a good semi-tactical shooter, but to me it has no substance.
I like CS because the peoples have more personality and you get to listen to some pretty entertaining fights which include people screaming noob insults at each other. Plus I feel like I cooperate more in CS rather than a battlefield game where I pretty much just go off on my own.
I like CS because the peoples have more personality and you get to listen to some pretty entertaining fights which include people screaming noob insults at each other. Plus I feel like I cooperate more in CS rather than a battlefield game where I pretty much just go off on my own.

Then don't go off on your own! BF2 is so much more fun when you find a squad of people actually doing somsething, and helping. During intense battles, you can rely on some folks to be there to revive you when you die, give you ammo when you need it, or help you capture that flag. Much more fun then walking, killing a guy, dying, respawn, rinse and repeat.
I like CS because the peoples have more personality and you get to listen to some pretty entertaining fights which include people screaming noob insults at each other. Plus I feel like I cooperate more in CS rather than a battlefield game where I pretty much just go off on my own.

I daresay, that probably means you don't make much of an effort to cooperate. In CS, one would more often feel that he's cooperating because the map is smaller, so some players are likely to be near you at nearly all times. If you're playing 10-on-10 cs_office, you'll have some teammates near you. Hence the feeling of cooperation. BF2 is different in the way that you need to actually do separate stuff for teamwork - join a squad, stick with them, provide supplies, etc.

Really, if you want to go off alone in BF2, that's fine, but if you want to work in a team, you can, most of the time, at least try to. It's quite rare to find a full squad working together effectively, but you can usually find at least 1 or 2 other guys that will work in a team.
if bugs are annoying people in Bf2, what about Desert Combat vs. CS?
I played bf2 for a while, but keep coming back to css.
One major non-gameplay difference is how you get a much tighter connection with the people you play with in css. There isn't much in-game banter in bf2 due to how hectic the game is, but in css you frequently have plenty of time to chat with the people you play with.

On the gameplay side of things I just don't like how bf2 revolves around the vehicles. I find this to be especially annoying since the way people get vehicles in bf2 is to camp the vehicle-spawns, which is easiest to do if you had that vehicle already (since it spawns some few seconds after it is destroyed, giving you time to spawn near the vehicle-spawn, knowing the vehicle will soon appear). I wouldn't mind vehicles if everybody could just line up virtually and sooner or later get the option to jump into whatever vehicle they lined up for. I'm talking public gaming here, obviously.

I played bf2 for a while, but keep coming back to css.
One major non-gameplay difference is how you get a much tighter connection with the people you play with in css. There isn't much in-game banter in bf2 due to how hectic the game is, but in css you frequently have plenty of time to chat with the people you play with.

On the gameplay side of things I just don't like how bf2 revolves around the vehicles. I find this to be especially annoying since the way people get vehicles in bf2 is to camp the vehicle-spawns, which is easiest to do if you had that vehicle already (since it spawns some few seconds after it is destroyed, giving you time to spawn near the vehicle-spawn, knowing the vehicle will soon appear). I wouldn't mind vehicles if everybody could just line up virtually and sooner or later get the option to jump into whatever vehicle they lined up for. I'm talking public gaming here, obviously.


It's the exact opposite for me actually, in BF2 there's plenty of opportunities for teamwork (attack heli being my favorite, tanks + 50 cal engineer / Jet Bomber + Co-pilot / Blackhawk + squad of 5 / Jeep / Boats / etc etc. In CS:S however, even when you're playing with a friend, almost always what happens is either you kill an enemy or he kills you before your buddy can react. There's very few teamwork elements in CS:S unless you're in some ultra-competitive clan.

Hell part of my enjoyment in BF2 is playing with a friend during the absolute chaotic moments. My best time was when I was in a squad with a couple HL2.netters and I was a Sniper spamming claymores in the lone enemy flag trying to whore my way to Expert Explosives. I was being revived / resupplied / killed every other second but it was an absolute brilliant moment for me. I've never had an equivilent in CS:S, just mass AWP'ing wars and some kill streaks, that's it. :|
I play CS:S mainly because it doesn't take 10 minutes to get from launching the game to getting onto a map =/

And there is the fact that BF2 keeps overheating my CPU D:

But I have to say that BF2 is a better game overall because it promotes teamplay more so then CS:S.
Everybodies main point here is, Teamwork. They like BF2 because it offers more "teamwork". It's too bad more people didn't play this game for teamwork.

And I used to think *back when I was a CS whore* that CS had awesome teamwork...*sigh* what a nub I was.
I wish BF2 had more teamwork to be honest - as in I've never had much of a problem finding teamplayers ingame or through xfire (i'm not always pushed to play as a team - ramboing has its own appeal)
But if DICE had forced teamwork using the vehicles with 2 man tanks and all 2 seater jets etc. I would have been ecstatic. None of the mods want to do it (rumours that PRMM might) because BF2 attracts selfish people who say they love teamwork and then solo a chopper or a jet and scoff at the idea of having more than one person magically operate a tank
People's stupidity annoys me - Armed Assault can't come out soon enough
Everybodies main point here is, Teamwork. They like BF2 because it offers more "teamwork". It's too bad more people didn't play this game for teamwork.

And I used to think *back when I was a CS whore* that CS had awesome teamwork...*sigh* what a nub I was.

Play with me and you'll see some awesome teamwork. :naughty:

I can't count how many times my sole objective was to watch someone's back because noobdy would ever get mine.
Even when I'm top scorer people don't listen to what I say as far as strategy or tactics. :/


typically css...