Battlefield 3 - CONFIRMED

Which is shit DICE hasn't done except for with Bad Company 2, which the whole Bad Company series was always intended to be a primarily console game. DICE did a good job with the BC2 port anyways, and I won't chock them up to the standard shenanigans of most developers when they've made statements dedicating themselves to quality PC products AND made a good port of a their console game, something no other developers do.

Really? The port of BC2 wasn’t really anything to shout about. I feel like DICE managed to win a lot of favour with some well-timed statements after the MW2 **** ups, but that’s about it. They haven’t actually done shit to back those statements up. The last ‘proper’ Battlefield game was 2142, and that came out four years ago. Even that was just a highly derivative spin-off of the even older BF2.

Since then they've made Bad Company, 1943, Mirror's Edge, Heroes, Bad Company 2 and now they're working on Medal of Honor. Pretty much all big-budget multiplatform titles. I'm finding it hard to believe that they've now decided that it'd be a good idea to specifically cater for PC gamers. I guess we’ll see.
Frostbite 2 is primarily developed for DX11. XP & DX9 is _not_ supported, 64-bit OS is recommended. Lots of time to upgrade if you havent!
-Johan Andersson "DICE"

Via Twitter-

the point is that the port might actually be to consoles from PC.
Either way it will be cut short. Every design decision they make will have the consoles in mind.

Ok... to put it differently, consoles only go up to dx 9 which is what Frostbite 1.5 does... Pc will probably get Frostbite 2 (which has be I think confirmed for BF3) which uses DX11.


This may be old by quiet a few months but hopefuly it might shine some home on the situation..
good news, another shitty pc battlefield title for the project reality guys to fix and make better. cool.
I would be a bit more optimistic if they actually walked the talk when it comes to supporting PC gamers. BC2 was a good port, yes, but WHY HASN'T BF1943 COME OUT FOR PC YET? It's what, a year late for PC? Two? They've pushed the release date back a dozen times, and now it's just "TBA".
If they were supporting PC gamers, they would have released BC2's SDK and its dedicated server files by now. Instead, they are releasing shit that should have been part of the game in the first place and labeling it as map packs.
On the note of BF1943, I can see the game being given for half price or free.
Boy, sure is Crackdown/Halo 3 beta around here.
I don't have to feel guilty about skipping a BF game now.
I would be a bit more optimistic if they actually walked the talk when it comes to supporting PC gamers. BC2 was a good port, yes, but WHY HASN'T BF1943 COME OUT FOR PC YET? It's what, a year late for PC? Two? They've pushed the release date back a dozen times, and now it's just "TBA".

i thought it was universally known that 1943 was probably put out only to tide people over until the next bad company, and then to use the pacific american/japan models for the first mission of bad company 2.

least that's what i presumed at least. the game is fun but with bad company 2 out, 1943 is merely just a test-beta of sorts. there isn't really much need for it anymore.
Well, time to go back and reinstall BF1942/BF2/BF2142.
This makes me feel better:

After the Battlefield 3 "announcement" last week indicated the game would be going multiplatform, many PC gamers were outraged, worrying the series' next flagship title would be tarnished for the sake of console players.

While EA wasn't willing to comment on the state of the PC version, we were able to dig up some info which should put your mind at ease -- scratch that, make it very excited.

Firstly, we learn via Twitter from DICE rendering architect Johann Andersson the engine BF3 is built on -- Frostbite 2.0 -- is "primarily developed for DirectX 11"; XP and DX9 won't be supported (though you may be able to hack it). Also the engine will be especially optmized for 64-bit -- thankfully a lot of you have chosen the road less travelled. Good news in itself, but since consoles only support DX9, the implication is the PC version will be a "true" PC game.

An interview (PDF) between AMD and Anderrson back in November taught us DICE has been involved with DX11 from a very early stage, which helped them get in all the features and improvements important to the team, like multicore optimization, multithreading support (more variation, detail, improved load times, smoother performance), compute shader support (more dynamic light sources), and lastly, tesselation (more detailed and more realistically rendered objects). It's a fascinating read for tech heads, so give the full interview a look if you're interested. Also check out a more in-depth look at the features in our DirectX 11 By the Numbers article. The short version is this: Battlefield 3 should be a huge jump forward that will please those with great hardware, particularly if it's running on Windows 7 64-bit.

Now, many players are worrying 3 will turn out more like Bad Company 2. While DICE did do a pretty good job in making it feel like a PC title, it's no classic Battlefield.

Firstly, you must understand Bad Company 2 was never a "true" Battlefield game, so it's not fair to assume this is the direction DICE will be heading in, at least on PC. Series associate producer Barrie Tingle has said, "Battlefield Bad Company 2 is NOT a sequel to Battlefield 2 or 2142; it is a sequel to Battlefield Bad Company and as such the list of features matches that of the original game and not that of past Battlefield games." In other words, it was always intended as an offshoot, not a monster, flagship title like previous games have been.

But no matter -- the team has already admitted it was Frostbite's first time on PC and so, limited in ways. According to Battlefield forum mod "crazycanuck", based on his experiences and "some conversations", Frostbite 2 is built from the ground up to "be more efficient and take advantage of the PC's abilities." He also says the team is "very excited about what FB2 and BF3 together are going to produce", especially as they've been in development for a number of years (four to six, word has it).

Again from the mouth of Johann, we're told Frostbite 2 is "developed simultaneously for the strengths of each platform (i.e. we use the best API for each platform)." In other words, it's a multiplatform engine, but a good one that should satisfy all players, no matter the platform, in the same sense BioWare or Capcom have or CD Projekt will be with The Witcher 2.

The other big issue is maps -- BC2 had some pretty small ones and as a result, a smaller player cap. Previous series entries included huge, sprawling maps which made for some real in-depth tactics. For this we go back to May, when senior gameplay designer Alan Kertz wrote to a fan inquiring about the lower play count, "For Battlefield it's bandwidth; we are bandwidth capped on the consoles. For PC, I'd like to get back to big scale 64 player."

It's hard to say then what will happen, but they've said it is clear with them fans want the classic stuff. Perhaps PC players will get their own maps, or maybe console maps will be based on the PC maps but scaled down considerably -- both seem like entirely plausible scenarios. We've seen the latter played out alongside further, bigger scale changes in Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, a console-centric version of Battlefield 2 which came about four months after the PC version. Sadly though, Kertz' response to a fan today regarding this in relation to BC2 says, "It was two completely different games; BC2 is not 2 completely different games. Reality says it costs too much."

That doesn't mean the PC version won't be great -- DICE are clever people, after all. Take this quote from former DICE CEO Fredrik Lilegren who said in February, "What the PC version is going to be, Battlefield 3, I think it's going to absolutely blow everyone away, but I can't tell you what it is, but it will blow people away."

Then there is of course the issue of mods, from which we've seen some truly epic work like the "Desert Combat" 1942 mod (the team went on to help make Battlefield 2 and then create full games of their own like Frontlines: Fuel of War). Then there's Commanders, the "Comma Rose", LAN play, spectating, battlerecorder, and so on. Many of these features, seemingly, are being considered for a future BC2 patch, nevermind BF3. We're not guaranteeing any of these features will be in BF3; we're saying based on the evidence, it looks good.

it's funny how there is an ''outrage'' over a new battlefield title possibly going to consoles, because when bad company 2 announced it was going over to PC there was no such outrage from the console community. i think that really says a lot about how immature and stubborn the PC community really can be. also amusing that everyone LOVED bad company 2 but here folk are worrying about how well a title will translate over to console when it already proved it worked well when it was vice versa.

if anything, with bad company 2 in mind, which was built up for consoles and a huge hit with both platforms, this has potential to be great. are people really going to ignore bad company 2 and hope for a ''classic'' battlefield? is everyone forgetting how much battlefield 2 ****ed sucked? over/underpowered weapons, balance issues, AA, jets, dolphin diving... game was garbage, guys. i understand you all had fun as a community with it but it'll take me five minutes to dig up posts complaining about how broken it is from everyone.
I hope they go back to the pre-BC2 Battlefield games. Something like BF1 or BF2. Those were fun. You just jump in and play, in a battlefield. Whether single player or multiplayer. Seriously, who the hell though it was a good idea to put an actual story in the singleplayer BC2, and a linear one at that.

Linear != Battlefield

It was down retarded, I got annoyed at the very start of the game where my movements were limited and crippled because apparently I was suppose to listen to the NPC talking.

Luckly, I pirated it, so my disappointed only lasted until the careless uninstall. So if BC2 is anything to show for, Battlefield 3 might be even more DRM plaqued crap. :(

Why must consoles kill all the cool PC games. :(
it's funny how there is an ''outrage'' over a new battlefield title possibly going to consoles, because when bad company 2 announced it was going over to PC there was no such outrage from the console community. i think that really says a lot about how immature and stubborn the PC community really can be. also amusing that everyone LOVED bad company 2 but here folk are worrying about how well a title will translate over to console when it already proved it worked well when it was vice versa.

if anything, with bad company 2 in mind, which was built up for consoles and a huge hit with both platforms, this has potential to be great. are people really going to ignore bad company 2 and hope for a ''classic'' battlefield? is everyone forgetting how much battlefield 2 ****ed sucked? over/underpowered weapons, balance issues, AA, jets, dolphin diving... game was garbage, guys. i understand you all had fun as a community with it but it'll take me five minutes to dig up posts complaining about how broken it is from everyone.

There is only outrage really because games that are developed for PC and consoles are usually limited due to the consoles holding the PC versions back. Companies generally don't make two versions of the same game, they'll instead port the console version of the game to the PC, leaving us PC gamers with smaller maps, player counts and other limitations that shouldn't really be present on the PC.

BF2 was great fun, sure there were issues with it and a lot of them never really got fixed, but it was always great fun when playing with friends. I definitely had more fun in BF2 than I have done with BC2. BC2 just felt like a console game running on a PC.

Don't get me wrong, I love BC2, but it's sad that it got held back for the PC players. It's great news to hear that BF3 will have separate versions! So hopefully we'll see 64 player games again, along with bigger maps :D Can't wait!
Loved BC2 as well, though I too am really hoping for a higher player count in this one, as well as larger maps.
I am with Ren on this one. BF2 was nowhere near a perfect game, yet it was always fun. BC2 was enjoyable as well, but for me it lacked the staying power of the 'original' Battlefield. Which has in part to do with map size. All BC2 maps feel a bit constricted (or consolised if you will) and lack the vastness of the Battlefield games for PC. Even BF1942 had large sprawling maps and that was released seven years ago. I just hope this isn't the usual PR crap again.
it's funny how there is an ''outrage'' over a new battlefield title possibly going to consoles, because when bad company 2 announced it was going over to PC there was no such outrage from the console community. i think that really says a lot about how immature and stubborn the PC community really can be. also amusing that everyone LOVED bad company 2 but here folk are worrying about how well a title will translate over to console when it already proved it worked well when it was vice versa.

I had typed out a whole response as to why this statement is so stupid, but I think you're just trolling. If not though, then let me just say, you're stupid.

That article Gorgon posted validated everything I've said in this thread. Suck it queers.
BC2 had invasive drm?
Yes. I tried playing the multi-player and it said that my key was invalid. Even though all I wanted to do was to actually play on a battlefield rather than some linear levels. Because of DRM I was not able to enjoy the full experience of the game, playing on a battlefield, and was instead forced to suck it up. :(

BF2 demo. Played the shit out of the game. Got to enjoy battlefields, online play and all. Same with previous games. With BC2, there was nothing.
Yes. I tried playing the multi-player and it said that my key was invalid. Even though all I wanted to do was to actually play on a battlefield rather than some linear levels. Because of DRM I was not able to enjoy the full experience of the game, playing on a battlefield, and was instead forced to suck it up. :(

BF2 demo. Played the shit out of the game. Got to enjoy battlefields, online play and all. Same with previous games. With BC2, there was nothing.

This post confuses me.
Yes. I tried playing the multi-player and it said that my key was invalid. Even though all I wanted to do was to actually play on a battlefield rather than some linear levels. Because of DRM I was not able to enjoy the full experience of the game, playing on a battlefield, and was instead forced to suck it up. :(

Luckly, I pirated it, so my disappointed only lasted until the careless uninstall. So if BC2 is anything to show for, Battlefield 3 might be even more DRM plaqued crap. :(

Why must consoles kill all the cool PC games. :(

derp derp
I had typed out a whole response as to why this statement is so stupid, but I think you're just trolling. If not though, then let me just say, you're stupid.

That article Gorgon posted validated everything I've said in this thread. Suck it queers.

at any opportunity to get a dig at BF2, i'll take it. i guess that is trolling, but i find it such a ridiculously stupid game that i cannot even comprehend why people like it so much but hey, horses for courses. enjoy your inevitable underpowered AA and jet spam.

like i said earlier, i'm all for a new BF3 simply because i know the project reality guys will make a better game out of it.
Suck it queers.
Hey now! Prop 8 has been established to be unconstitutional, can we just move on! Every man, regardless of their sexual preferences, is allowed to state their opinion about Battlefield 3 without being labeled as being sinful.


Also I'm with knut. I love BF2 for mostly nostalgic reasons, but I realise that the balance they had in 1942 was destroyed in the transition to BF2 simply because the devs got a hard-on for realism. And even with that, they couldn't get it right - anti-air did nothing, anti-armor was underpowered, jets were stupidly and uncontrollably fast, non-Medic infantry had objectively inferior weapons, APCs were useless... the list goes on and on.

I see no problem with BF3 being cross-platform, given that BC2's PC version didn't suffer for it.