Battlefield: Bad Company Beta March 25th


Don't toke Sour Diesel
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
For those who own an Xbox 360 with an Xbox LIVE GOLD account, there are beta sign-ups available from Fileplanet, of course you atleast need to have a basic FilePlanet registered name to participate.

I was pretty amazed that after I filled in the information they actually gave me a redeem code key to enter in Marketplace right away(more amazed that I didn't need to be a subscribed user but, only needed to be registered with fileplanet). So sign up quick and you might get lucky and be one of the few who get to try the beta out.

The beta offers up two maps for participants to fight in, Oasis and Ascension. Oasis provides the complete vehicle set (heavy tank, light tank, armored car, attack helicopter, and artillery) to use in a flooded desert valley near a bustling city. Ascension drops players into a mountaintop village surrounding a monastery.

Perhaps more important than the type of battlefield is the new multiplayer mode on display, Gold Rush. This game style tasks one team of defenders with holding off the attackers as they try to destroy a series of gold crates scattered throughout the map. If the attackers manage to destroy all of the crates, either by shooting them or planting charges, they win the round. For every set of crates they take, the attackers get a boost to their number of reinforcements and a new area of the map opens up to fight over.

Got my key :D

[edit] Also thanks for making the thread, I wasn't paying attention to this game so I wouldn't have known about this otherwise.
I'm gonna get me a 360 soon, and this game just makes it all the more sweeter.

Fully destructible environments amirite?.

Only subscriber keys remain now, d'oh.

Or so it says.

Anyone got a key to spare, will love you long time, etc.

I just finished signing up and I only have a basic subscription (free) ..I already have a beta key
maybe it was region based ..cuz I signed up after reading your post
lolz. The public keys went out quick. Here's the redeem code I was given.. try it but I highly doubt it will work since it's been used already(but there's that very slim chance it's reusable)

Im already a fileplanet subscriber so I just needed to upgrade. Cost me a whole $3.44 for a annual subscription to founders club but I could care less Im in the dang beta woohoo! Fully destructive environments plus HDR sound in battlefield? Yes please!! C U all that got one on the field! :bounce:
Secondary keys are up. Got mine, re-directed me to a EU key area so all's well. Downloading now.

I'm not pleased with the buying weapons part, but what the hell, it still looks fun without them so I'm all up for blowing shit up.
did the keys just get exhausted again?

can't wait until tomorrow!
just got finished playing

the beta was released @ 3 AM PST and for the first 30 minutes were laggy then the connection got better.

You either join as an attacking or defending, you cannot choose. As attacking, you raid the enemies base by destroying 2 containers in which you can deal weapon damage to or plant an explosive charge that everyone has regardless of what class you have in order to obtain gold. Once you destroy an outpost and it's containers you will be then given orders to push forward to destroy 2 more containers at another outpost. Through my experience I have only won once(on oasis) with attacking as that shit is very hard to accomplish - I went through 5 bases total. There's a reinforcements meter, once that's depleted game over and defenders win. But, for every base you take over a little bit is added onto the meter.

Vehicles aren't so much different - tanks, support vehicles, jeeps, boats and assault helicopters haven't seen where the jets are kept if any.

controls are great and I adjusted to them well and fast.

the classes are assault, support, recon(sniper), demolitions, and special ops. I think the support role is both engineer and medic. im not too sure though.

I unlocked everything(except for the pay-to-get weapons) for assault.. my favorite class by far. Starts out with m416 with grenade launhcer and grenades unlocks m16 and then xm8 and finally automatic healing stick with unlimited use(I never ran out and i've used it 10 times in one spawning)

I don't remember what the other classes consist of, I only skimmed through them and stuck with my strongpoint - assault.

When spawning for some reason I wasn't able to pick out an outfit until I died. When you spawn theres like a 5 second intermission(spawn times don't vary much if they even do at all) until you are able to spawn in the mean time you can choose your class and outfit and decide whether you want to follow a squad which is chosen for you automatically or spawn at the base. I don't think there's a commander although I am not positive because you no longer take orders from a chain of command, but there is artillery and controlling it - I don't know how that works. There's ammo points scattered within the base and little shacks in between in the middle of the battlefied so you don't have to request ammo drops.. pretty much this one is a dumbed down version of BF2. To me it seems like a CoD4 with more fancy shit and bigger maps. I find the beta very addictingly fun to play especially as the attacking team.

I probably missed out on a lot of details but this is my quickie review

oh and destructible envvironments :laugh: baloney. It's very limited and I never found myself fascinated with the shit you could blow up which is like fences and some building walls. Oh and running down trees with tanks :laugh:

graphics look decent the best effects are fire, explosions and the blurred effect when you zoom with the sniper rifle and rocket launcher.

So far ranking went by fast. I breezed through like 4 ranks in a matter of an hour, I think you start off as an ensign then private and so on so forth. I am a staff sergeant now.

There's tons of achievements to do and they're split in 3 sections, 'wildcards' 'patches' and 'trophies'(or awards, i forget) and there's a little neat thing where if you knife somebody you get their dogtags. There's a section that saves all of that, I managed to get 2... it tells you the player name and if they got revenge on you.
Hmm... I cant get a game for some reason :(

Anyone else having problems?
I just wanna know why in the hell buddies are disabled for the beta? That makes no sense to me!!

Where are my Buddies? – As this is a Beta, we’re required to have the Buddy functionality turned off. Friends playing the Beta will show up as playing “DICE”. For the full game all Buddy functionality will be there. You will be able to join your friends and play as a squad, and navigate sessions together as a group.
Man, this game is pretty sweet so far :D

Not entirely sold yet, though...
It is odd because as of yesterday noonish the buildings and other things became destructible. I guess the destruction is also server-side in multiplayer. EA probably wanted to gradually release everything instead of at once.

like in the gametrailer video above you weren't able to blow holes through that building at spawn, even with a tank upon the beta's first hours of release.
Yeah, the destruction is on now.

For some reason, I cant rank up even though I have enough XP. Do I need to play ranked first?
yeah bob you rank up playing ranked matches. It should be automatic once you get the appropriate amount. You also get 1 credit upon ranking up to unlock new stuff for each class.

I was wondering what 'form' is. It shows like an isosceles triangle and the top point faces in certain directions. what does it mean?
Anyone know the release date of the game? I'll just wait for the game. :(
The vehicle controls are pretty bad, especially the apache. What were they thinking..left trigger for descending and left joystick forward for lift?!?!?! Not to mention you have to press A in every vehicle to reverse and left trigger for accel.
The vehicle controls are pretty bad, especially the apache. What were they thinking..left trigger for descending and left joystick forward for lift?!?!?! Not to mention you have to press A in every vehicle to reverse and left trigger for accel.

You can use the left bumper to reverse as an alternative instead of A if you don't like it.

as for the Apache, I agree the controls are a bit weird, I learned the ground vehicles controls easily but, the air gunship controls are a tad harder to catch on.
Oh, one other weird thing is that I can access the unlockable guns, but the two alternative guns that the game says I have (right under the default, and above the marketplace guns) I cant access in game. Any reason why?
So I got the beta today and spent a good hour or so having a mess about. I quite like it. I've only played the Oasis level in detail but the other seems pretty good, too.

My gripes so far:

* Sniping is far too easy. They need to add some actual breathing/unsteady scope details to the rifles because at the moment it's piss easy and thus, many people are using it.

* Perhaps it was just mine or the games hosts' connection, but the movement felt quite jittery and clunky in places. You move far too slowly sometimes, and you'll often find yourself caught on doorways or bits of rubble. This may just be my not-so-great broadband, though.

* Killing someone takes far too long, but then I'm use to COD4 where it takes a few shots/bursts, but still.

* The voice communications are a bit distracting and are often pretty confusing. I NEED A MEDIC, HOW IS IT DOC, I NEED A MEDIC... there's zero point of this chatter clogging up the radio if the person is on the other side of the map from anyone else.

Other than those, it's got quite a lot of potential. The destructable environments are very good - there's nothing quite as exciting as backpeddling through a building as a light tank chips away at the walls around you. The weapons feel fine as well and I look forward to unlocking some more light machine guns.
Yeah, I find that sniper and assault classes are really powerful, I'm having trouble staying alive with a squad as a support soldier.
I dunno, I'm quite enjoying playing as a support gunner. I unlocked the German LMG the other day - or one with a scope, at least - and it's pretty good. Takes a while to kill someone but in bursts it's awesome.

I also unlocked a sniper that had a really high damage count and I had trouble killing people with it, which is odd because it should potentially kill in one. It's either due to the lag I've been seeing or some of the rifles have an insane wind/distance thingy to them. This completly contradicts what I said in my other post but I was using this rifle up close to someone yesterday, firing at someone from about 10 metres away through the scope, and the bullet just wasn't registering with the guy until about 4 shots later.

But again on the lag, is anyone else finding a lot of it? Last few games I've played people move in short bursts, same with vehicles, and navigating buildings is so ****ing difficult. They really need to iron out the movement and interior bugs.
Antipop, what gun is this you speak of? How did you unlock it???

And I dont really have any lag at all, or maybe thats why I suck.
At the MP menu, go to Unlocks, go to the second list of weapons and press A to use a credit to unlock a weapon or piece of equipment. Everytime you rank up you get a credit, and each item is 1 credit in price. I'm not sure it's name, it's the first LMG in the table-list in the Unlock section. It's reet good.

And as for the lag... it's gone! I've been reading stuff from the devs and they've done an overhaul and it's amazing how smooth it runs now as compared to before, or at least compared to before on my connection anyway. Going through doors, up stairs or just going close to a window is no longer a frustrating exp. anymore. The game is now so much better for me. I'm really enjoying it.
Yea I'm agreeing this game is really sweet. A few little niggles with it though.

1) Knifing sucks. I want it to be somewhere between where it's at and CoD4.

2) You can't tell an enemy up close at a glance and you only trust the indicators. Thus, you run into some stupid TK issues. Personally, I want TK to be off.

3) It crashes a lot when you win. :( I know it's a beta, but still a pain since I know that there probably won't be a patch (though they could surprise me and make one!)
At the MP menu, go to Unlocks, go to the second list of weapons and press A to use a credit to unlock a weapon or piece of equipment. Everytime you rank up you get a credit, and each item is 1 credit in price. I'm not sure it's name, it's the first LMG in the table-list in the Unlock section. It's reet good.

Thanks for that, didnt know those guns were accessible. I just have one question though, what are those guns right below the gun you start with. It says that they are unlocked, but I cant use them! Is it some sorta beta limitation?

Yea I'm agreeing this game is really sweet. A few little niggles with it though.

1) Knifing sucks. I want it to be somewhere between where it's at and CoD4.

Ha, well Battlefield games have ALWAYS had horrible knifing physics. You will get used to it after a while, there are a few techniques. One thing I do like is the dogtagging system. I hope they give you a special "Dogtagger Dagger" after you get enough tags.
The first three rows of weapons above the two rows of pay-for Locked weapons are the different armies' weapons. For example, one row is the Americans, the other the MEC and the other the Russian. It was a bit confusing for me at first but it becomes apparant once you've played each class a bit.

I agree with the enemy indicator thing, too, though I've gotten use to it now a bit. It's really just a case of the enemy skins not being too different from each other apart from the colour, whereas in COD4 everyone is really detailed and thus quite easy to tell apart.