Battlefield: Bad Company Beta March 25th

Thanks for that, makes much more sense :)

Also, the indicator thing is just another thing specific to the Battlefield series, its the same in all the games.
I wish there was a way to switch squads or even teams. There are games when the squads are working fluently attacking an objective or defending a street, and then today I came across a few games where the attacks just weren't coordinated. Everyone would rather either a) wait for the chopper b) hog the artillary or c) go out in a tank, get blown up then repeat rinse in the niave hope that the enemy tank would of moved on.

Still, though, it's fantastic when it works. A few issues with spawn campers, which is only worsened by the fact that without universal chat you can't inform some people of what's going on at times. It's all good and well thinking that they should be looking out for themselves, but theres times when they're going to be occupied and only you can see the guy entering the building that the team mate is using as a sniper nest.

Speaking of which, I love using the underslung grenade launcher to get rid of machine gun nests (LMG gunners in top windows). Just picking apart at the house then scoring that one hit that brings about three enemies tumbling from the window only then to be butchered by your squads machine gun is awesome (see also: Jackson removing the sandbag emplacement in Saving Private Ryan)
Man, you are right, I tried the knife out a few times, and it sucks big time :(

However, that gun you suggested is AMAZING, I am way better with it.

I also tried that huge recon rifle, its pretty good but hard to lead enemies (or maybe lag??)
The recon rifle that has a damage counter supposedly of WTFPOWERFUL? If so, yeah, I was messing with it today and I had to lead quite a bit. I got a few headshots on stationary targets by aiming about a few mm on the crosshair from the top of their head. I was expecting it to kill in one with a body shot because it had the highest damage count but alas, it doesn't. Just as well though as it'd get used to hell by people so I'm thankful for it.

I unlocked the last LMG today - the support version of the X8 assault rifle or whatever. It's not bad but having a scope on the other LMG makes a huge difference, esp. in bursts. To be fair, the American bog-standard SAW is pretty good. I was on the rooftops on a sniping spree in Oasis when some guy came up to me for a vengeance kill who I luckily no scoped, and because we were falling back and being completly overrun by the attackers I had to scoop up his SAW and hold off in the streets for a while. I must of mown down about 7 or 8 guys rushing past the building I was in before they caught on and started blowing the shit out of my position. I had to fall back and collect my rifle from upstairs and peg it across the rooftops back to our defence ground.

I'll tell you what though, the game has such impressive destructable stuff that I don't get annoyed at being picked at my explosives. It's such a rush going from the building to building getting rained on by artillery and mortars. It just looks awesome going up to a house with a few guys in, switching to the underslung and blowing the doors off it's hinges before then entering on full automatic. Awesome.

Also unlocked the mortar strike which is pretty cool. Going to go for the M16 next, then perhaps a new SMG or maybe that compact sniper rifle that has a high rate of fire.
I fail to see the usefulness of the Specialist class. What exactly are you supposed to do???

The artillery strike is pretty awesome. On oasis, I preemptively bomb buildings that many snipers or support soldiers hole up in, so as to expose them more...

But man, does the assault class ever need to be toned down! About 90% of the people in the games I play use it, and its stopping power and accuracy make it really hard to take down without being completely hidden.
I unlocked the M16 today which is pretty good. It's got really good accuracy but I haven't really used it much yet. To be honest, I'm having loads of fun with Support. All the other classes are pretty dull when compared to the options of either calling in mortar strikes, healing buddies for points and actually having a good load of firepower for when you do need to kill. I'd mess around with the engineer class a bit more but eh, shotguns...

The spec op class is good for attacking gold crates with the C4 when it's unlocked. Personally I don't plant the default charge by pressing B as it alerts the defenders to your position. I just either hang back with a grenade launcher and weaken it with firepower or get in there with C4. That said, the iron sights for the spec op, or the SCAR SMG at least, are awful. Hell, you don't even look fully down the iron sight. :| The tagging weapon is pretty good though - it fires a dart at enemy vehicles so they show up on the map for a much longer time that they usually would when someone just spots them normally. I've unveiled quite a few tank ambushes with that a few times now.
I agree, Support is the most fun. The only real weakness is short range, cause sometimes I get so used to burst shots I forget that the gun can absolutely destroy close range infantry with the sheer volume of bullets.

Guess I should ask, what is your gamertag, Antipop? I'd like to compare stats with you, and hopefully play a game or two if DICE inplements the feature in an update.
''Beskhu3epnm'' :) But I'm not sure how the stats thing works. When I go onto it, it doesn't bring up anyone in my friends list even though one or two have the beta. I'll have another mess around later.
Yeah, the global leaderboards dont seem to work either, at least for me...
the leaderboards work now.

Reached Battlefield Commander(last rank) few days ago. I'm concentrating on my patches and stuff now so i'm breaking away from using mainly one class, gives me something to do.

Now that everyone is comfortable with the beta. I notice on ascension, defenders usually spam demolitions for the shotgun and attackers spam support for the mortar support. In oasis, classes seem more balanced but, as usual I do notice some bias classes for this particular map. Support seems to be closest to an all-around class; able to heal himself and others, able to fix vehicles and has plenty of ammo with decent stopping power(close range seems to have too much recoil - medium to long range is where it's at for this guys LMG) and has mortar support... both sides uses this side a lot. The defenders usually have more snipers for obvious reasons with their air support to take out big vehicles and the attacker's AA. Demolitions, usually neglected and special ops and assault's are the rest. It's funny cause in Oasis the demolitions and spec-ops(2 of the least played classes and are the most effective against armor, because the Demo has AT mines and the spec ops have C4) play a huge factor of defense since the Attacker's can brute with their tanks and instead of planting charges on the crates they can simply blow away building walls and simply shoot the crate(only takes like 5 shots from full crate health)

Biggest gripe of all.. greedy bastards who just need to have their AA gun. This is the only thing in the beta that gets teammates to turn on each other.
The support class, whilst awesome to use, does have to much to it. Mortars, healing abilities AND a power tool for vehicles? Come on. Give the Engineers the power tool, I say, just to give them something else to do. Not that it matters much anyway because unless the guy with the busted up tank is in your squad then he ain't going to be able to hear you say ''hey, wait up, I'll fix your tank'' 'coz of the chat features.

On Ascension, for attacking I go Assault because you can pick apart buildings with accuracy, unlike the mortar which comes down at random. That way I can unearth snipers or reveal a weak point in a building for the rest of my team to start throwing grenades into in order to take out a crate. As defender I go Support, but then I always go Support.

The artillery is stupid, aye. Been team killed a few times for it now. Well annoying, but it's a Battlefield game - where would it be without the players who are shite at combat there at your side to kill you for the noob-friendly equipment?
So after a few days, I decided that I need to save my money for better games (sorry Bad Company!)

Thus, I will use my coupon at the EA Store for Spore most likely :) Thus it will only cost $45! Yay! (assuming a $60 AAA price point)
Ooh yeah I have to preorder Spore too...

And possibly Left 4 Dead.
Yes... smart move EA (though it was a dumb move to include them in the first place).