Battlegrounds 2v0.15


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
In this updated version of the Source edition of the Battlegrounds mod, plucky American rebels (or dirty American scoundrels) rise up against the oppressive English dogs (or the heroic English defenders) in a war for independance. It's a theme that appeals even now; I know which side of the table I'm on, you colonial cads![br]</br>
New features include:
  • Major HUD improvements (capture point display, etc.)
  • New player models
  • Updated maps
  • A galleon-load of balancing, tweaking and optimizing

[br]The Revolutionary War was a war fought with the clash of swords, the thunder of cannons and the sheer stupidity of six hundred hundred soldiers standing in two big lines and shooting at each other. You've read the history books, now live the experience! You can download BG2 here or visit the team's website.
This mod is actually pretty fun, I liked it when I tried the first release
Fix the damn shader bug valve, damn it!
Probably going to try this mod because it seems to be evolving in to something fun.
Ive been playing the source version of this mod from the beginning and its still one of the best!
Defenetly going to play this version!
i'd play it but i barely have around 50 megs of free space :x
Sulkdodds said:
rise up against the oppressive English dogs (or the heroic English defenders) in a war for independance.

Can I just say that it is the British army you play as not the English, there is a difference.
Yeh, Version 2 of this mod was really fun bit it was too ugly and limited to be a hit... this new release looks great though. I'll be trying this ASAP :D
It's a load of fun, but currently there's only one V0.15 server :(
The first BG was a game that I was just naturally good at (And we all love games that just "click" with us on the first try), and the Source version rocks just as equally. I think I'll wait till the update is released on Vapour, but I can't wait.
New player models

This is not true, those screenshots are from my computer using the new models I made. They where not done in time for version 0.15. They will how ever be in version 0.16.

Sorry for the confusion guys, you will have to put up with the old models for one more version :).
Probably my favorite mod and it gets some much needed updates! My name is Gentlemen Ghost to those who may have played me.
I played it today, ****ing addictive fun (love the castle map :D), though the other maps are a bit bland...
Nice stuff.

tomdon said:
This is not true, those screenshots are from my computer using the new models I made. They where not done in time for version 0.15. They will how ever be in version 0.16.

Sorry for the confusion guys, you will have to put up with the old models for one more version :).

Looking at the screenshots, besides some more general weapon tweaking you need a custom aimlayer for the player animations, so that the hands will line up correctly. Perhaps you're aware of that, in which case you can safely ignore this.
Animations are hl2dm ones, so they are not ideal for muskets. We are still looking for an animator to do fully custom ones for us.
bigdeezy23 said:
What's the difference?

England is only one part of Britain. To refer to England as Britain ignores Scotland and Wales. Battlegrounds is set after 1707, which is when the Act of Union between Scotland and England took place.
There aren't enough servers :(

Shroud said:
I'll try download this mod! sounds interesting!

You're not Jellyworld! Somebody sound the stolen avatar alarm!

Woowoowoowoowoowoowoowowoowoowoowoowoowoowoowoowoowoo etc.
This mod was ridicilously fun first time i tried it. Even with all the dodgy bugs (sword fights etc.) Downloading!
Mescalito said:
This mod was ridicilously fun first time i tried it. Even with all the dodgy bugs (sword fights etc.) Downloading!
You just have to imagine that you truly are about to stab the enemy. So when you melee attack the enemy, make sure you are looking at him when the stabbing animation goes farthest (the biggest distance from you), like you would actually stab someone.
Just a small quibble:

But I think "the sheer stupidity" remark was just a bit inappropriate. To the contrary, the soldiers that fought in the British and Continental Armies were exceedingly brave and well disciplined to stand in front of a wall of lead as they did without soiling their pants instantly. I don't mean to be a wet blanket, I just think calling them "stupid" is completely off the mark.

I now conclude this gripe, and return you to your regularly scheduled comments. :E

PS: Great screenies! I look forward to checking the new game out as soon as I can!
Agreed. Now, their commanders, on the other hand, were idiots... but being a soldier and standing your ground like that would be incredibly hard.

Just played it, seems like a lot of fun!
We'll see if it's better than GE:S... because that's my favorite mod right now. In fact, out of all the Steam games, that's my favorite. :bounce:
It's great fun to play, but the maps and models are a little rough. It's still a great mod, though!
Jangle said:
There aren't enough servers :(

You're not Jellyworld! Somebody sound the stolen avatar alarm!

Woowoowoowoowoowoowoowowoowoowoowoowoowoowoowoowoowoo etc.

No I didn't stole it, I found it :)
(new here, hello!)
Hello Shroud :)
(For some reason I recognise your nick :p)