
Devil May Cry with a chick....i'll wait for reviews but I'm guessing 7/10
Facepalm at the music and voice "acting"

And another facepalm when I realized that Bayonetta is the name of the character...
Its good to see platinum games (madworld) are working on this, but...that game tried too hard to be funny/rude 'tude ...same with house of the dead ..etc. From all the obligatory crotch shots seen so far I'm guessing this will be the same.
Also if you're wondering why it looks like DMC its cause its directed by the same guy who created the DMC series..
I feel embarrassed just watching this trailer. I think I'll pass, too.
But it has crotch shots you guys, you like pussy don't you? Well then you will like this game.
I've been looking forward to this since the first announcement. DMC plus massive bosses and, hopefully, plenty of depth and combo goodness. Fingers crossed it isn't shite.

Shame on you knee-jerk naysayers - stick to your safe word of quick saves and easy games ;)
I've been looking forward to this since the first announcement. DMC plus massive bosses and, hopefully, plenty of depth and combo goodness. Fingers crossed it isn't shite.

Shame on you knee-jerk naysayers - stick to your safe word of quick saves and easy games ;)

who cares if it's shamelessly cheesy?
it's all about the gameplay
Shame on you knee-jerk naysayers - stick to your safe word of quick saves and easy games ;)
Excuse me? I'll have you know I play my roguelikes with permadeath on, effectively meaning once my character dies ingame, I have to start over all the way from the beginning.

It can be a real bitch in NetHack Online.
this game looks like if a publisher looked for a bunch of over horny lonely emos whit giant posters of anime girls in his bedroom and pay them to make a game

though that trailer looks more interesting
this game looks like if a publisher looked for a bunch of over horny lonely emos whit giant posters of anime girls in his bedroom and pay them to make a game

though that trailer looks more interesting
It is being published by sega you know
Its good to see platinum games (madworld) are working on this, but...that game tried too hard to be funny/rude 'tude ...same with house of the dead ..etc. From all the obligatory crotch shots seen so far I'm guessing this will be the same.
Also if you're wondering why it looks like DMC its cause its directed by the same guy who created the DMC series..

its a 7/10 game for sure
This reminds me of movies on the Sci Fi Channel and Zone Horror that you'll watch just to laugh at how hilariously awful and inappropriate they are, while you ponder how exactly such a ridiculous mix of elements managed to be thrown together seemingly at random in the minds of those who made it. But you turn it off after 5 minutes because even hilarious shit still stinks.
well, it IS Japanese humour afterall

all i care about is the gameplay though
and in that respect, i think it looks fantastic
I've been looking forward to this since the first announcement. DMC plus massive boners and, hopefully, plenty of depth and combo goodness. Fingers crossed it isn't shite.

Shame on you knee-jerk naysayers - stick to your safe word of quick saves and easy games ;)
How I read it.
60fps ftw. Not sure if it's my cup of tea but we'll see.
If you want DMC with a chick, X-Blades is already out. The protagonist is a blonde airhead with no qualms about being an airhead. Combat is ok, but unchallenged. Story not too interesting. Nowhere near as good as DMC. But overall fun.
has anyone played the Japanese demo yet?! impressions?

it seems to be receiving a lot of praise... unsurprisingly
I would be all for liking this game purely on the basis that it stars a milf.


Holy hell she is out of proportion. Her hip to torso height ratio, leg length, head size... my god. She gives me this primal instinct to destroy her hideous features, and I don't mean that as a double entendre--she's a mutant beast who must be eliminated from the gene pool. I throw up a little in my mouth every time I see her.
as long as combat remains deep and difficult as dmc, im sure it will do fine