Beating, Punched, and Stabbed in Arguement in Scrabble Game.


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score

I know it's not funny that the guy died, it's funny because of HOW he died..
Beaten and stabbed to death! HAHA! That's hilarious!
Ok.. not how he died, but why! Thats the word I was looking for, I think..
Yeah it's real funny why he died. If killing someone over a conflict about a Scrabble Game is fun then Al-Qaeda killing people over a conflict about US support to Israel must be hilarious.
People are idiots. Idiots like that should be kept under lock. With barbed wire.

That is all. Bye!
Honestly I don't see the humor in any of it... why is it funny? It didn't even have anything to do with the fact they were playing scrabble... the article stated that they were arguing over how he was speaking to his friends, and then trouble insued.
I could understand it if they were playing monopoly... but scrabble?

That's all that can be said here. Were they drunk or high or just plain retarded to this deed? :|
well I think it's funny. Come on guys, millions of people are dying all the time, sometimes it's funny.
Death can be funny. This is amusing. Get the sticks out of your asses.

No, Mother Theresa. It's not funny because he died. It's funny because of the context he died in - murder during a scrabble game. That's what we call absurd. Absurd in a "Ha ha, oh my god, what the hell?" way.

Granted, I don't find this terribly funny. But there is such a thing as black humor.
not really
So you're saying that of the billions of deaths in all of history, not one of them contained any humour. That's like saying that all Chinese people are short. Well what about Yao Ming!!
The Darwin Awards prove without a doubt that death can be funny beyond all hell.
It didn't really have anything to do with the fact they were playing I don't really understand why people are making scrabble jokes about the murder. The fight started over something completely different.
It's not funny, just another story of a guy dieing. It had nothing to do with Scrabble dag nammit, the article simply mentions it. It could have been they decided to watch some DVDs or play eye-spy.
I'm glad at least those two psychos are of the street. If there's one thing I can't stand it's random beatings.

If one of those guys were to suddenly suffer a stroke and die, that would be funny.

Also, "How do I shot web" made me roffle out loud.
Nah, she made people convert to christianity before she would help them.
I know its already been said in the thread before... but...

Scrabble had nothing to do with the argument and ensuing fight!
It's funny if you don't read the article. That is to say, the screwed up farcical idea you get from the thread title is funny, but what actually happened is not.

Laughing at this just because a game of scrabble happened at around the same time is like saying 'LOL!!!! OMFG DID YOU READ DAT SHIT?! He cut the guy's fingers off and shot the guy in the face while they were drinking BEER!!!!!! IN A PUB!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:'
Shit... did I say game? I meant thread.

Damn my mind is frazzled today.
Laughing at this just because a game of scrabble happened at around the same time is like saying 'LOL!!!! OMFG DID YOU READ DAT SHIT?! He cut the guy's fingers off and shot the guy in the face while they were drinking BEER!!!!!! IN A PUB!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:'

Lol, whilst the main article wasn't funny, that was.
Whoa, Rotorua. That's only a couple hours drive from here. I have some cousins there >.>
Eh.. it doesn't seem to have been over the Scrabble, more like a guy not liking being told to respect the house. They just happened to have been playing Scrabble prior to the arguement.