Beatles Rock Band


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
If you love The Beatles, like seriously are an uber fan, you should check this game out. Charts aren't particularly hard but it's a great Beatles fan experience. Unlocks are pretty great as well


Forgot to say the problems I've got with it.

-Lack of ability to customize them in any way
-drum fills are gone, just hit the green snare and overdrive clicks on
-effects wheel/pickup selector switch stuff doesn't work
-sort of odd playing organ and orchestral arrangements on lead guitar
Kind of bummed about the track listing so far. Great, they've got all the ****ing hippie music like Lucy in the Sky and Yellow Submarine, but where's the goddamn ballads like Let it Be, and Michelle. Where's I've Just Seen a Face, and If I Fell.

- Really like the retro video stuff in Career mode, they obviously put a lot into it.
- Really like how you can make your own unbelievably huge setlist in quickplay.

I haven't checked out the multiple vocals yet because I only have one microphone.
Well they've already announced Rubber Soul, Abbey Road, and Sgt. Peppers for DLC, so it's likely any song you'd want will get there eventually
I beat it on Bass and Drums and yeah it really is an incredible Beatles Experience. Harmonix really went all the **** out here.

At the end of the story with the sudden CUT TO BLACK. Holy **** it was such a "oh my god" moment.
Kick ass, I played the full game at PAX and loved it! Glad to know that more albums are coming!
I was kind of disapointed to hear that the song list is only 45 songs and the DLC got released on the release day. (!)
I've told myself I really don't want to purchase any more of these games, as they become a serious time sink for me....

I'll be renting this after i try Metallica shortly

I rocked out with some friends to this game earlier and we had a blast. Doing similar again tomorrow. It's (so far) the best Rock Band experience because unlike the other games, almost everyone knows these songs. I mean if you boot up the other games depending on the players you get people who don't know the songs and it takes away from the fun. Everyone knows the Beatles.
Are the original songs used or are they covers? I'd like it if it was the originals but I wouldn't so much if it was covers.
I'm pretty impressed with all the background images during the songs. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds had me laughing.
You should play I Am The Walrus, Trav. It's ****ing TRIPCITY. Seriously though, this game is brilliantly made, and they put so much into it. I don't care about the 45 songs. I'm all for the whole enjoyable Beatle experience. Love this game.
Would buy again.

Bought for 40$ by the way. :D

Also, if anyone wants to jam out tonight, Shamrock013 is my Xbox Live name. HIT ME UP ON THERE! KKTHXXXXXX.
How the hell did you get it for $40?

One might say I'm a spy. Another might say I'm a thief. Another might call me the captain of cornflake.

Either way, I had Wally World price match Microcenter which is offering the game for $40. I score.

I win.

It sucks.

All the songs are really boring.
The more I think about the track listing, the more pissed off I get.

I am appalled that none of these songs are in the game:

- Let it Be
- Michelle
- I've Just Seen A Face
- If I Fell
- Across the Universe
- And I Love Her
- Blackbird
- Carry That Weight
- Free as a Bird
- Help
- Here There and Everywhere
- In My Life
- It's Only Love
- Norweigan Wood
- Penny Lane
- She Loves you
- Strawberry Fields
- The Long and Winding Road
- Yesterday
- You've got to Hide Your Love Away

Yes, it is still an awesome game, yes it does still have some great songs, and yes they will probably be available for download eventually, but still.
I was excited bout this game at first, then got bored now I'm excited again but seriously? Let it be isn't in it?! That's my fav beatles song ;(;(;(;(;(

I hate the way DLC has ruined gaming :flame:

EDIT: yesterday isn't in it either WTH? ;(
Oh that sucks. Is it so hard to pry Beatles song rights from Michael Jacksons dead hands?

He's kinda right though. While the actual presentation is top notch as quality is oozing everywhere, the songs are all rather easy...too easy to keep my interest for more than an hour or so; an hour being terrible when compared to how much my friends and I played the original Rock Band. I understand it's not really fair to make the songs more difficult than the actual notes, but ehhh, I dunno, I got bored rather quickly. And the whole thing about releasing a DLC the day the game came out is total bullshit.
The only DLC released so far has been the song All You Need is Love. And that apparently is for a charity of some sort.

Abbey Road is the first DLC album and that isn't being released until October 20th. The others will be in November and December. Also, as much as I wish there was this track or that track, I am very pleased with the overall choice of on-disc songs. I've been loving every second of this game and I always feel weird turning off the X-Box after a session because I always just want to play one more.
He's kinda right though. While the actual presentation is top notch as quality is oozing everywhere, the songs are all rather easy...too easy to keep my interest for more than an hour or so; an hour being terrible when compared to how much my friends and I played the original Rock Band. I understand it's not really fair to make the songs more difficult than the actual notes, but ehhh, I dunno, I got bored rather quickly. And the whole thing about releasing a DLC the day the game came out is total bullshit.

You should know that going into it though really. Im a gigantic Beatles fan and I know im gonna be playing this forevurr~~

It's not for the whole hardcore "GOTTA FULL COMBO EVERYTHING RUHRUHGRGU" crowd. Besides it's more about the overall experience than "GOD THIS IS SO HARD ITS KICKING MY ASS".

Besides, we dont want this do we:
I want this game. And I also happen to own a Wii. Hooray! But I fear it might be a little expensive.
You should know that going into it though really. Im a gigantic Beatles fan and I know im gonna be playing this forevurr~~

Well yeah, that's the main draw for most people I think. I'm not that huge of a Beatles fan, so I will get bored of it more quickly than someone who is a real fan.
Ha what will those crazy developers think of next.
The multiple vocal tracks is awesome. I went to my older brother's yesterday and we had five of us playing, two microphones going, and the way it divides up the parts is just fantastic.

If anyone is considering picking up extra microphones, I've heard most USB ones should work fine. I've got one of these which works perfectly. No sense spending $50 for the brand name one.
Playing Vocals and Guitar on expert at the same time on While My Guitar Gently Weeps is the best god damn thing ever.
Playing Vocals and Guitar on expert at the same time on While My Guitar Gently Weeps is the best god damn thing ever.
I like having 3 people screaming wildly, "WELL, SHAKE IT UP BABY NOW!!!! SHAKE IT UP BABY! TWIST AND SHOUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! TWIST AND SHOUT! etc" It's muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh more fun to me.

Also, last night my friend brought another microphone stand over so I was sitting there playing expert drums and singing. I felt like a REAL ROCKSTAR! D: D:
Yeah, multiple microphones really add so much to this game, for everyone involved.
I watched the entire Beatles Anthology last night, 6 ****ing hours, now I really want to get this game. It will be the first guitar hero/rock band game I have gotten, normally I wouldn't buy this kinda of game because they make a new one every 5 months but this is the Beatles.
anyone else find the new visualizations more distracting then anything? i feel like i have to be stoned to enjoy this game :laugh:.