Beautiful People Thread: The "Vegeta's gunna hate me for this" edition

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I hate people who think 'chubby' or 'fat' girls are the only ones who can be curvy.. Skinny girls can be curvy too you know.
They can have wide hips but they can't be curvy. You have to be a normal weight to be curvy.
I'm not talking those nasty 70lbs skinny chicks, I mean average weight.

And also - You guys know what curvy means? It isn't another word for fat, it means a girl has curves. CURVES on their body. If they have a skinny stomach and wide hips, that absolutely means they're curvy.
I think im with him, a slightly toned stomach and some decent hips, proper curves, are just...kryptonite.
I'm not talking those nasty 70lbs skinny chicks, I mean average weight.

And also - You guys know what curvy means? It isn't another word for fat, it means a girl has curves. CURVES on their body. If they have a skinny stomach and wide hips, that absolutely means they're curvy.

Its impossible for a fully developed woman to not have "curves" because those "curves" are formed via their skeletal structure which is the same for all women. The word "curves" has been taken by fat chicks to mean they're full of lard lumps and imply they their curves are further enhanced by the lard deposits in their asses from sitting all day, and under their armpits where the rolls of fat are.

Men on the other hand just mean it in a way that implies that the woman is meaty enough to have their curves nicely rounded out, rather than sharp and defined like skinny bitches have. Both sides are using the word wrong.
I made this one for you Krynn.


Don't mind the line, I'm too lazy to fix.
If that's what you call a curve, then I can be curvy too by just sticking my ass out and my head back you dolt.
I'll ****ing kick your ****ing ass if you don't shut up for a second, alright?
NO, NO! You might get it, Dog doesn't get it, he doesn't get it, HE does not ****ing GET-IT.
This thread is amusing. *grabs popcorn*

Oh, and I agree with Dog BTW.

And a rather less clothed version of her:

In before "she has a long nipple" jokes
Her face looks huge in that second picture.

Huge but cute.
Psh, then I guess it's been a while since you posted a shitty picture! Huh?!
The raving fascist 13537esque HL fanboy in me almost banned you just there ZT :p

I know it's airbrushed to hell, but she's wearing frickin' HL2 underwear dude.
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