Beautiful People Thread: The "Vegeta's gunna hate me for this" edition

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No, but really, if I were gay, i'd have to give it up for this dude.


On a heterosexual note, perfect ass? Any takers? Vida Guerra?

So your epitome of beauty is 15 people?
Hmmmmmmmmmm. I can't figure out what Krynn means in this thread title.

Unless he was somehow able to predict that that's no god damn way for me to pick someone. But doesn't that apply to most people?

Or I'm forgetting something...

Anyway, she'd be Japanese for sure. I'm just gonna be lazy and post the girl in my wallpaper because she's one of the best looking Japanese girls I've seen, though I have no idea who she is.


Is she 12 or something? Jeeze. If you're old enough to get horny on girls you should not be interested in her.
Going gay for Perlman is like going gay for John C. Reilly.

Oh no, I don't think he's beautiful, I think the show is.
Oh god I was going to post Barrowman but my computer broke.
But it looks like all her features are being pulled downwards...

It doesnt matter man, you can see her soul in her eyes, and her soul is the most beautiful thing in the universe.
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