Beck's new album


Jul 5, 2003
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What do you think of it?

Right now I'm really digging 'Nausea', it has such a great hook.
Beck = scientology, right? I wonder if there's any subliminal Scientology messages on his album....
lol, i doubt it

i havn't heard much from it but i like the make your own cover idea.
haven't listened to the new album, though i do like lost cause, hell yes, and a few others.
Is it better than the crapfest that was his last album?
Listened to it, still dont like Beck.
Is it better than the crapfest that was his last album?

Hey! At least admit it was miles better than Sea Change.

Anyway, I didn't even know Beck had a new album until a few days ago, and this topic is a reminder that I need to get it.
I'm a pretty massive Beck fan, so theres low odds that I won't like it once I get my hands on it (because it doesn't come up till the 3rd).

And oddly, Sea Change is often considered to be his most artistic album, and won the most critical acclaim.
Sea Change was vastly different than everything else that he's done, but that was obviously the point especially with Sea Change as a title. I will admit that I was thrown off a bit at first by the sound, but the more I listen to it the more I fell in love with it. It's now my favorite album of his, followed by Midnite Vultures as a close second.

I haven't heard the new album, but I will be getting it in the next day or so. I'll check back and let you guys know what I think.
Ok, I officially have it, about to give it a listen.
Ok, downloading on iTunes now. Holy cow do you get a lot of stuff with it.
For twelve bucks its the album (including a remix by TV On the Radio), the digital booklet thingy, and fifteen videos.
I've just listened to the new album and I like it quite a bit. As with all of Beck's albums I'm going to have to wait until I give it several more spins to tell you whether I love it or not. One thing sticks with me, only Beck sounds like this.