Been to the dentist :/


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Had 4 fillings and two wisdom teeth taken out :'(

It really hurts and I can't eat.

Sympathy pls.
That means you're numb, right?

/me punches Warbie in the mouth and runs away

PS - here is some sympathy - aaaaaaaawwwwwwwww
So numb I can't feel my nose or my chin - is so bizarre :) (but wearing off /o\)

More sympathy!
:imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu:

The dancing imus feel your pain.

:imu: - Kill.... me.....
awww.. Warbie, u poor thing u..!!!

/me punches Warbie on the chin

lol j/k :)
u know i'd never do that.. infact we are buddies right? ;) :E
My wisdom teeth are bursting through the gums right now!

Think they're OK though, don't need removing. Sympathy though man...
freeman, you hold open his mouth, i'll pour the salt/lemon juice/vinegar mixture into warbie's wisdom tooth holes!
Lil' Timmy said:
freeman, you hold open his mouth, i'll pour the salt/lemon juice/vinegar mixture into warbie's wisdom tooth holes!

oh man.. u are mean!! :laugh:

/me punches Warbie in the nads and hold open his mouth

all aboard!! :E
Fillings arent that bad until u eat something cold
You think that hurts?

Try chewing on bricks when its 160o outside and your wearing nothing but metal shoes, with spikes on the inside, while having 30 hungry zulus chewing on your legs as your fellow soilders run away to leave you for dead. Your mother land betraying you, leaving you for dead, your nothing but a waste. You will die a slow and painfull death.

I mean, I never done that, but I bet it really hurts.
and two wisdom teeth taken out

Believe me... compared to four(!!) taken out... it's easy.

But I know how you must feel ;(
Recoil said:
Believe me... compared to four(!!) taken out... it's easy.

But I know how you must feel ;(

Ouch - that sounds nasty.

(the fillings were actually the worst tho - one of my teeth wasn't properly anaethetised b4 the drilling began. Needless to say that it hurt like f**k)
I had a tooth pulled before. It bled. A lot....

oh yea and... half-lloifer2 I almost did it. ( i was trying to type halflife2 with my elbows becaues the other thread was awesome untill it got closed. :( )