
Do you like the taste of beer?

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Dec 31, 2004
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Beer tastes like someone pissing into your mouth. Alcohol in general doesn't taste very nice but every beer that I've tasted (probably about 8 in total) was damn disgusting.

Ok, now that the extreme part of my post if over, I'll get down to business. I'm no where near an experienced drinker (Drunk only once, but didn't get langered/shitfaced/bolloxed/pissed/hammered/whateveryouwanttocallit) but beer is the worst of what I've tasted. Why do people drink this stuff? Is it just a social thing? Do guys only drink beer because it's what guys drink or do people actually like this stuff (or have just drunk so much that their tastebuds have died)?

For the poll: Obviously you aren't going to like the taste of every beer, but do you like the taste of some beers?
Ha, you think beer is disgusting? Try Barcardi 151.. you'll never mess with that shit ever again after, i'll give you 2 shots. I'm used to beer, I tend to drink more beers for a good buzz than go for shots because shots give me a bad stomach nowadays.
Ha, you think beer is disgusting? Try Barcardi 151.. you'll never mess with that shit ever again after, i'll give you 2 shots.
You dear sir know what you are talking about. It is the worst, worst drink to take straight, obviously. I mixed it with orange juice, however, and it made it 100% better.

Also, beer doesn't taste that bad. It is an acquired taste. The first time I tried it, I hated it. Now, it tastes like water and doesn't affect me for a while.
I had a daiquiri while in Paris. Tastes like paint thinner :p
I hate beer. Then again I've only tried a few different kinds, so technically there's a whole world of beer out there for me to try and presumably dislike.
I hate it.
I once had an apple martini and it tasted like perfume.
The only alcoholic drink I have anymore is wine, and in incredibly small doses rarely.
What beers are you drinking, anyways? There's a lot of beers people find horrible, and everyone needs to find the right one suited to them. I personally hate London Pride, but I love Pumpkin Ale.

-Angry Lawyer
Beer is not horrible, I like the taste of most, but that Miller Chill stuff is 21 flavors of nasty (has a salty flavor to it.)
I dislike beer. I can't get over the taste.

I do enjoy alchohol every now-and-again though, usually straight. Rum and pale ale are my personal favorites.
Most beer isn't good. Most alcohol isn't good. But I do enjoy the fruity mixed drinks, and other mixes from time to time.
I usually only drink alcohol when I am eating something, brings out the flavors. I never let myself drink to the point of intoxication though, very moderate if and when I drink.
I like beer, but I really really don't like the cheap light American stuff (bud and miller). I can't say I've had a huge variety but I prefer the more "classy" beers. I like Blue Moon alot.
I greatly enjoy the taste of many beers. In the past I did not. Not much more too it than that.
Know what's really nasty? Whiskey, I once tried a sip of that and spat it right out. It tastes like Nightquil mixed with rubbing alcohol.

Terrible, Terrible stuff.
mmm beer tastes so good. Ice cold Sol on a really hot day is heaven.
Beer tastes like someone pissing into your mouth. Alcohol in general doesn't taste very nice but every beer that I've tasted (probably about 8 in total) was damn disgusting.

And you call yourself Irish?
Beer is good. Beer is very good. Beer.
I can tolerate beer, well enough to drink plenty of it, but the only beer I've ever really liked was Corona. I tend to drink cider/spirits/mixers when there's a choice.

The best tasting drink in the world - straight, that is - is Drambuie.

Know what's really nasty? Whiskey, I once tried a sip of that and spat it right out. It tastes like Nightquil mixed with rubbing alcohol.

Terrible, Terrible stuff.
But was it American whiskey?

There's a reason that Jack Daniels spends a fortune on trying to make you believe it's not disgusting stuff made in a factory somewhere in the ass-end of the American south - because that's exactly what it is. A real scots whiskey, on the other hand, is a joy.
Beer tastes like someone pissing into your mouth. Alcohol in general doesn't taste very nice but every beer that I've tasted (probably about 8 in total) was damn disgusting.

Ok, now that the extreme part of my post if over, I'll get down to business. I'm no where near an experienced drinker (Drunk only once, but didn't get langered/shitfaced/bolloxed/pissed/hammered/whateveryouwanttocallit) but beer is the worst of what I've tasted. Why do people drink this stuff? Is it just a social thing? Do guys only drink beer because it's what guys drink or do people actually like this stuff (or have just drunk so much that their tastebuds have died)?

For the poll: Obviously you aren't going to like the taste of every beer, but do you like the taste of some beers?
That's exactly how I used to hink about beer. But you just need to "learn" how to drink. I really enjoy the taste now, where it first made me want to throw it away.
Know what's really nasty? Whiskey, I once tried a sip of that and spat it right out. It tastes like Nightquil mixed with rubbing alcohol.

Terrible, Terrible stuff.

Ever had fireball whiskey? It tastes like liquid cinnamon hearts and is amazing in every way.
Where's the "I hate the taste of beer, but I love drinking it" option?
Use to hate drinking it, now it can be tasty and refreshing!

Good Beers: Bass Pale Ale, Dos Equis, Becks, Bud/Bud Light, and tons of others

Bad Beers: Coors Light, all hefeweizen beers
I really don't like the taste of beer and the smell is disgusting. I'm really not much of a drinker, I do like Mike's hard lemonade! Does that count?
Ever had fireball whiskey? It tastes like liquid cinnamon hearts and is amazing in every way.

Fireball whiskey is what teenagers use to get drunk on the cheap when their parents are out of town. It also leads to nasty tasting upchuck.
Fireball Whisky was the cause of, and solution to, my alcohol abuse.
Fireball whiskey is what teenagers use to get drunk on the cheap when their parents are out of town. It also leads to nasty tasting upchuck.

I get drunk with my parents on fireball whiskey.
Ha, you think beer is disgusting? Try Barcardi 151.. you'll never mess with that shit ever again after, i'll give you 2 shots. I'm used to beer, I tend to drink more beers for a good buzz than go for shots because shots give me a bad stomach nowadays.

Everyone says 151 burns like fire but honestly it's not that bad.

This thread is now about hard alcohol.
I usen't like the taste of beer, but now I do


Ive never had a full drink. Ive had a sip of beer years ago when my dad offered, but didnt find it good or bad.
lmao at usen't :LOL: That's an intersting new word for "didn't used to". Ah, leave it to riomhaire.

I've never had alcohol.

I neve'hds'n't alcohol.
I used to hate beer. I could down jagermeister like it was nothing and lots of other hard alcohol but beer was always something I hated. Up until I went to superior wisconsin with my friends that is. Note that superior is number 3 with per capita of bars so it's a pretty big drinking town. I really didn't like beer but I went with my friends and my friends family and we drank nothing but miller light. They brought them faster than I could down a beer. I would have 3 sitting in front of me and another withing 30 seconds. It seemed like a chugging contest. It was horrible...I was so drunk after 2 hours that I was pissing behind the barn because not being able to find the bathroom equates to the line being to long and having to piss outside. After that trip, I came back a different drinker. I had never drinken so much withing a 3 day period in my life. It was crazy but I can now actually drink beer. I still choose hard liquor first but I can actually drink beer now. So you might just have to drink more, and try different types. Try both dark and light beer and see if you can find something that really doesn't have much taste to it, I think that would help.
Ever had fireball whiskey? It tastes like liquid cinnamon hearts and is amazing in every way.

Fireball whiskey is what teenagers use to get drunk on the cheap when their parents are out of town. It also leads to nasty tasting upchuck.

Fireball Whisky was the cause of, and solution to, my alcohol abuse.

I get drunk with my parents on fireball whiskey.

This drink you guys speak of just has "severe alcoholism" written all over it.
My family has quite an extensive history of alcoholism, that's partially why I am so cautious and moderate about alcohol. I'll pass.

Anyways, the stuff was some sort of expensive Irish Whisky, terrible, terrible stuff.
I'm not an alcohol connoisseur or anything, but I never liked that stuff the brits drink like Guiness, or Heinekien. Stuffs too salty for me. :p
I think I'd like English beers then. Everything I've had is way too flavourless.
I don't particularly like beer but I don't mind it either. Excepting shitty cheap beer (bud light, busch light, pbr) which I hate. I usually drink liquor or liquor-based drinks rather than beer.

Also, a lot of people dislike beer at first, it just takes a little getting used to (the flavor goes from unpleasant to "whatever" pretty quickly).