
Do you like the taste of beer?

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Adnams is good (I enjoy most ales), As for lagers, not really my thing, but 1664 is good and there are quite a few Central/Eastern European beers I like, but can never remember the name of.

Oh, and guiness is good too.

As for the hard stuff, straight vodka is the future. Well, that and Irish/Scots Whiskey.
I tried the winter ale or something similar, didn't like it :(
Some of the seasonal flavors can be sort of strange. You should give normal Sam Adams a try, or one of the more popular seasonal flavors like Oktoberfest or Cherry Wheat.
Don't hate the taste, don't like it.

I will say it's a tad unpleasant, but I have no problem drinking what everybody else is drinking.

Then again, i've never had anything but American "beer", and from what I heard, American beer is the only beer that truly tastes like piss.
Beer tastes alright, but the problem i have with it, is i have to drink so much of it to get drunk which makes me feel really heavy and full. Not to mention beer breath the next morning smells/tastes worst then a goat orgy in a pile of expired shit
Beer tastes alright, but the problem i have with it, is i have to drink so much of it to get drunk which makes me feel really heavy and full. Not to mention beer breath the next morning smells/tastes worst then a goat orgy in a pile of expired shit

Drinking a cup of water only to have it taste like stale miller.

Right- I like getting drunk in a short time with only a small amount of alcohol.

Goes down hard, then things get awesome.
I've drank beer of all kinds all my life. my parents tried to raise me so that I wouldn't think of an alcohol as a sin or something that you're not supposed to have, to raise me like the rest of the world raises it's kids.
Most taste 'meh', Heineken is an exception.

I hate beer. Beer should be killed with fire. Wine on the other hand, is fine as ever.
(i sense a poem..)
A wine is fine too?

I don't like wine actually.
Mead is surprisingly tasty for an old-school drink though.
I can't stand beer. I try and try but I just can't get into it. I love wine though, and will drink it and drink it.

Grapes are fruit, it's fine. Wine is one of my five a day.