Bees Vanishing, Scientists Non Comprehenday

****ing bees.
I'm glad someone finally stood up to them.
lol, obviously your joking but if this keeps happening there will be massive harvesting shortages, and underproduction = scarce food supplies. There good for more than just honey, to be honest I really like the little buggers, to hell with wasps and hornets though.
lol, obviously your joking but if this keeps happening there will be massive harvesting shortages, and underproduction = scarce food supplies. There good for more than just honey, to be honest I really like the little buggers, to hell with wasps and hornets though.
I wasn't joking. I hate the things.
lol, well the best working theory that's floating around at the moment is our infrastructures EM pollution is saturating the environment and is beginning to have adverse affects on wildlife. Bees use the earths natural EM field for navigation so our pollution may be throwing them off.
A hive was found at our school, actually. I hadn't seen a bee or a wasp for ages until yesterday, when I saw about 300 hundred of them flying around the science department of our school. Chaos.
Why can't wasps follow suit, absolutely hate the bastards, they are such pointless insects.

I was outside today- and there were BEES EVERYWHERE WTF Die already.
Olds but extremely important news.

I believe it was Einstein who said that without bees mankind would have four years to survive.
The local bees are no problem - they won't bug you if you don't bug them. Wasps and hornets are a different problem, but they aren't primary pollenators. I don't like the sound of this.
Honey bees ftw.

Wasps, hornets, etc. ftl.


Eeek, that's a wasp stinger.
I'm not crazy about bees, but I'd rather have food and bees than no food and no bees.
A hive was found at our school, actually. I hadn't seen a bee or a wasp for ages until yesterday, when I saw about 300 hundred of them flying around the science department of our school. Chaos.
Wuts dat you say? 300?!......No joke this time.

I've always hated bees. Actually, I don't like bugs period, but this is blashphemeh.
I like bees...hate wasps. If anything has to go, let it be the wasps.
I ♥love♥ bees! There *SOOO* adorable; thier fuzzy little faces, beady, little eyes, short, stubby antennae. They are so gentle when you don't hassle them. Seriously, though... I actually like to look at them and poke them and hold them and stuff. They make me giggle. Same thing with yellowjackets. It makes me crack up when two of them are from different nests and when they see each other, one of them will stand up, grab the other one and wrestle, trying to sting each other. LOL.
But what I find better than honeybees or yellowjackets and other hornets, are bumblebees. They are total gentle giants. I've been host to a few of there nests, and to be honest, they weren't really much of a problem for me.
Yellowjackets ftl. They had nests in the ****ing ground all around the porch behind my house. Couldn't take a single step without a bunch of the damn things getting all riled up. These were some big s.o.b.'s too. Finally got to a point where I just poured lighter fluid in/around the nests and burned the ****ers.
I ♥love♥ bees! There *SOOO* adorable; thier fuzzy little faces, beady, little eyes, short, stubby antennae. They are so gentle when you don't hassle them. Seriously, though... I actually like to look at them and poke them and hold them and stuff. They make me giggle. Same thing with yellowjackets. It makes me crack up when two of them are from different nests and when they see each other, one of them will stand up, grab the other one and wrestle, trying to sting each other. LOL.
But what I find better than honeybees or yellowjackets and other hornets, are bumblebees. They are total gentle giants. I've been host to a few of there nests, and to be honest, they weren't really much of a problem for me.

Back to myspace with you, demon.
first the bees leave, then the dolphins, then we are destroyed by things that fly though the air much like bricks don't.
I ♥love♥ bees! There *SOOO* adorable; thier fuzzy little faces, beady, little eyes, short, stubby antennae. They are so gentle when you don't hassle them. Seriously, though... I actually like to look at them and poke them and hold them and stuff. They make me giggle. Same thing with yellowjackets. It makes me crack up when two of them are from different nests and when they see each other, one of them will stand up, grab the other one and wrestle, trying to sting each other. LOL.
But what I find better than honeybees or yellowjackets and other hornets, are bumblebees. They are total gentle giants. I've been host to a few of there nests, and to be honest, they weren't really much of a problem for me.

Yiff in hell, furfag.