Bees Vanishing, Scientists Non Comprehenday

Isn't this linked to cell phones? I swear I read an article on it. The vibrations in the air(wireless signals) mess up the bee's ability to navigate.
Yiff in hell, furfag.

First of all, I'm not a furry. Second of all, do you think that using the word "fag" makes you sound cool or something? Hmph! So uncouth...

Besides, I'm basically the entomologist here based on what I've seen. Yet I don't really know why bees are suddenly disappearing. I've noticed it, too, but never really thought very much of it. Ahh, well.
I like bees and bumblebees (they're so cute!). I hate wasps, I hope mankind will drop their interal arguments and start a world war against them. Might as well take out the spiders as well while you're at it.
But spiders eat wasps, they're our allies!
First of all, I'm not a furry. Second of all, do you think that using the word "fag" makes you sound cool or something? Hmph! So uncouth...

Besides, I'm basically the entomologist here based on what I've seen. Yet I don't really know why bees are suddenly disappearing. I've noticed it, too, but never really thought very much of it. Ahh, well.
yiff yiff yiff
Why can't wasps follow suit, absolutely hate the bastards, they are such pointless insects.

Wasps and bees are both fascinating creatures. Have you ever observed a wasp for a few hours?

Yes, I watch Animal Planet. :(
Wasps and bees are both fascinating creatures. Have you ever observed a wasp for a few hours?

Yes, I watch Animal Planet. :(
Whenever I see a wasp I either shit a brick or head for the nearest can of Raid that might be in the general vicinity. I had the unfortunate opportunity of being stung twice by two different wasps in the space of a week... and they both stung me on the exact same spot on my neck! Was swollen for ages, the bastards...
Some reasearch seems to point to cell phones. I wonder if it was actually proved that cell phones are the problem we would rather see the bees go than give up our cell phones.
Some reasearch seems to point to cell phones. I wonder if it was actually proved that cell phones are the problem we would rather see the bees go than give up our cell phones.

Imagine the riots of teenage girls going through puberty and being deprived of their phones at the same time. Is there a worse apocalypse?
Some bastard said it was wireless networks that did it.
