Beginning an epic Gmod comic, advice needed


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
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I've got Gmod10, a few custom mods, I've figured out how to take screenshots and use Gmod's post-processing effects. I have Photoshop. I also have a few scripts, a general premise, and a ton of spare time. But I have a couple issues.

One is the current model for my main character. I'm wondering, seeing as Concerned was so popular and legendary, would it be some sort of faux-pas if I used the same model as Gordon Frohman for my main character? All the other ones are either really old or really ugly, and don't seem as expressive as the Frohman model.

Second, I need a good name. Since the comic is a) a comedy, and b) loosely based around a counter-terrorist team, Naudian suggested I call it Eggs & Hostages, which I'm starting to like more and more. Any other suggestions?

Now I'ma sleep.
lol wut, I wasn't really suggesting that :P

Hostages just sounded like sausages...which made me think of eggs...

I dunno what to do about the main character model though...I'm sure a different one could work just as well as the frohman model.
I DEMAND that dot net regulars make random appearences.
Male 7A makes apperances in nearly all gmod comics. Apostasy and Jeff both use them for their main characters and they both came before Concerned. So it's up to you, but in my book you're in the clear.
Eggs and Hostages is pretty cool, but you should provide some sort of incomic thing about it, too.
yeah but its not exactly innovative and memorable using that character
yeah but its not exactly innovative and memorable using that character

There's also not that many options. I've tried not to use any of the over-used models in my comics (even though I used male 7a as Rimmer's friend in Worse Than Life) but considering there's about ten of them not counting the refugee/rebel variations, sooner or later you have no choice.
Eggs and Hostages is pretty cool, but you should provide some sort of incomic thing about it, too.

I can see it now. character A is in the kitchen cooking eggs. then character B comes in shouting "I got the hostages!" and CA replies back "hostages? HOSTAGES!? I said sausages dumba**, great, now what am I going to do with these eggs?" A hostage says "well...I could go for some eggs." silence. a blank panel that says minutes later. and they suddenly have sausages and the hostages are either holding their crotches in extreme pain, or they have horrified looks on their faces minus one hostage.
use a woman,and make escandalous scenes!
Mind that bus! What bus? *splat*

Now thats a title. Or atleast a title for one of the individual strips.
I dunno if any of you .net guys will show up in the comic. I have a lot of the over-arching plotlines pretty much planned out already. I'll try though :D

Also, AJ, I just started reading - and now love - Worse Than Life. Any general advice you can give me?
I dunno if any of you .net guys will show up in the comic. I have a lot of the over-arching plotlines pretty much planned out already. I'll try though :D

Also, AJ, I just started reading - and now love - Worse Than Life. Any general advice you can give me?

Well, one idea would be to go on over to and check out the tutorial section for all kinds of nifty little tricks. If you're really going to make it into a long-running thing you might consider a custom skin, custom faces are hard to come by but there are people out there who might help you, if you ask really, really, really nicely. Me, I cheated and used one from a mod that no-one else uses.

Also, glad to hear you enjoyed Worse Than Life, it's an official PHW-comic, y'know ;)
Mmm, good tutorials on PHW. I may have the first comic cranked out by the end of the week :D
Im absolutely sick of the frohman guy. Cant you get any mods and use a custom model instead of a default hl2 one?
I usually pick 2A or 4A, they look rather good and are pretty expressive. Of course I also like 9A, but that one is taken! By me! So stay away!
#halflife2 comic

Use whichever character model you think is appropriate for your main character's personallity. If you use male 07 and people say you're copying Concerned tell them not to be such ****ing idiots.
I dunno if any of you .net guys will show up in the comic. I have a lot of the over-arching plotlines pretty much planned out already. I'll try though :D

Also, AJ, I just started reading - and now love - Worse Than Life. Any general advice you can give me?

Nobody has to make huge contributions to the plot. Just having somebody in the background and having the characters stop for a frame, and the next shows them looking at each other like "...:|..."

Then continue.

Things of that nature.

Or you could, y`know, have a dedicated page every now and again. Much like Tim does with ctrl alt dlt.

May posiden be with ye D:
Alright, I know this thread is six weeks old, but I'm seriously, honestly starting my comic today [edit: after I sleep some]. But there's one thing I need help with first.

You know the tool text in the top left of the screen, describing how to use whatever Gmod tool you've selected? Yeah, that shows up in all my screenshots. I can't figure out how to disable it. cl_drawhud 0 does nothing!
Alright, I know this thread is six weeks old, but I'm seriously, honestly starting my comic today [edit: after I sleep some]. But there's one thing I need help with first.

You know the tool text in the top left of the screen, describing how to use whatever Gmod tool you've selected? Yeah, that shows up in all my screenshots. I can't figure out how to disable it. cl_drawhud 0 does nothing!

Why not use the CAMERA TOOL! *duh duh duh duh duh duh duuuuh!!*

I'm working off memory of Gmod 9, though, so I dunno if it's still there. But it should be!
Hmm. Methinks I'll have to fool around a tiny bit more with the various camera tools.

Also, as good as "Eggs & Hostages" is, I still need some name suggestions.
If I'm not too late in suggesting this...

Use the same model, but photoshop one of these on him -


Then just lose it a few strips in, and never explain why.

Voila! Something! (probably)
Using impulse 200 will remove the gun and the text for the tools.