Beginning Ubuntu

Nov 22, 2004
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I just made a partition for Ubuntu on my second hd but don't know how to get my wireless card working in Linux. I mean, I've found guides but I need additional help because the guides are still too much for me. Is anyone here familar with Ubuntu?
i should probably mention that I know about ndiswrapper and have tried using terminal but terminal is what is confusing the heck out of me
the fact that when I "make uninstall" then "make" THEN I'm supposed to get to "root" ? to enter "make install" plus sometimes when I do "make" i get errors.
What kind of errors are you getting?

Your problem may be that you don't have build-essential (It allows you to compile stuff). In the terminal type

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Additionally, when they talk about getting "root" that means the administrator. In Ubuntu, the root account is disabled by default. To run the commands as root, type sudo in front of the commands you are supposed to run (like the command up above). This makes the command run as the root user.
I thought Ubuntu didn't require a root password? I know most do, but Ubuntu I'm pretty sure doesn't.

Ubuntu is pretty good for what it is, but its still going to be a long time before the common man will be using Linux.