Bending Spoons


Jul 7, 2003
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I went to this thing last night where this guy showed a bunch of us how to do it. He wasnt one of those freaky weird people. He was a retired engener that worked for Boing. There were a couple of different levels of bending stuff. I could only really do the first level. But alot of people did better.
Its just basic mind over matter type stuff, and its easy to say "well hell, i can bend a spoon no problem". But this is way different than just bending the spoon. When you do the steps this guy said, you can kind of get the spoon to bend like its really hard taffy. You put some force into the first bend, and then it just kind of goes. You can bend it around for a couple of seconds and then it frezzes up again and you cant really move it anymore. I'll post pictures of my spoons, some people had theirs curled around more than 10 times.

[edit] Never you mind my Ninja Turtles Tray....I've had that thing for like 10 years [/edit]


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Um, you bend them with you hands. You rub it so it gets warm then you use ur fingers to bend them, Ive seen magicians do it. You cant bend them with your mind.
The second step once you've been able to bend your spoons and forks, is to bend the bowl of a nickle plated spoon. And by bowl i mean the scoopie part. This is not impossible.......but it is FREAKN' hard to do (with out the bendy spoon meathods) I couldnt get it to bend, but there were a couple of 10 year old kids that got it and alot of other people.


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Originally posted by The Terminator
Um, you bend them with you hands. You rub it so it gets warm then you use ur fingers to bend them, Ive seen magicians do it. You cant bend them with your mind.

You arent bending it with your mind and you arent rubbing the spoon what so ever. Its a weird couple of steps this guy had us do, but it sure as hell did somthing.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger

(sorry :cheese:)

At first I totally thought it was gonna be like that. Where you just look at the spoon and make it bend......but it wasnt really like that :(

The last thing we did though was kind of like that. He had everyone hold a fork in each hand and do all the bending steps and just hold them there. Trying to get them to spontaniously bend. That one didnt really work very well for everyone, since it was the hardest.
One kid got the prongs on his fork to part in opposite directions.
Yeah he did. He had a box full of them. It was so freakn' funny when he dumped them out on the floor. He was tipping the box over to get them out, then he picked the box up and had it upsidown. Then like the last ones fell out (we thought) and like a couple seconds later, just about as much that had come out right away fell out of the box.
But yeah.....there was a holocost of silvery that night.
I wont post the steps. Most of you probably would just think its stupid anyway.
they were prolly rigged. I bet if you tried it with ur own stuff it wouldnt work. No offence, but it sounds like you got had. You must know that its not real.
Originally posted by The Terminator
they were prolly rigged. I bet if you tried it with ur own stuff it wouldnt work. No offence, but it sounds like you got had. You must know that its not real.

The fact that my spoon bends if the ice cream is really frozen probably means spoons of that calibre can be bent easily enough.
Yeah spoons can bend on their own, with out you using "mind power" on them. But not like we were bending them. They spoons werent rigged. I took a bunch of them home and tryed just bending them without doing any of the stuff. It sure as hell didnt work like it does when you do the steps. And it hurt my hand.
And anyway. After a couple of seconds of bending the spoon it gets "hard" again and its really hard to keep bending it. Even back into its origianl position.

I hate it when my friends scoop out ice cream with my spoons. God damn idiots. I've like like 2 ice cream scoops and they dont use them and just screw up my spoons.

I should get an award for making a thread with the most use of the word "spoon"
What ?... you can bend spoons?

Can you make a rabbit come out of your eyes?
My mom got a bright idea once that the ice cream scoop would be usefull in scooping out cat food. Needles to day, we never used it for ice cream since.
1. Place one hand on cupped end of spoon
2. Place other hand on handle of spoon
3. Push

Bent spoon!
Originally posted by nw909
1. Place one hand on cupped end of spoon
2. Place other hand on handle of spoon
3. Push

Bent spoon!


Originally posted by nw909
1. Place one hand on cupped end of spoon
2. Place other hand on handle of spoon
3. Push

Bent spoon!

So you were that masked magician!!

Forkbending Step-By-Step

As I've said, I'm no expert on forkbending. I've tried to explain my own experience with it, but people keep emailing me asking how to do it. I guess the best I can do is to spell out step-by-step what I was told at the party where I "learned" to do it, which is reinforced by descriptions on other sites, particularly regarding Jack Houck's famous "PK Parties" (for those of you too lazy to visit the sites I've linked to). There is no "secret", it doesn't involve anything creepy. You won't be conjuring up spirits or casting spells. I can't guarantee results, but I've done the best I can at explaining it in detail - the rest is up to you. Good luck!

Originally posted by Fender357
I wont post the steps. Most of you probably would just think its stupid anyway.
Post them. I'd really like to see.
Originally posted by Letters
Post them. I'd really like to see.

i'm guessing its basically what is said at the link i just gave up there ----^
Actually Xtasy0 just posted them. "they guy" that was showing us how to do this was Jack Houck.

Those steps arent really as in depth as he tought them though. I dont think they should have said "channelling", he described it more as a concentration, and you put that concentration into the fork. Then you do other stuff.
Here's his website. He looks kind of like a weird guy. But most engineers do when they get that old.
Ok.....i'll post the steps he gave us.

Im maken' it in in another post.
I read that whole 'how-to' thing... I sorta want to try it? Haha...
First off you need to not think of this as a couple of physical steps you can do. You have to keep an open mind and just go with it.
I didnt much like the part where i was in a room with about 50 people all yelling "BEND!". That was weird.

1) We used pedgulams (sp?)to see if the spoon would bend for us (kind of a leap of faith for me). If anything skip this step. We didnt do it for the later stuff.

2) This is the mind part....he said this is how you get a connection with the fork/spoon/whatever.
Create a point of focus a couple of feet above your head. Make it like a ball, building up energy wile keeping it to a small point.
Then get a hold of it (mentaly) move it down the back of your neck to your shoulder, then through your arm, to your hand, and into your utensle.
This creates the connection.

3) Now the part i didnt totally do, but you can do it how you want. He had every one yell "BEND!" a couple of times. Just basicly tell the spoon to bend. Let it know what you want :) (Jack said once a little kid asked him where the spoons ears were)

4) This is the part alot of people have a tough time with......and why it works well with a group of people doing it.
You have to cut off your connection with the fork. Just BOOM, stop thinking about it.
It is kind of hard to not think about it wile bending it, but for some reason that is how it works.
When you stop thinking about it you should try bending it. Try bending it around and around as much as possible. Wrap it around itself. It is possible. I should have gotten one of the really good spoons from someone to take a picture.

The "party" part is because when someon else acutally get it to really go, and gets all excited, it gets everyone excited, and they dont really think about their spoon. That usually makes theirs go.
Also Jack was talking about how its the emotional even that helps make it work. So having a bunch of people doing it and having fun helps.

[edit] This was one of my better ones. I really wasnt that good at it. Little kids usually do really good at it [/edit]
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Gonna try this with a screwdriver...

lol....thats gonna hurt.

He did have like metal dowels for the people who had gotten down some of the other things. I dont think a screw driver would work very well though. There is a bit of physical needed.

Oh that reminds me.....He said dont be afrade to really bend it hard at first to get it going. After you do that just bend it more and more. It really starts to loose its hardness for a couple of seconds.
you are wasting a lot of spoons.
Your mother wont be happy.
Hell....Im not using my spoons.

I just took a bunch of the ones he gave us :)
there have been scientific tests where they record the path of protons (or something like that) and they found out that the paths become very unusual when someone thought about it during the recording. apparently the nerves in your brain can cause quantum waves through the world like a pebble on a water surface, and change things. but since mass is so much more then energy, they say it's easier to create a psi ball (ball of hot light). i haven't quite done that yet, but i did hold my palm over my neck, and after a few minutes of concentrating, my neck started to tingle like crazy, and where i moved my hand over my body the tingling followed (with atleast 1 inch between palm and skin)
LMFAO I took one look at this guy and (no offense) laughed. You have been had my friend, "Bullshit" with Pen and Tiller on showtime actually had a show on this guy. The show was about paranormal things such as psychic powers and such and they showed how these con artists trick you into thinking you are bending the spoon and whatever else crap they want you to believe.

They showed a video showing all of the "steps" to doing it, as well as breaking them down to show how he used psychology, the subconcious and peoples will to believe in something magical (its a natural want for something out of world. Example:religion) to trick them.

Basically from what was shown the participants sat in a room and began rubbing the spoon, as well as concentrating on it and doing the mental part. The thing that they focused on was when you were said to yell "BEND" and put pressure on the spoon. When you begin to bend the spoon he relies on a subconcious trick that is associated with wiggie (spelling?) board.

What im talkin about is the board that 3 people stand and hold a trianglular object on a board of letters and numbers. You can supposedly contact the dead asking them "yes" or "no" (or spelled words always have a "leader" that determines the word spelled) then mysteriously your arms will carry the triangular object to whichever word.

So they tried a experiment. They took 3 people put them on a wiggie board and they asked a question to the dead. Their arms automatically went to "Yes". They were astonished. They then blindfolded the 3 people and turned the board the opposite way(So the "Yes" was at first on top left but was now bottom right) without telling them. They asked the same question as well as additional ones, can you guess where it went? It went to where the "Yes" or "No" would have been if it was turned the correct way, but not where they actually were.

So the idea is that subconciously your muscles are activated somehow on a much much lower level to achieve something like this. This is how it seems like there is something else moving the triangular object to the word. Now when you apply this to spoon bending you see right through it. All he did was use this same trick as well as psychology to trick you into thinking something else outside of your hand is making the spoon bend.

Infact after the show they interviewed some of the participants and they actually admitted that they muscled it! As well as others said they could tell it was phony!

This IS how it works, i suggest you go back and punch that old bastard in the mouth and get your money back. Hes a con-artist, i dont care what you say he IS a con-artist. Youve been had homie. ;(