Beretta 9000 (VTM Work)


Aug 1, 2003
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yo, its been a while since I posted any work on this forum, its mainly because I have been so dam inactive with modelling. I have been gradually gettinh through the VTM series where I walk people through how to model a beretta 9000. Its mainly for new people to 3dsmax but at the same time people who know what they are doing. The VTM@s still have to be compiled and released but I supose its reasuring to know that they are finished. I need to contact Munro before theya re released so if you ask about a release date, then I am not sure my self.

Anyway enough chit chat. Here is what it looks like. Take into acount this is all VTM work. I havn't done anything to this model that wasn't in the VTM (except the small scene and lighting).

Jammy Dodger, u always post those job things on these forums? do you know a lot about the industry etc... I obviasly want tog et into it and my plan is to go through southampton university to get there. Then use my 1 years work experiance at university to get a basic job and work my way up to bigger and better games companies. Do you think my modelling is up to standard to get into university. I am dreading my interview so much and its like 1 year away. If I get rejected I swear I will be so gutted because its the only thing I have ever wanted to do :( I really need to learn how to hand draw and skin as well. But I am finding these quiet hard compared to modelling. Maybe I am not putting in enough effort or maybe I rely on wanting good tutorials to much. Anyone wanna make a skin vtm for me? hehehe. Hand drawing will just coem with time I supose.

ARGGHHH stress and I am like 1 1/2 years away from university. Man my brain sucks.
hehe Ichi, i think you just need to cool it. as far as university goes, pretty much any experience as far as modelling goes should be enough, yours is way better than most the stuff i see around ( even from those doing a uni course :p ). fishymumma has got into university i think with his stuff, maybe if hes not too lazy hell talk to you about it in here.

PS. i heard Southampton has some very good courses( was thinking of going there myself :) ), but im not sure you would want to stick to just games. unless you're planning on doing game design, where you plan a game and learn designing, coding and a bit of modelling on the side, i think you should go for a more advanced course, given your ability so far. from there you can go into gaming or VFX etc.
i plan on going to bournemouth uni for VFX :D they better use maya! *punches hand*
and stormy is teh busy, revision and shizzat. :(
Couldn't you use a photo touched up in PS for the skin? I don't think you have to be able to draw to be a 3D artist but it helps... alot.
Thats what I was thinking. I really do need some very good and strong advise. This then means I can plan ahead and learn the skills I need. I am going to learn some basic C++ just to have the knoledge of basic programming so I can kinda join in conversations about it :P and also its a good thing to have. But its all a little to much atm, I currently have already nearly 1 year of 3dsmax6 behind me and about 1 year of level design as well. I need to push forward into skinning and other types of media involved with games. The ultimate job I would love to have would be a concept designer and a 3d modeller. This means I can use my imagination on paper to create funky shit (there is nothing I love more than to use my imagination) and then modelling it into a 3d enviroment then give it life. This would be like :O to me. I couldn't give a shit how much they pay me. I just wanna do it lol. But how shall I go about getting there? is it better to have all around experiance... what? its so confusing because the industry is so demanding but yet its impossible to find good information about it because its has such a variaty.

Another thing to point out is that I suck hardcore at english. I mean, just look at my writing, simple as :P I have a C in all my GCSE's so its not going to be hard to get into univertcity. Unless they say no u suck, we hate u. I dunno. If you wanted to become a 3d artist and a 2d artist at the same time what would u do? which university would u go to? how would u go about doing it? I many want to go into games because I see it as been massive business and also I love games. Creating a mod or game is like been a millionaire to me :D well I dunno about that..... but ye :P u get my point.

wow I talk to much.
looks great!

seems like it'll be a good vtm :)

about getting into the industry as a modeler:
guns are all good and fine, but what almost every job out thier wants you to be able to do is have skills as organic, ie human, modeling.

I know you've done some, but the more you do there, the better off you'll be. and rigging and animating experience wouldn't hirt :p
The best way to get into 2d art is to just sit down and draw for a while. There are some great books out there. The one I first started with was "Marvels guide to drawing comics" or something like that. But that's the book I read that started me on perspective, foreshortening and drawing 3d figures. It was an excellent book although I don't know if they're still printing it. Theres another good book called "dynamic figure drawing" by Burne Hogarth. It's also quite good.

I don't have anything handy to use as an illustration but once you've got a picture in your head of whatever it is you want to draw start out with basic shapes. Circles, cylinders, cubes, etc. And then add detail and depth from there. If I wind up with the time I might be able to draw some examples for you.

As far as your modelling goes I think your models all look quite a bit better than what's in most games. If you want to get your work noticed just make your mod and send links off to various developers letting them know which parts you worked on and all of that. Being able to show your work is more important than where you went to school in the game and art/design industry. Almost every time a developer at id or Valve has been asked what the best way to break into the industry is they've always said "make a mod" and that's very true just because it'd be much much more impressive if you can say "look what I made" rather than "I went here". So don't stress too much about it, just keep doing what you're doing.

ps.Your english is fine, it just reads like you're rambling or nervous. =)
Hey IchI, I wouldnt worry about getting in to uni, from what iv seen you should have no probs getting in.
And I agree with Sidewinder the more versatile you are with your modeling the better chance you have at getting that job you want.
Just remember to keep a portfolio of all your work, and make a backup of it just incase.
And when choosing what to go in your portfolio its better to have just 10 exellent piece's of work rather than those 10 mixed up with other not so good work.
Good luck with your future.
ye, Munro needs to upload them. Lets all spam him and bully him into hurrying up hehehe. Infact don;t because he is a busy guy and proberly end up been slower.

/me just shuts up lol.
I'm looking forward to it.
Nice of ya Ichi to spend time making a VTM.

Eventhough I use XSI it might be educational.

Take care!
Very nice model, quite detailed. Accurately modeled as well! 9/10 rating overall.
Ask Munro, its out of my hands atm. I was going to see if I could find another host yesurday but that means sending all the vtm's again. I dunno tbh. Sorry.
Munro any chance on a update to this project by Ichi?

Cheers :thumbs:
I have no control on when they will be released. I sent them to Munro over 2 weeks ago. But the server is not configured properly and if they provide downloads it will crash the news system and proberly the forums. I don't want to bring down the forums and news system just for my VTM's so we have to wait until the Limelight Netowkr is Cofigured. The only bad thing about this is that Valve and the actual Limlight people are ignoring Munro's emails. They where going to try and fix it yesturday but they ****ed it up even more. Sorry.
I don't really know this stuff too well, but when I hear of people wanting to put something up that will be downloaded a lot they talk about setting up a torrent. Could that be done?
IchI said:
The only bad thing about this is that Valve and the actual Limlight people are ignoring Munro's emails. They where going to try and fix it yesturday but they ****ed it up even more. Sorry.

Valve trademark....
Sprafa said:
Valve trademark....

Ignoring people ?
Yeah, I bet they are writing all those replys to fans with someone pointing a gun to their heads.....

Or well, multiple people pointing a gun at their heads.
MapE said:
Ignoring people ?
Yeah, I bet they are writing all those replys to fans with someone pointing a gun to their heads.....

Or well, multiple people pointing a gun at their heads.

yes, like the people who pay them :P
how much bandwidth do u have? because alltogether they are about 400/500 mb ?
I'm guessing there would be at least 20 people wanting to download them (not sure how many people visit this section, but at least a fair few have shown interest in these). So 20x500mb would be 10 gigs at least. Though I supposed less could be required if a VTM was only released 1 at a time, so instead of each person downloading 500mb they were doing 150mb or however large each VTM is. Would let more people get hold of them.
20 people...yea right

Look at the views..700 Maybe 50-100 people. :O
"At least" hehe, was trying to show that he would need loads of bandwidth.
hmmm... maybe I should try get in contact with burstfire or some other random server company. Anyone got any contacts ?
Ooooo, reckon you could host Ankalar's texture one too if he would send it to ya?
Hmmmm.... its getting beyond a joke now. I need a bitorrent host with at least 10mbit connection. Is anyone intrested ?
Im sure teesside uni used to run a game desighn course..
mite be worth a look itch.
Nice weapon renders by the way.
Teeside do (I go there hehe and one of my housemates is doing that course).

But I'm having trouble seeing the connection with that and the lack of being able to download the VTM :p