Besides Half-Life 2, which game are you most anticipating?

Which game are you most anticipating? Eh?

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Doom III
Full Spectrum Warrior
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Halo 2
Joint Operations
Shellshock: Nam '67
Starcraft: Ghost
Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines
Dammit!...Why wasn't this put into a poll?!?! I set up the thread to be a poll, and now look at it! Why didn't it work?! I clicked on the poll button, but it didn't to seem to work...Oh well, just answer the question.
From 'General Off Topic Chat' to 'General Gaming' since it is game-related discussion.

I would be happy to make a poll for you.
You totally F***ed up my poll! How dare you!? I want my poll not yours!!
'scuse me. I just added a few extra options.

And I don't happen to take language like that kindly when I've just spent the last 5 minutes battling through timeouts et all to make you a poll to go with a thread that was in the wrong forum. I'd like a little respect.
Forget it...I'll be elsewhere.

****in' moderators! You suck...just leave my shit alone!!!! Can ya' here me now?! Go ahead, BAN ME! See if I care...LOL

Hell, you'll probably move this post, too.
itakeyourbullets said:
Forget it...I'll be elsewhere.

****in' moderators! You suck...just leave my shit alone!!!! Can ya' here me now?! Go ahead, BAN ME! See if I care...LOL

Hell, you'll probably move this post, too.
hmm, so, does the LOL bit mean you're joking ??
and where exactly would he move the post to....
crushenator 500 said:
hmm, so, does the LOL bit mean you're joking ??
and where exactly would he move the post to....

No, I wasn't joking, I was just laughing out loud at how ****in rude moderators can be. And when I said "hell, you'll probably move this post, too", I was being sarcastic since he moves almost every damn one of my posts.
I'm rude am I? Anyway, the threads were moved becuase they happened to be in the wrong section of the forums. It is my job to do this. Therefore, please refrain from insulting me.
Halo 2, Fable, and MGS3 respectively.

EDIT: Calm down itakeyourbullets. It's the mods' job to keep this forum in order..and he was just trying to help the poll.
Then why did he modify my poll to his liking? He added more games and changed the title. But, I didn't ask for all that. That's why I am upset.

And how is that poll not in the right forum? I put a poll concerning into the "General Gaming" wtf!? It deals with games and I believe it should not have been moved nor my poll changed.
itakeyourbullets said:
Then why did he modify my poll to his liking? He added more games and changed the title. But, I didn't ask for all that. That's why I am upset.

And how is that poll not in the right forum? I put a poll concerning into the "General Gaming" wtf!? It deals with games and I believe it should not have been moved nor my poll changed.

eh? From what I understand you originally posted this in the "General Off topic Chat" forum. The moderator kindly moved this to the correct forum, "the general gaming" forum the one we're in now. Now seriously this may sound strange but mods generally do take topics that are in the wrong forums and put them in the right forums, it's part of their job. I don't see what the moderator has done wrong. Except from change your poll which he reversed the changes. Why not just get him to edit the poll to the way you want it, instead of being a drama queen ?
Zapp$ter said:
Why not just get him to edit the poll to the way you want it, instead of being a drama queen ?
What do you think I have tried to do!?
I'm looking at Battlefield 2 and a whole mess of other games, but I'm mostly on the lookout for new stuff to look foward to.
And Bullets has been here for barely a few hours and is already flipping out? The mod moved the post into the correct forum, which is his job. Moderator editing of polls is so often requested that he just figured he'd save time, and all he ended up doing was adding a few options, hardly what I'd call detrimental. If you want to join a community its best to respect authority, at until you know who you're dealing with.
Direwolf said:
I'm looking at Battlefield 2 and a whole mess of other games, but I'm mostly on the lookout for new stuff to look foward to.
And Bullets has been here for barely a few hours and is already flipping out? The mod moved the post into the correct forum, which is his job. Moderator editing of polls is so often requested that he just figured he'd save time, and all he ended up doing was adding a few options, hardly what I'd call detrimental. If you want to join a community its best to respect authority, at until you know who you're dealing with.
Who asked for your input? And how do you figure I am flipping out...I'm just a little upset. Can we just put the past behind us, and officially close this thread (Moderator, I think that's your job).

And Direwolf, you don't know the least bit of it, so do yourself a favor, and stay out of it, okay?
Theres no reason for them to close the thread, as the topic is still valid.
I forgot to mention I've also been checking out some of the new Brothers in Arms media, and that game is slowly creeping its way up onto my most wanted list.
And lastly, have you ever posted on a forum before? We're very supportive of our moderators and the great and thankless job they do here, so its perfectly normal for me to back them up. And you don't discuss something on a public discussion board if you don't want anyone else to talk to you about it, thats what our Private Message system is for.
Brothers in Arms looks good because they aren't going to pull an EA and it is based on a true story.
Rome total War.
Battlefield 2
Soldiers heroes of WW2

and dude realy calm the hell down, or you will get banned.
starcraft ghost!!!holy crap!....vampire:the masquerade!!!damn!.....stalker!!!!**ck!!!!
The Legend of Zelda
Pikmin 2
Resident Evil 4
Mario Tennis
Rome: Total War
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Thief: Deadly Shadows
..... the list goes on. There are quite a few that I'm really anticipating and it's too hard to just list one.
Foxtrot said:
Brothers in Arms looks good because they aren't going to pull an EA and it is based on a true story.

Aren't all WW2 games based on a true story? :D

BTW, I'd have to say Rome: Total War. But then Nintendo had to go and spring a suprise Zelda on us. Of course Doom III and Stalker are on my list too. MGS3 and Gran Turismo will always have my heart. Yet you can't take the light away from The Sims 2. I don't know, I guess I can't pick my most anticipated game. Too many great ones coming down the pipes.
Thankfully your poll didn't work as you'd have left out the second best game of 2004

Game of the year - HL2
Game of the years slut bitch - STALKER
I'm looking forward to Advent Rising, STALKER and Doom 3.

itakeyourbullets: I'd appriciate you not trying to kick up a fuss. I was only trying to help. Oh, and this thread belongs here, so it was moved here. Anyway, if you have an issue with me, feel free to take it up with me via PM or IRC
Earlier, I replied with games from the original poll that I am looking forward to but there are much better games that I want to get. The Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil 4, and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. The GAMECUBE looks to be worth it after all. :bounce: :thumbs: :E