Besides Half-Life 2, which game are you most anticipating?

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Which game are you most anticipating? Eh?

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D3, Rome: Total War, maybe stalker, and some other ones i know im forgeting.

and i dont like itakeyourbullets, completely overreacted. very unnesessary and childish.
... other than Half-Life 2?

(in alphabetical order)

Battlefield 2
Brothers in Arms
Doom 3
Dungeon Siege 2
FEAR (looks promising but it's hard to tell)
Halo 2
Legend of Zelda
Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
Mario Tennis
Matrix Online
Metroid Prime 2
Middle Earth Online
Pikmin 2
Prince of Persia 2
Resident Evil 4
Rome: Total War
Serious Sam 2
Splinter Cell 3
Star Fox
Star Wars Battlefront
Star Wars Republic Commando
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Warhammer Online

PSP (I guess that's it for the hardware)
Steelwind said:
Aren't all WW2 games based on a true story? :D

BTW, I'd have to say Rome: Total War. But then Nintendo had to go and spring a suprise Zelda on us. Of course Doom III and Stalker are on my list too. MGS3 and Gran Turismo will always have my heart. Yet you can't take the light away from The Sims 2. I don't know, I guess I can't pick my most anticipated game. Too many great ones coming down the pipes.
No, I don't know what that garbage EA calls Medal of Honor was based on but it certainly wasn't world war 2.
Halo 2 and hmm, Warcraft IV? lol

If i had a nickle for everytime someone got pissed at me for trying to help fix their poll i wouldn't have anything, but mrbadger would.
Halo 2, Guild Wars, and the new Zelda game. I didn't play Windwaker cuz cel-shading sucks imo. I'm glad they got rid of it.
Well...Stalker, obviously. That game is going to be the biggest thing that's not HL2.

Apart from that, GTA5 and Full Spectrum Warrior.
I can't see what's the big deal with the new GTA, there's a new GTA released like every six months. I played the first one, what, like 37 years ago. Back then it really got me hooked. But now it's just getting out of hands, I lost the count somewhere near GTA2. Is this new San Andreas virtually GTA 5?
The.Spiral said:
Doom 3

Diablo III ?
Starcraft 2 ?

there will be no diablo 3 since the the key players on the blizard north team left blizzard. i think thats how it went.

but games. ffXII, doom3, staler, painkiller maybe, also the regualr hl based on source
I just remembered.... what happened to Tabula Rasa? I havent heard anything about it
Doom 3
Splinter Cell 3
Halo 2
Mortal Kombat: Deception
Brothers In Arms
Most anticpated game, other then HL2, is Halo 2. The multiplayer action looks awesome. But the single-player looks like it wont match up to HL2 or Doom 3's SP.

From the looks of that multiplayer movie i saw. Halo 2 is going to kick everything's ass (Except of course...well do i even need to say it?). When i saw it i was like "OMG THAT'S GONNA KICK HL2'S ASS!!" then i saw the new HL2 E3 vid and i was like "Halo? isn't that a song by The Cat Empire?"
Principally I'm interested in Vampire: The Masquerade in order to see how well other developers are able to use source, especially given that V:TM is more of an RPG than HL².

After that I'd say S.T.A.L.K.E.R. because it looks likely to offer up something new in the gameplay department, and the 3D engine is impressive both in scale and level of detail.
1-- All the hl2 expansions, and mods

2. Gta: san andreas
3. Brothers in arms (from gearbox)
4. moh: pacific assault